Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 426: Devil!

Naz, Gray, Lucy and Wendy flew behind Lin Feng.

They quietly watched Lin Feng who did not follow the normal path, and the violent force violently destroyed obstacles to clear the way.

"No way, why these floors suddenly cracked...Ah! I fell!"

Several people rushed to find the right route, but the ground suddenly cracked and fell as they walked.

"Not only the floor under your feet, but the one beside you, the top of your head is cracking!"

"What's the matter, what power is this!?"

Some people fled around in horror, ignoring whether the line was correct or incorrect.

"Look, those five people actually fly in the sky!"

"The one at the front! It was the terrifying magic exuding him that caused all this!"

Someone spotted Lin Feng and Naz with sharp eyes.

Lin Feng led the Naz four all the way to the center, all the way, because it was too cruel and desperate, their shocking momentum has been transmitted to the center's official competition venue Flavio.


Lin Feng suddenly noticed something. He brows lightly, turning his head playfully and looking to the left, where there is an extra magic crystal for camera.

And the twenty-seven wizards in the official competition venue are also looking at the huge screen in front of them in the magic room.

In addition to the twenty-seven wizards, there was also a man in a white cloak and blue and white uniform.

"This young man is so powerful!"

"I want to ask him what kind of magic he used?! There is such a power!"

"Oh! I know who he is, that arrogant Fairy Tail president!"

"What are you talking about, he is Lin Feng! But why did he participate in the martial arts performance as the president?"

Twenty-seven magicians watched what happened in the preliminaries through the magic crystal, trying to find the energy source that shattered their magic just now.

However, they did not find out after they inspected the entire venue. Finally, they were attracted by the noise made by Lin Feng. You said every sentence.

Seeing Lin Feng leaping through the sky, it was easy to destroy everything around him without any effort and effort, which shocked them.

"Lin Feng!"

Dolan Bart stared at Lin Feng on the screen, his pupils focused deeply and slowly condensed, revealing a very solemn expression.

He was invited, knowing that there might be a dark magic on the scene, Dolan Barter, a member of the Magic Council, rushed over immediately, and when he saw it, he saw the familiar face.

"Barthes, what's wrong with you, why is your face so bad suddenly?"

A friend of Dolan Barthes among the twenty-seven wizards asked, he saw Dolan Barthes look suddenly changed, and his expression was not good.

"It's okay."

Dolan Barth shook his head and said to his friend in a serious tone: "Don't mess with him! This may be related to the survival of the Fiore Kingdom, remember my words!"

Dolan Barth said it very seriously, very seriously, this is definitely not a joke, he knows that Lin Feng has this ability!

Lin Feng saw the magic crystal on his side, with a malicious smile on his face, flew over.

"He flew here!"

Someone in the magic room knew it was a shout, and Dolan Bart suddenly looked up.

Lin Feng flew in front of the magic crystal, smiling, and then he snatched it, holding the magic crystal in his hand.

"Ahem... People over there, listen to me."

Lin Feng put the magic crystal in front of him and said, "Who is so **** with such boring rules of the game, if you let me know, it will definitely make him crooked to the sky! The big fart is still a maze! Okay, I Finished talking, goodbye."

Lin Feng squeezed the magic crystal and continued on his way.

The magician and others over there looked at the screen full of Lin Feng's face, listening to his disrespectful words, the whole magic room was silent for a while.

The twenty-seven wizards and Dolan Bart looked at Lin Feng in a daze, but he didn't know what to say, but he was speechless.


Lin Feng waved his hand, the magic crystal instantly turned into powder and drifted with the wind, and the obstacles on the other side also turned into powder in an instant, the horror of the scene made the magicians below panic.

"There is such a way to reach the sky!"

"What a powerful magic, you can destroy this hard thing in an instant!"

"It is said that the extremely powerful wizard was honored as the demon king by the ancients. The devil's magic power is boundless and can lead a party in that ancient era!"

"He is so young that he has such outstanding combat power and outstanding magic. He may be a young demon!"

"Young Devil! It's scary!"

"But he is just as scary, he is really a young devil!"

With the ravages of Lin Feng's power, the field was almost wiped out, and people kept falling.

They are all people who have already walked out of this maze, and they are only one step away from being able to advance, but with Lin Feng ahead of that step, it is impossible for them to step through.

Lin Feng led the Naz four forward, pushing all the way, all the stairs and other things were shattered, and the wizards of other guilds continued to fall on the way to lose the qualification.

Of course there are also resistance.

"Fire Magic Jet!"

There is a magician wearing a flame-patterned suit who spit out a high-temperature flame at Lin Feng in the sky. The temperature is extremely high. The flame's destructive attack power is famous, and this is his unique skill.

"Oh! Flame!"

Naz behind Lin Feng saw flames flying up from below and couldn't help feeling his stomach. Naz was a little hungry.

"There are even some stubborn opponents, not bad."

Lin Feng looked down at the flame, unmoved, and able to remain calm even when everyone was panicking, and attacked Lin Feng, the psychological quality was rare.

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