Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 425: Push all the way!

Lin Feng thought for a while, the time was almost up, and he planned to solve the rest in one go.

Lin Feng wanted this. He felt that it was too troublesome to find a map or something. The most direct, there was only one shortest road, and that was a straight road.

Lin Feng looked at the qualifiers field, the blue energy behind was gradually eroded by Lin Feng’s energy, and the people around didn’t dare to move, because Lin Feng’s eyes were too sharp, and the place where he could see seemed to be his domain. .

Lin Feng had no expression on his face, and said softly: "Stop playing, kill it."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Feng's body suddenly rioted with invisible energy, and the white energy was nothing but Lin Feng's waste.

The blue magic power seemed very small in front of this power, and it was wiped out in an instant.

After obliterating the official magic power of the Great Demon Dou Yanwu, Lin Feng's energy began to spread around.

Everything around it began to crumble for no reason, and was crushed by the energy released by Lin Feng, and the blocks of the standing ground also cracked and burst. Soon the plate where Lin Feng was standing was covered with debris, like a spider web. Generally, but the cracks are very irregular.

"What kind of power is this! It's terrifying!"

"Is this a shattering magic lost in ancient times?"

"The ground is cracked!"

"Who is he!?"

"Fuck! There are monsters in Fairy Tail! Monsters!"

The people around were trembling and saw that the entire venue was falling apart. They were terrified, and they all looked at Lin Feng in horror.

"Lin Feng, we will also fall if this continues."

Ruth pulled Wendy and said loudly, holding Naz's clothes in the other hand just in case.

Naz and Gray looked at Lin Feng and wanted to say something, but they still didn't say anything. They knew that all this was Lin Feng's will, so it was useless to speak.



As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, the plate where Lin Feng, Nazgray Wendy Lucy and the four were located suddenly shattered, so scared that Lucy closed his eyes and did not dare to look at it.

The plates shattered into fragments, and fell without some support, but Naz and the others still stood in place intact.

"We... are really in place!"

Lucy couldn't feel the sense of loss of control of her falling body, and slowly opened her eyes.

"We are in the sky... flying!" Naz widened his eyes excitedly.

"No! We are not flying, we should be suspended in the air." Gray said, touching his chin.

"It was President Lin Feng who made us levitate," Wendy said.

At this time, Naz and the others were still standing on the spot, even if there were no plates, they could still stand in the air without falling.

Naz and the others did not fall, but the others suffered. They did not have the special abilities given by Lin Feng, and fell together with the surrounding pieces, disqualified for the game.

Lin Feng was surrounded by violent power, his clothes fluttered, and his black hair danced wildly. His eyes seemed to be twinkling, and his indifferent eyes swept across the surroundings. Then he fixed his eyes and looked straight at the center of the pre-selected venue. His eyes seemed to penetrate everything.

In Flavio, there are only eight teams in the promotion game, and now seven teams have come here to qualify for the promotion.

And the 27 wizards inside all vomited blood.

More than a dozen people were already in a coma. When Lin Feng directly obliterated their magic power with overwhelming power, they were beaten back.

"Quick, swap the video magic crystal, I want to see what happened there!"

One of the twenty-seven wizards raised his head with difficulty, and said to the soldiers who rushed in.

"Also, let the people called the Magic Council come together. This power is too powerful and is beyond our control." Another wizard raised his head with difficulty and said weakly.

They never thought that the power would be so powerful that it could crush them in an instant. It turned out that the previous stalemate was all mocking them.

"What the **** are Naz and the others, why haven't they come for a long time?"

Laxus put his hands around his chest, his calm personality couldn't help but said anxiously.

They have been here for a long time, and now seven of the eight teams have advanced, and there is only one place.

"Master Gray will not be with Lucy..."

On the other side, Jubia bit his handkerchief, thinking about something, but there were tears in his eyes.

"Jubia, you have to believe in Gray." Elisa patted Jubia on the shoulder and said.

"Naz and the others are very strong and won't be defeated by others. Besides, isn't there still President Lin Feng who will grow up."

Everybody's ladylike Mila smiled slightly, very sweet, she was wearing a black dress dress today, she looked generous.

This team is the Fairy Tail B team, which Makarov did, while the Fairy Tail Linfeng Naz team is the A team, and Elisa is the B team.

The members of Team B are Elisa, Laxus, Jubia, Mira and Elfman.

Because the eighth team was late, the audience outside the field began to become impatient, and at this time, the entire field suddenly shook.

"Oh! What happened?"

The voice of the narrator spread throughout the venue, accompanied by the harsh sound of the horn.

The shock was not great, the protection magic of the enchantment fixed all the buildings, and no building collapse occurred.

On Lin Feng's side, Lin Feng flew up, and the surrounding violent energy frantically raged and destroyed the obstacles in front of him. Everywhere he went, the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves horizontally. In the middle, he also encountered that he was still struggling for promotion. The struggling guild wizard.

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