Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 364: Ten times return!

"He's the same as me?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but sneered when he heard what Akunolokia said: "He is just a man with powerful magic power!"

Lin Feng and Akunolokia looked at each other, their eyes condensed, the world changed drastically in an instant, and there was no light in the world!

But soon the world ushered in the sun, everywhere with the fragrance of birds and flowers, full of majestic vitality, a scene of fish swimming and birds flying.

Akunorokia was in it, looking at this huge contrasting world, I couldn't help feeling a little panicked!

"What exactly is going on?!"

"Oh, the world is living and dying in my thoughts, whether it is you or Jeff!"

Lin Feng exuded a certain brilliance, his eyes flickered, and Akunolokia only glanced at it, and his eyes were bleeding, which made him feel a fear he had never had before.

Lin Feng's eyes focused, and he stretched out his right hand towards Akunolokia, and then gently and gently clenched his fist.


There was a huge muffled sound, and at that moment the world changed back to what it should have been. Akunolokia looked at Lin Feng in disbelief, and then slowly looked down at his body.

A blood hole!

There is a blood hole in Akunorokia’s chest with a diameter of ten meters. Although the size of the blood hole is nothing compared to Akunorokia’s body, it directly penetrates the huge body of Akunorokia. From the angle of Lin Feng, you can see the sea behind the blood cave.

In the next moment, a heart-piercing pain came from the sharp nerves, and the pain surged to the brain nerves like a flood of beasts.


Akunolokiah fell from the air, the sea splashed with tall waves, and the dragon's blood stained the water.

After tossing in the sea a few times, Akunorokia's head was covered with cold sweat, his two originally glowing eyes became dark and dull, and his muscles appeared to spasm.

The huge painful roar shook the sea. If ordinary humans could not bear Akunolokia's roar at all, they would be compressed for a moment!

Lin Feng watched faintly from above, watching Akunorokia churn in the mud like a lizard.

After coming here for a while, the blood hole in Akunolokia's chest had stopped the blood. His face was very bad at this time, and he looked at the forest wind in the sky with lingering fears.

"I have to say that the dragon's vitality is really ridiculously tenacious."

Lin Feng looked down at Akunolokia indifferently, raised his hand and twisted his wrist, as if he wanted to do something.

"who are you!?"

Akunorokia was standing in the sea. He didn't dare to get close to Lin Feng. He was hit hard by Lin Feng in an instant. If he had another punch, he might really have a Chinese meal!

And he didn't dare to turn Lin Feng and Jeff into the same person, because Lin Feng was not like a human at all, and he was weak in front of him like an ant that was just pinched to death!

How could there be such a human in this world! ?

"Why? Afraid? A hundred years ago, wasn't the slaughter very refreshing, the strongest dragon slayer, Akunorokia!"

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth was slightly tilted, and his eyes were slightly narrowed. The black compassionate shirt was dancing in the wind, and the sea breeze was blowing all over his body.

In the eyes of Akunolokia, Lin Feng is like an endless black hole, mysterious and ruthless!

"You know!" Akunorokia opened his eyes wide.

"What if you know, what if you don't know."

Lin Feng looked at Akunolokia indifferently and said, "Okay, let's continue."

"and many more!"

Akunolokia took a step backwards fiercely, and his muscles were compressed to the extreme. Once Lin Feng made a move, he immediately fled. Lin Feng's strength was terrible.

"What else do you want to say?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You have defeated me, you don't need to be so unfeeling."

Akunolokia was really worried, worried that Lin Feng would kill him. After all, he estimated that there was no chance that he could escape!

"Has defeated you?"

Lin Feng's temperament is changeable. He who was cold-blooded just now has become a good student thinking.

Akunolokia saw that Lin Feng was thinking, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lin Feng was not the kind of murderous person.


At this time, the long-forgotten Godzilla swims up from the sea.

It was snapped and flew by Akunorokia, knowing that he could not beat it, so he silently watched the master abuse Akunorokia under the sea, waiting for this time.

It is going to rely on people to bully the dragon!

"You want revenge?" Lin Feng looked at Godzilla and smiled.

"Roar, roar!" Godzilla spread his teeth and claws.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile: "You said you want to pay back ten times? Okay, okay!"

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the angry Godzilla readily agreed, then looked at the already sluggish Akunorokia and said: "You let him serve ten times, and I won't kill you."

"……OK then."

Akunorokia reluctantly accepted it. Who would have thought that the majestic Dragon King, Akunorokia, who has the power to destroy the world, would be bullied by a little beast. It is really a big dragon. Stain!

"Kh! Kh..."

Then, there was a crash that seemed to be metal, because Akunorokia's body was so tough that Godzilla would make this sound with every slap in the face.

"Enough." Akunolokia grievedly covered his face.


Godzilla was stunned, and without stopping his hand for a while, he slapped Akunorokia again.

After that, he looked at Akunolokia with his chest straight, his eyes seemed to say: "Slap face promotion, hit ten and get one free, if you refuse to accept it, go to my master!"

"Let's go."

Lin Feng said lightly, just about to cut through the void, Akunorokia said.

"Do humans tell me your name?"

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