Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 370: The desperate moment of everyone

"I thought you forgot that you are a Protoss, Leo, Leo!" Caprico looked at Leo lightly.

"Capricorn Caprico!" Leo's hand was shining with Leo golden light.

The battle between the two is about to start!


"You lose, Miraj, the devil!" Russiros smiled faintly.

Miraj turned into a demon, but her whole body was scarred and exhausted. If it weren't for the last will, she would have fallen.


Elfman and Alba Green were bound by Russiros, and Lussiros could kill them by just moving his fingers.

"Miraj, the devil, really deserves to be an S-rank wizard of Fairy Tail. If it weren't for your brother, I'm afraid I would be defeated by you." Russiro chuckles.

Although Russiros defeated Miraj in a disgraceful way, he only had to reach the goal.

"Come on, where is the man named Lin Feng?"

Luxiros moved his glasses.


Suddenly, Elfman showed a smirk.


Elsa and Azuma fight in the dense woods.

Armor of the Sky Wheel!

"This guy can move back and forth between the trees. The terrain here is not good for me."

Elisa changed her outfit, and there were so many complex swords of the Sky Wheel, which could defend against the vines everywhere.

"It is indeed the fairy queen in the rumors. It is indeed very powerful."

Azuma popped a head out of an ancient tree several hundred years old, admiringly said.

"But you are still far behind."

Azuma said again in a sighing tone, moving her lips and attacking again.

"Buzzing Bee!"

"Burning branches!?"

Elisa was immediately alert and saw a few branches spreading and bursting out, and there was actually a flame burning at the top!

While Elisa was thinking about it, the flying branches had already been killed.

Elisa violently lifted the double swords and cut them off. With two or three strokes, Elisa cut off the branches.

Just when Elisa wondered how could it be so simple, the flame radiated violently and exploded violently around Elsa.


Several explosion points were not more than one meter away from Elsa, Elsa was blown up and flew out from the black smoke.

"Ha ha."

Azuma chuckled, as if all this was already within his expectations, and said lightly: "Let's talk, where is your president?"

When Elisa was caught in a hard fight, the situation on Naz's side was not optimistic.

"Kagutu of God of Flame!"

Zankeluo opened his palms, and a ball of black flame enveloped Naz.


Hobby was flying in the sky and screamed when he saw Naz falling into a bitter battle.


Naz was accidentally hit, trapped by this black flame ball, he felt that his flame was about to die out.

However, he did not give up his fists and was still unleashing the Flame of Slaying Dragon, resisting stubbornly.

"Kaka, it's useless, the black inflammation of the Flame God will swallow you!"

Zancroft laughed exaggeratedly, and there were many scars on his body, and it seemed that it was not easy for him to deal with Naz.


Suddenly, Naz violently released flames in the ball of black flame, burning magic power to his heart, as if desperately struggling.

"Are you still stubbornly resisting? It's just a flashback, Ka Ka!"

Zankeluo saw the flame god's Kagutu suddenly shoot out the light of different flames, and knew that Naz was making the final resistance.

This feeling of slowly killing the enemy makes Zancroft very happy.

"do you died?"

Seeing that the fire was gone, only his own black flame was burning, and Naz did not move, there was no magic wave, thinking that Naz was dead.



Suddenly, Zankeluo heard the familiar sound of smoking the flames.

Turning his head and looking around, Zanke Luo was shocked!

"My... Flame God Black Flame was..."

Zankeluo was shocked by the sight in front of him, and his black inflammation was actually being swallowed!

Gradually, the black flame ball shrank, until the last ray of black flame entered Naz's mouth.

"Ah! Thank you for the hospitality!"

Naz's voice was hoarse, and he made a smooth voice. He lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, but he could hear him very happy now.

"How... how could it be possible!"

Zankeluo stepped back in fear and trembled: "How can I swallow my Flame God Black Flame!"

"God's fire?"

Naz slowly raised his head, grinning open his mouth revealing two sharp canine teeth and big white teeth, and staring at Zankeluo.

"You...what are you doing?!"

Zankroh saw Naz's eyes and pushed back in fear. He never thought of his black inflammation being swallowed.

He also felt that Naz had changed after swallowing the Flame God Black Flame.

"Dragon God's-Huang Yan!"

Aside from anything else, Naz's right hand is his own Dragon Slayer Flame, and his left hand is Zankruo's God Slayer Flame, approaching Zankruo step by step.

"Don't... don't come over!"

Zancro has always been very accurate. He saw the fireball intertwined with the two kinds of lost flames. A sense of fear crawled into his heart. Zancroi jumped away immediately, but he was too slow!


How painful Zankeluo was when he was scalded by the flames for the first time, he soon fainted, and was blasted into the sky by the force of the huge flames, and then Naz's eyelids were weakly pulled down, and he fell without strength.

On the other side, the most important battle.

"The Fairy Law!"

"Devil's Law!"


The two shocking magics collided head-on, the light was very dazzling, and the entire Sirius Island was illuminated.

"Boy, you are too tender!"

Hades was well versed in the laws of fairies, and soon Hades's extremely powerful magic defeated Makarov and threw him into the air.

The light of the fairy law attracted Mebis and Jeff.

"It's the law of fairies!"

Mebius's footsteps are even faster, and even the law of one of the three magical magic of fairies has come out. It must be an extremely powerful enemy!

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