Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 361: Lam Fung vs. Akunolokia!

"It's just right!"

Lin Feng chuckled, licked his lips and revealed a wicked smile, his body accelerated suddenly, and the air made a popping sound.

"Stupid humans, do you want to compete with dragons in the flesh!"

A bright and confident light flashed in Akunolokia's eyes, and he was very proud of the strength of his physical body!

A hand-to-hand fight between Lin Feng and himself is no different from looking for death!


Lin Feng smiled without saying a word, those eyes were full of enchanting power, and the blood in his body flowed quickly, making his body warm. Lin Feng felt that he was full of energy and spirit at this time.

"Iron Fist!"

Akunorokia's huge dragon claws clenched into a fist shape, and aimed at Lin Feng's whole body and threw it down. Even Godzilla would be blasted into scum with this fist.


Lin Feng snorted, not afraid, looking at the huge dragon claws, the huge dragon body, invisibly, Akunorokia exuded the coercion of despair, if he had not experienced the blood of the dead mountain. People will definitely be necrotic by directly oppressing the cranial nerves by this coercion.


Lin Feng calmly raised his hand and fisted away.

The sound of two shocking and extremely hard things colliding, the sound is like a layer of pulsation, straight into the nine sky, the white cumulus clouds in the sky are coaxed away, and there seems to be an invisible energy column soaring into the sky. .


In the middle of the collision between Lin Feng and Akunorokia, there was an undissipated force behind Lin Feng, and a gust of wind blew violently behind Akunorokia.

Unstable rubble was washed away, and the huge rows of trees at the foot of the mountain were all slanted. The coast of this small island suddenly blew up violent winds and then blew the waves away in both directions.


There are still echoes in the sky, increasing one by one.

"How..... How could it be possible!? This human caught my punch!"

This shock seemed to be spiritual, and Akunorokia felt that his head was knocked hard from behind, dizzy.

This is completely beyond the scope of his knowledge of human physical power.

"Oh, nothing is impossible."

At this time, Lin Feng spoke, and said faintly: "Your power is really strong, so I can enjoy it!"

When Akunolokia heard Lin Feng's words, he was furious. Could it be that Lin Feng was testing himself just now?

"It's been a long time since I met a powerful human like you. You are proud to be killed by me!"

The dignified dragon king of Akunorokia has his pride. All humans and dragons will be trampled under his feet by him and destroy everything. He is the king of this world!

Lin Feng grinned at the corner of his mouth, and a slightly longer canine tooth could vaguely be seen at the corner of his mouth. His eyes were dark and bright, reflecting the scenery in front of him, and there was the mystery of the ups and downs of the universe.

Lin Feng looked ordinary at this time, floating in the air flat and flat. This kind of breath is like the first breath of the world when newborns are born. It is sacred, unclean, and pure white. , There is no trace of pollution, it is integrated with the world.

Akunorokia doesn't care about this, this human must be destroyed!

Akunorokia roared away again, Lin Feng smiled slightly, his body was flying in the air, without any fancy reaching out to grab the dark magic.

Suddenly, Akunorokia's roar was cut off by Lin Feng with one hand.

"The roar is cut off!"

Akunorokia's heart beat fiercely, and his throat rolled involuntarily.

Then he lifted the dragon’s legs and stepped on Lin Feng suddenly, but Lin Feng closed his eyes and flashed over easily, and the mountain below was crushed by Akunorokia, and the whole island trembled a few times. .


Quickly, Akunorokia attacked and killed another blood basin.

"Go away!"

Lin Feng faced the big mouth with an expression of disgust, and kicked it at Akunorokia's dragon mouth.

Suddenly Akunorokia seemed to have touched a taboo, and Akunorokia's huge dragon body flew out instantly, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding!


Akunolokiah roared, and the human in front of him could make him bleed!

The Gaitian dragon wings on both sides were like two sharp knives, slashing towards Lin Feng, and the air was torn apart on both sides. Lin Feng had no doubt that Akunorokia's wing attack could definitely split an island.


Lin Feng hovered in place, reaching out his hands to catch the dragon wings on both sides, and still used his fingers, a few fingers to pinch the edges of the dragon wings, the violent wind brought by the dragon wings instantly blew Lin Feng's clothes into an explosion.

"Such a powerful body, is he really a human?!"

Akunorokia couldn't help asking himself. He had seen such results time and time again, and he had already suspected that Lin Feng might be a certain powerful dragon species left over from ancient times.

"No! I can't move it!"

The pair of dragon wings of Akunorokia was confined by Lin Feng with five fingers, and they could not be retrieved. Once he tried hard, he felt that his wings would be torn apart.

"Hehe, don't waste your energy."

Lin Feng smiled lightly, his face still light, his hands seemed to use no strength, the muscles did not bulge a bit, the strength he used seemed to be serving a cup of tea.

"Just now you have been actively attacking, now it's me."

Lin Feng's eyes slowly narrowed into two crescents, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

As soon as Akunorokia heard Lin Feng's words, he felt flustered inexplicably. He opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng incredulously and said, "This human being actually made me panic!"

He couldn't believe that Lin Feng blocked his attack just now.

"Then the game begins, be careful!"

Lin Feng suddenly disappeared in place with an evil smile; when Akunolokia saw Lin Feng's disappearance, his heart jumped faster and faster.

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