Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Solve in one go

"You can just stop!"

Suddenly, there was a shout, and Naz and Gray trembled when they heard the familiar voice, and their pores exploded. It was as if the body had received an electric shock, and the soul had been hit, this double damage.

Naz, Gray stopped, Naz's toes were inserted into Gray's nostrils, and Gray's hands pulled Naz's mouth, and the two became stiff like wood.

The people around also heard the sound and turned their heads to look at them one by one.

Lin Feng turned and looked indifferently, the temperature of those eyes can condense the heart, breathtaking, and make people feel desperate.

Naz, Gray was stared at by Lin Feng, and he let go of his feet and hands in fear, and even hugged them.

"Who is that? Is it also the Fairy Tail Sorcerer?"

"seems like it."

"That person looks familiar, I seem to have seen it there?" There was an old wizard who touched his chin and thought.

"Be quiet, can you?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked away from Naz and Gray, and took everyone present in his eyes.

Lin Feng spoke in a low tone, although he was seeking advice, but the indisputable spoken language was frightening. It was not like soliciting, but command!

"What a strong pressure!"

The people at the scene didn't dare to take a breath. I don't know why they looked at Lin Feng and didn't have any resistance to it. They even thought that as long as they spoke, they would be mercilessly beheaded on the spot, even if they didn't refute!

Lin Feng's face was expressionless, he swept his eyebrows coldly, then turned around, his eyes condensed, there seemed to be thousands of sharp swords flying out of his eyes, and the power of the majestic atmosphere poured out violently, like a wild beast out of a cage, suddenly crushed. The enchantment magic power below!

Lucy below felt that the balance power on both sides of the body was instantly broken, and Lucy and Wendy were lifted up instantly and flew towards Naz.

"Come and have fun."

Lin Feng licked his dry lips, a cruel brilliance flashed in his eyes.

"Strength! Become stronger!"




The twenty-seven wizards in Fulaniao all fell down and spit out a mouthful of muffled blood, their faces were pale and bloodless, and the light of the magic circle became dim.

"No! That power robbed the two girls!"

Someone shouted with all his might, he suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes, and their enchantment magic was shattered by that force.

They believed that the power came from the dark forces and would be against the two girls.


With Lucy's soprano, Wendy and Lucy were moved up by Lin Feng and sat on the hard floor.

"Lucy, Wendy are you all right?"

Naz asked immediately.

"It's okay."

Lucy rubbed her **** and stood up and found that there were so many people around. It was strange that they were motionless, with fear in their eyes, and she couldn't help but wonder: "What happened to Naz and the others, why are they still?"

"do not know."

Naz shook his head, then looked at Lin Feng.

Lucy also followed Naz's gaze, and when she saw Lin Feng exclaimed, she covered her mouth and said, "What is Lin Feng doing?

Or did someone provoke Lin Feng to make him angry? Otherwise, how could such a powerful energy burst out? "

At this time, there seemed to be a violent whirlwind around Lin Feng, and he was just in the middle. The flurry of hair and clothes gave people a sense of being alone standing on the top.

"Quick! Follow the energy!"

In the Flavio competition venue, one of the twenty-seven wizards, who seemed to be the leader, shouted and played a magic circle, and a magical power was injected into the huge magic circle below, suddenly the light of the huge magic circle A little brighter.

The other twenty-six wizards didn't speak much, enduring the pain and casting their magic one after another, and immediately the magic power was output from one small magic circle.

After the magic power was strengthened, the enchantment magic power below Lin Feng suddenly materialized and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Huh, just the last light back!"

Lin Feng looked down on that magical power rushed up, and finally the blue magical power rushed up like a stormy wave. Nazgray Wendy Lucy behind Lin Feng's eyes widened.

"what is that?!"

"So powerful magic!"

"Is it the magic that pulled me just now?!" Ruth felt the familiar magic particles and said in surprise.

And the wizards of the other guilds were all shocked. They had never seen such a ferocious magic power. They were as small as ants before this magic power!

Lin Feng sneered, and then a burst of white energy burst out. This energy looked very weak, like a quietly crawling dragon.

Lin Feng's thoughts moved, and the white energy entwining Lin Feng's body strongly suppressed the magic power of the twenty-seven wizards in all directions, and wanted to crush the blue magic power.

"Fuck! That person can actually suppress that kind of magic!"

"How powerful is that guy!"

Someone was shocked in a cold sweat, and their faces turned pale, secretly thanking that they didn't do anything, or else they didn't know how they died.

"Is he also a fairy tail sage! Isn't it said that fairy tail is the weakest guild in crane tail?"

All the people present were dumbfounded watching Lin Feng wipe out the magic power that could crush them, and everyone was horrified and didn't know what to do.

Lin Feng deliberately did this and wanted to play slowly with the twenty-seven wizards. He seemed to think of something Lin Feng raised his brows, turned around, and glanced at the preliminaries randomly.

"It's almost time, and those who have advanced have also advanced. In the end, it's us, so let's solve it together!" Lin Feng looked at the playing field.

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