Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 498: The world is destroyed by accident

On the silent game field, there were quick breaths, and a figure slowly appeared from the ruins.

The people of the three guilds all fell into the huge pit in the blow of Lin Feng. The huge impact brought heavy hurricanes, and the sharp wind blades cut down, leaving several criss-crossing lines on their bodies. Scars.

"What's the matter? Just now Lin Feng was still in an unfavorable situation! It's okay now, people in other guilds are all scarred by Lin Feng!"

"Forget it, Lin Feng is actually unscathed. I don't know what the people in the three guilds are eating. Didn't they miss it?"

"It must have been missed! It was all sand and dust just now, how could it be possible to hit Lin Feng, it must be so!"

"What! It seems that it was just missed, but all of them were hit by Lin Feng in the pit, what happened?"

"Do you still need to think about it? I must have not seen it clearly, how can I notice such a big dust!"

"Hehe! Don't pretend, it's obviously that Lin Feng is too strong! You don't want to admit it yet!"

In the audience, people who supported Lin Feng, did not support Lin Feng, and all kinds of people who watched the excitement were all talking, and the noise even overwhelmed the voice of the host Chabady, and was once caught in various quarrels.

However, Lin Feng, as the source of this quarrel and the central point of the whole game, dismissed it.

However, this is always the biggest event of the Fiore Kingdom of the year. In the final of this big battle, Lin Feng is not only interested in the Dragon King Festival, but also intends to let people in other guilds fully understand Fairy Tail. Awesome.

In the past few years, Fairy Tail has retreated from the first to the end of the guild, and it has suffered all the twists and turns, and as the president of Fairy Tail, it is not bad to do a little effort.

This not only brings a strong recognition of Fairy Tail to people all over the world, but also makes everyone feel arrogant when it comes to Fairy Tail.

Moreover, Lin Feng's original intention was just to play with the guilds on such a big stage, and did not lay down a heavy hand. Once Lin Feng was serious, it might be difficult to control his intensity.

Otherwise, the entire guild may be destroyed by accident, no... it may even be destroyed by the entire Duchy of Fiore accidentally, or even an entire continent may be turned into ashes by accident!

However, Lin Feng is still ready to let these audiences and people in these guilds know what is the strongest!

To make them feel desperate and admire extremely, then just show their strength at the tip of the iceberg.

Just want them to use all their methods of attack and feel powerless to Lin Feng.

Therefore, after Lin Feng wiped out the dust with one kick, there was no other movement, but he waited for the people around him to take another shot.

"Pain-relieving fragrance!"

With a wave of his hands overnight, a magic circle appeared on his head, perfume was fluttering, and he rushed to the surroundings, and the others around him slowly recovered some of their looks.

Although it was just a small wind blowing, it was just a slightly manic wind in the eyes of others, but the extraordinary capacity can only be understood by people who have experienced it.

The people of the three guilds looked at Lin Feng, who was silent in front of him. When he thought of the attack just now, a few drops of cold sweat flowed out of his forehead, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Facing everyone's offensive, Lin Feng collapsed without any effort. Can this not make everyone's minds startled and scared to act rashly?

At this moment, there must be a leader in the guild leading everyone, making moves to guard and attack.

One night in the entire United Guild, he was considered an experienced senior. He took his own short steps and said: "The fragrance of power!"

A burst of marvelous perfume flickered in the air, drifting into the noses of other people, and everyone immediately felt energetic and clenched with strength.

"Everyone, listen to me!" Said overnight: "During the attack just now, everyone sent their own magic attacks and concentrated on Lin Feng. This power is not enough!"

"This kind of attack that is arbitrarily put together like scattered sand can easily be caught by people's weaknesses, so it will be dispelled by Lin Feng in an instant! We must integrate our own magic together and give a A stronger attack!"

He explained forcibly overnight, but he was very uneasy, because he didn't know whether his statement could reinvigorate everyone's confidence.

But the more seemingly unreasonable words, the more convincing people were. After hearing them, everyone couldn't help but agree: "That's right, just a blow is just a shotgun, how can there be any power!"

"This kind of casual attack has no power at all, Lin Feng just caught our weakness." Xiang Leitis said.

"Oh? Do you think so?"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, revealing an intriguing smile, and said: "Then you do it again, I want to see where you can do it."

Obviously, Lin Feng's indifferent smile angered everyone. Now facing the joint attack of the three guilds, he smiled disapprovingly, and even provoked everyone in the three guilds, simply despising them all!

"White Dragon's Wing Strike!"

"Shadow Dragon's Wing Strike!"

Seeing that Sting and Rogge first launched a surprise attack, the two black and white lights and shadows were in harmony, like Tai Chi Yin and Yang twins, both attacking Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled faintly when he saw this, his smile revealed his unhurried composure, his hands were slowly raised, his movements were natural and unrestrained, his hands stretched forward, and he hit Sting and Roger's chest with a palm.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The black shadow and white light dissipated instantly, and a detached whirlwind immediately rolled up, shattering the rear of Sting and Roger!

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