Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 589: Master of the Realm King

Then Lin Feng put Sun Wufan on the ground, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Had it not been for Raditz's madness and suddenly pointed the finger at Monkey King, Lin Feng would not have appeared. This could be a small episode.

Now that Raditz is dead, Monkey King has come to the Realm King God for special training, and Piccolo will also train Monkey King.

Although Piccolo's strength was not great, it was enough for the current Sun Gohan.

"This is Jiewangxing? So small?"

Soon after, Lin Feng's figure appeared directly on the world king star. After looking around the surroundings, Lin Feng said lightly.

The realm king is a relatively high-level **** in the universe, but the residence of this realm king **** is so small, and the strength of this person is average, the image is also relatively special, and there is no such thing as a god.

"Huh? Who are you? How come you are here?"

At this moment, the Realm King suddenly walked out of his room, looked at the sudden appearance of Lin Feng, and asked lightly.

Jiewangxing is a place unique to Jiewangjin. Its location is very mysterious and difficult for ordinary people to reach. Besides, Jiewangxing has not been here for a long time. Suddenly seeing a stranger appear here, Jiewangjin will inevitably be surprised.

"Me? Humph!"

Lin Feng glanced at the Realm King God and smiled faintly, without saying much.

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to the whole universe, let alone a small realm king. If Lin Feng was willing, he could kill this so-called realm king with a slap.


Looking at Lin Feng's disdainful expression, the Realm King God showed a trace of anger on his face.

Since he became the **** of the upper realm, he has never encountered anyone who dared to face him in this manner.

Just when the Realm King was about to get angry, he suddenly realized a terrible thing, that is, if he didn't need to look at it, he couldn't find Lin Feng's position at all. This was a terrible thing!

You must know that as the Realm King God, although his combat power is not strong, he is the only ruler on the Realm King Star. Everything on the whole Realm King Star is under his control, but even so, he actually doesn't know Lin When did the wind appear.

The more important point is that Pluto cannot feel the breath of Lin Feng, which is even more incredible.

In this universe, everyone has their own aura, the stronger the strength, the stronger the popularity, and the man in front of him, just like the air, makes people unable to feel his breath, even more ordinary than ordinary people. .

Such a huge contrast was placed in front of the God of the Realm King, making the God of Pluto deeply doubt that the God of Pluto at this time did not believe that the person who could come here would be an ordinary person.

"From now on I will be your Kung Fu teacher, understand?"

After a moment of deep thought, Lin Feng said lightly.


After listening to Lin Feng's words, the Realm King God's eyes lost consciousness and he spoke directly.

With Lin Feng's strength, it is easy to change a person's memory, even the Realm King God.

The strength of the Realm King God is average, and the extent to which it can increase the strength of Monkey King is very limited.

In this case, the Monkey King at this time can't even transform into a Super Saiyan. He wants to reach the level of the God of Saiyan, seeing the boundless distance, so Lin Feng wants to speed up this progress.

However, with Lin Feng's character, it would certainly not give people any benefits in vain. It is very difficult for Lin Feng to make a move.

Then Lin Feng's figure disappeared out of thin air, and the Realm King God returned to his house.

Soon after, Monkey King finally walked out of the snake path after untold hardships. Seeing the King Star in front of him, Monkey King cheered involuntarily, but it was a pity that he didn't know what was waiting for him here.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it had been months since Monkey King came to Jiewangxing.

During this period of time, Monkey King not only adapted to the gravity on the world king star, but also learned the world king's unique skills, the world king fist and vitality bullet, and his strength can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.

On this day, the Realm King suddenly pulled Monkey King aside and told him a secret, which surprised Monkey King.

"What? Lord Jiewang actually still has a teacher?"

After listening to the realm king, Monkey King said in shock.

Sun Wukong did not expect that the aloft King of the Realm was also taught by others. This also made a spark in Sun Wukong's heart. The teacher of the King of Kings, what a powerful person would be!

"Shhh, keep your voice down. Although the adult is not here, he can hear you if you speak loudly!"

Jie Wang Shen's face was startled, and he said directly to Monkey King.

"Wow, so awesome!"

Monkey King looked at the terrified look of the world king god, and his curiosity became more serious. He really wanted to see such a strong man, what he looked like.

"The reason I told you this thing today is to remind you that if you can get the advice of that adult, you will definitely be stronger than you are now."

The Realm King God slowly walked to the figure of Monkey King and cautiously said to Monkey King.

"What, really?"

After listening to the words of the Realm King God, Monkey King was very pleasantly surprised. Monkey King has always longed for more powerful power.

In this way, under the guidance of the Realm King God, Sun Wukong embarked on an unknown journey toward the location of Lin Feng.

"Is it here? Monkey King's powerful strength comes at a price."

On the other side, Lin Feng, who was in the depths of the universe, already knew what had happened on Realm King.

Lin Feng's training method is indeed very simple, that is, non-stop fighting, and Lin Feng's ability to reach this state has also gone through countless battles.

Although Sun Wukong will become very strong in the future, this period of time is too long, and the days during this period are really too boring, what Lin Feng needs is not a dull day.

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