Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 365: Jeff, I'm your big brother!

Akunorokia looked at the thin Lin Feng and said, "You have incomparable power. Are you not interested in rights and status? Your power can easily destroy the world. I believe that no one in mankind can stop it. , Why not rule the world?"

Akunorokia was afraid of Lin Feng, and he called Lin Feng the "you" of the Supreme.

"Not interested, whoever opposes my will will fight until I agree."

Lin Feng said lightly, and then opened the space to take Godzilla away.

Akunolokia watched Lin Feng leave with a complex expression. He was unable to refute what Lin Feng said. If he was as strong as he would be seriously injured by Lin Feng, who else could force Lin Feng to use his full strength?

He originally thought that the only enemy in this world was the Fire Dragon King, and Jeff was considered the strongest man, barely able to catch the eye, and the three were the world's peaks. Now he has no place for this ridiculous idea.

It turns out that there is a more powerful existence above the three of them!

"They should come too."

Lin Feng and Godzilla returned to Sirius Island in an instant, but Lin Feng did not deliberately get the azimuth, longitude and latitude, so they just returned to Sirius Island.

In front of Lin Feng, there was a jungle, and he made Godzilla shrink again, otherwise the original size of Godzilla would be too much an eye-catcher.

Walking in this jungle, Lin Feng met two people.


"Lin Feng!"

"President Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng squinted and watched Alba Green and Elfman help each other body-to-body. Slowly, Lin Feng showed an evil smile and said, "Have you guys been fighting for a lifetime?"


"certainly not!"

Elfman is a standard piece of wood, and doesn't understand these broad and profound language, but Elba Green is very clear.

Although she hasn't experienced it, she is at least an adult woman, and she has seen all kinds of people on missions all the year round, and she still knows more or less.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, and then thinking about the previous things, his face suddenly blushed.


Lin Feng laughed, and then said: "Have you passed the level?"

"Well, luck." Eba Greene was ashamed not to look at Lin Feng.


Lin Feng showed an expression of "I understand".

They haven't talked for long, the next second Lin Feng's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at a tree not far away.

Elfman and Alba Green saw Lin Feng's strangeness, and followed Lin Feng's line of sight.

"Why is there anyone here?"

As the three of them looked over, a black-clothed, black-haired man appeared in everyone's sights.

With his eyes wide open, he seemed to look at the Lin Feng three innocently.

"This is the holy land of our guild, who are you?"

Elfman asked loudly, and Elba Green was wary of the suspicious man in front of him.

"It turns out that this is the area under the jurisdiction of the guild." The man showed a suddenly realized expression.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Jeff."

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the black-haired man in front of him. It was Jeff that appeared.

Hearing Lin Feng calling his name, Jeff looked at him puzzledly, but then his expression suddenly changed and he became panicked!

"The hunt for death is about to begin again! Don't come near me! Run away!"

Jelf covered his head with his hands and muttered in his mouth, as if his brain was about to explode, his facial features became hideous, his body was trembling indiscriminately, and a black air slowly emerged from his body.

"What's the matter with this person?"

"I don't know, President Lin Feng, do you know this..."

Elfman turned his head and said, but before he finished speaking, there was a palm on his face.

After Lin Feng overpowered Elfman and Aba Green, he stood there without fear and watched the black air spread.

"Run away!"

Jeff tried his best to stop something. Dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his face became much paler.

The black air spread to the surrounding plants. The bizarre plants began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye without warning, then died, and finally turned into dust and dissipated in the wind.

This area was full of vitality just now, but now it is lifeless, all vitality is taken away!


Jeff almost fainted weakly, and exhaled a sullen breath easily, as if the strange thing just now had passed.

Elfman and Alba Green looked at everything around them incredible, imagined that if Lin Feng hadn't pressed them to the ground in time, they might have been hit by the black air and died like those plants.

"Lin Feng!"

Thinking of Lin Feng, Elfman and Alba Green immediately turned their heads, and they were saved by Lin Feng, but Lin Feng might not have time to dodge!

But when they turned their heads, they saw Lin Feng with a smile on his face, nothing happened at all.

"Leave here first, and deal with those people first."

Lin Feng said lightly, and then walked towards Jeff.

Elfman and Alba Green looked at each other, then decisively turned their heads and left. They knew that they were weak and couldn't help, so they retreated first to deal with the group of people mentioned by Lin Feng.

Jeff opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Feng who was coming. He just knew that he was hit by the black air, why is it okay? And he also felt that Lin Feng's eyes seemed to have been seen somewhere.

That is a pair of terrible eyes! .

"who are you?"

"I'm your big brother, have you forgotten?"

Lin Feng opened his eyes wide in surprise at first, opened his mouth slightly, raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger and pointed at Jeff, then his eyes were slightly rosy, his eyes focused on Jeff's face, and he even took a small step backwards. His voice choked with the little gesture of being saddened by Jeff.

Lin Feng's acting skills are worthy of being above the actor's level. His facial features vividly deduce a sense of grief that he has been separated from his brother for many years, especially the handling of some details.

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