Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 499: Instantly collapse the alliance!

The violent wind howled, riots broke out, and the strong impact tore through all the buildings in front of Lin Feng, and a long deep pit appeared in front of everyone.

As the cyclone went straight forward, everything it went to was turned into rubble, and even hit the sea. The sea turned the sky overwhelming, forming waves of waves that washed to the shore.

Immediately, Sting and Rogge vomited a big mouthful of blood, flew into the air, and yelled in pain: "Ahhhhh! Everyone, take the opportunity!"

The cyan Tianma reacted immediately, waving the ancient document with both hands, and making a number of signs on the ground around Lin Feng, saying: "Flash!"

Suddenly, the rumbling explosion sounded through the audience, and the ground where Lin Feng was standing was instantly shattered, and a huge pit appeared.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng jumped up and hung in the air, overlooking the ground covered by sand, with a calm expression on his face.

"The United Guild has made another move!" The host Chabady yelled: "What will they do this time..."

Before Chabaddi could finish speaking, more than a dozen magic circles appeared below Lin Feng, shining with dazzling rays of light, and the direction of these rays was exactly where Lin Feng was!

"What! All the members of the United Trade Union appeared under Lin Feng! They all aimed at Lin Feng, do you plan to kill Lin Feng with one blow?" Chabaddi asked in surprise.

I saw multiple magic lasers blasted from more than ten magic arrays, spiraling under Lin Feng, and finally combined together, forming a huge magic light wave rushing towards Lin Feng!

"Is this combo magic?" Chabady was shocked, but he looked at Mr. Yajima in a puzzled way.

Mr. Yajima looked at this magical light wave, and was shocked for a while. It was impossible to know that a coalition guild formed suddenly would be impossible to develop a fusion magic in a short time.

But as long as everyone's will is unified, everyone's magic can echo the will of their own hearts and be combined together in a complementary manner.

It is conceivable that for everyone in these three guilds, how powerful is Lin Feng’s threat and courage, even at the expense of his own guild’s dignity and self-esteem, to unite with other opponents to attack Lin Feng. .

It is not difficult to see how everyone in the United Trade Union is looking forward to defeating Lin Feng first!

"This time the magic attack is very different from the previous scattered attacks. Everyone has released their strongest power, even if they dare not face to face next!" Mr. Yajima choked in his heart.

Such a moment of excitement and tension caused an upsurge in the audience. Many people shouted: "Hahaha! If this shot goes on, Lin Feng will definitely suffer!"

"That's right, you deserve to pretend to be forced, and now you're going to be beaten in the face!"

There were ridicules in the lively audience, and the audience watched the broadcast of Magic Crystal intently and watched the game.

Fiery magical waves of light rose from the ground, cut through the sky, and rushed towards Lin Feng fiercely, just about to hit Lin Feng.

"It looks a bit powerful, but it's still too tender." Lin Feng said lightly.

I saw Lin Feng, who was still in the air, folded his legs and placed it in front of his chest, and then suddenly opened, using the reaction force to reverse his figure.

At this time, Lin Feng's head was facing the ground, raised his right hand with his clenched fist, and fisted towards the magic light wave.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The deafening explosion sounded loudly, and the flames that had previously erupted in the midair instantly, rushing straight into the sky, and a black mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the sky.

The raging fire fell from the sky and fell below the forest wind. In an instant, the entire battlefield's buildings were drawn into the raging fire, like hell, making everyone fearful.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The second part of the earth-shaking loud noise struck again, and a strong impact that was visible to the naked eye broke out in the midair, which suddenly blasted down the sky. The people of the United Trade Union who were still standing under Lin Feng had no time to dodge and directly hit this impact.

Blood foam flew horizontally, smoke and dust billowed, all of a sudden enveloping the audience, only layers of sand and dust were seen on the screen broadcasting the magic crystal, and no one was seen.

"Unbelievable! What happened just now!?"

Chabady hadn't reacted yet, his eyes widened, and he froze on the host stage dumbfounded.

Mr. Yajima was also so frightened that he stood up suddenly, staring at the telecasting magic crystal, projecting an incredible look.

Before the people in the audience could be shocked, Lin Feng appeared in the sand.

Lin Feng looked around indifferently, his icy eyes revealed a trace of heaviness, his whole body exuded the demeanor of a strong man, walking slowly in the field, while the people around him vomited blood and lay on the ground, just dumbfounded. Looking at Lin Feng, he was unable to fight back.

At this time, Lin Feng was watching the people around him like a god, and the power of life and death was all controlled by Lin Feng. It was simply the biggest insult to these people who were well-known in the Kingdom of Fiore.

This is also a helpless thing, even the three guilds can not compete with Lin Feng, this is the gap between strength!

Lin Feng gently waved his hands, and a wind blade blew from his hands, slamming the people around to the ground far away, and deep scars criss-crossed their bodies, embarrassed.

"What's going on! Just now, the members of Cyan Pegasus and Snake Ji's Scales fell to the ground one after another, and the original good situation is now easily reversed by Lin Feng!" Chabaddi said in astonishment.

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