Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Lin Feng finally appears

Hades looked at Makarov who was flying upside down, sneered, and turned his eyes, suddenly saw a figure walking into the forest.

"Brunott! Haven't found that Lin Feng yet?"

Hades frowned slightly with his hands on his back, then quickly stretched out, looking at the huge Sirius tree and saying: "I didn't want to send him out, Makarov, now it's over! "

Far in the middle of Sirius Island, Lin Feng saw Mebis' cemetery, and at a glance, he saw the three magic of the goblin and burned it in it.

But it takes Mebis to learn, but this taboo is like nothing in Lin Feng's eyes.

Lin Feng was also attracted by the golden glow of the fairy law on the horizon and the explosion.

"Did you lose, Makarov."

Lin Feng faintly watched the golden light and the dark light disappear, his eyes were indifferent, like the sadness of autumn.

Then Lin Feng continued to move forward and soon came to the tombstone.

"The three magic of fairies, it looks very interesting."

Lin Feng put his hands on his trousers belt, stood straight, his eyes flatly reflecting on an ancient tomb full of vicissitudes of life in front of him, who could have imagined that the first guild in the kingdom was founded by a little girl.

The wind was blowing here, Lin Feng looked back at this Sirius Island, the virgin forest, and ancient creatures multiply here, but now it is full of wars, their strength is weak, and they all fled here.


The Godzilla next to him did not speak for a long time, and suddenly he snarled hostilely to the south.


Then there was a loud noise very close to the forest wind, and mushroom-like dust rose into the sky.

Lin Feng turned around and took another look at Mebis' tombstone. He reached into the crack in the space and took out a white round, steamed bun!

"Give you another flower."

It seemed that he felt shabby even when he looked at it. He broke a beautiful wild flower from his feet and placed it in front of the tombstone, then turned and left.

"It's time to settle down well next."

Lin Feng stepped forward, his eyes were cold, the shrinking Godzilla followed behind silently, and the demon terminator slowly walked towards the sound source of the explosion.

"Unexpectedly, there is a character like you in Fairy Tail! Such a powerful person must be very popular with girls, **** it!"

Kainsi Kalu ate the ice cream in his hand angrily, not knowing why he was angry, at this time he was buried by a pile of stones, only his head and hand holding the ice cream were exposed.

And he was very sad, and when he landed on Sirius Island from the air, he met the S-rank wizard Kildas, and he was beaten up.

"Who are you?"

Kildas said coldly, the sleeve of his right hand burst, and his strong muscles were exposed in the air. There was no clown in the past. Now he only has violence on his face!

"We are the dark guild, the heart of the devil, and I am Kainsi Kalu, one of the seven servants of Purgatory!"

Cain finished licking the ice cream, arched up and bounced the rocks away, and stood up fatly.

"Devil's heart?"

Kildas felt familiar, but couldn't remember.

"You should be the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail, right?"

Cain shook his head, moving his body.


Kildas denied it without even thinking about it. Makarov would be able to defeat Kildas before the strongest, not to mention the existence of that person.


Kaine was taken aback, but he didn't expect Kildas to be so powerful, and he was not the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail.

"That's your president? By the way, I forgot to ask you, where is your guy named Lin Feng?"

Kaine seemed to have enough activity, and his feet moved away to accumulate energy.

"You are looking for Lin Feng?" Kildas narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, Sister Urutia said that Lin Feng is very dangerous, so President Hades ordered the first priority to kill Lin Feng."

As Kain said, his feet smashed to the ground, and his fat body rushed towards Kildas.

"Engrave iron when ugly!"

Kain opened his hands in excitement, and his fat body actually flew up.

Kildas looked at the flying Kaine, clenched his fist and hit it on the head.


It was the same blasting sound just now, but this time it was more powerful than last time.

"Blocked again!"


Kaine and Kildas issued different exclamations. Kildas was surprised. When he hit Kaine, it was obvious that Kaine's head had changed.

"You are so annoying!"

Kildas was slightly angry, and didn't even think about why this happened, and directly used magic.

"Split Magic!"


Kaine was still hitting Kildas, the next moment he felt a warm feeling over his head, and then he felt that his body was not his own!


Kildas made a strong impact, and Kaine couldn't resist it and was bombarded again. This time, it was enveloped by Kildas' smashing magic, and he was rushed into the air and exploded.

Suddenly, many villains fell from the smoke.

"What's this...what's going on?" Little Cain asked in surprise.

"How come I have become so much! No, it seems to be smaller!" Another little Kaine looked at his hands in horror.


In front of Kildas, a large group of small caines, only the size of puppets, but there are hundreds of them.

Kildas no longer pays attention to Kaine. His decomposition magic can break the enemy into hundreds of mini clones and make them lose their combat ability. If you want to cancel it, you can only wait for the magic to expire.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly a powerful wave of magical power came from the base area, and the ground began to tremble!

"Hehe, it's over, Makarov."

Hades on the airship looked confidently at the big explosion in the fairy tail base in the forest.

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