Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 590: Lam Fung's Spartan training

In an unknown area in the depths of the universe, a huge continent is floating in the air. This continent has a boxy shape with dense mountains and rivers and various forms of terrain such as desert jungles.

The most important thing is that the gravity here will increase as the terrain changes, and places with the smallest gravity are twenty times that of the earth.

At this time, on the edge of the continent, a long stone ladder made of rocks stretched into the depths of the universe, making the edge invisible.

"Wow, it's not there yet!"

In the middle area of ​​the stone ladder, Sun Wukong gasped heavily, looked at the stone ladder that was out of reach, and said with a light sigh.

It has been ten days since leaving Jiewangxing. During this time, Monkey King kept running. In order to become stronger, he followed the guidance of Jiewang God and moved towards the residence of the legendary Jiewang Kung Fu teacher.

"Finally here, the teacher of the King of God, I am here!"

Ten days later, Monkey King breathed heavily, looking at a huge continent not far away, with an expression of excitement on his face, but he didn't know what kind of place he would be greeted here.

"Well, if you want me to train you, then you can go to the center of this continent, and I will be waiting for you here! But let me say it first. This continent is full of dangers. If you are afraid Get out early!"

At this time, in a magnificent palace in the center of this unnamed continent, Lin Feng was sitting at the table, drinking tea quietly.

In front of Lin Feng's eyes, there was a huge screen, and the picture displayed on the screen was exactly the sight of Monkey King.

"Ah, I will definitely come to this center!"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Monkey King was shocked.

Lin Feng's words didn't scare Monkey King, but instead aroused his fighting spirit. After taking a deep breath, Monkey King jumped and set foot directly on the continent.

"Sun Wukong, this is the path you chose. If you die, you can't blame me!"

Lin Feng watched Monkey King set foot on this unnamed continent with a smile on his face.

This continent was created by Lin Feng. Even if a planet was created out of thin air, it would not be difficult for Lin Feng, let alone just a continent.

This continent is very special. The environment here is specially created for Monkey King. There are countless powerful monsters. The strength of these monsters is comparable to that of Monkey King. Coupled with thick skin and thick skin, they are not afraid to fight, and their combat effectiveness is even more powerful.

With Monkey King's current strength, it is impossible to reach Lin Feng's position through these monsters.

Just as Monkey King set foot on this continent, a tree in front of him suddenly changed. As the branches stretched out, it directly transformed into a huge treant.

I saw the tree man lift the huge branch and shoot directly at Monkey King.


Along with a huge roar, the place where Monkey King was standing was instantly cracked by tree branches, forming a trench several meters wide.

"Wow, so amazing? You deserve to be the teacher of the Realm King God, who can actually live in a place where this monster lives, but I won't give up! Ah!"

After Monkey King avoided the tree branch's attack, he looked at the cracks on the ground with a look of surprise on his face.

Obviously, the attacking power of this tree man was beyond his expectations, but this did not scare Monkey King, but made him more combative.

With a roar, Monkey King jumped forward and rushed directly to the tree man.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Monkey Wukong and Shuren fought together in an instant. To Monkey King's surprise, the tree man's seemingly huge body actually possessed extremely fast speed. The branches waved to form an airtight tree net and hit the Monkey King.

Not only that, but the power of the tree man is also very strong, and every branch has the power equivalent to Monkey King's full punch.

"Turtle Qigong!"

Sun Wukong, who had been unable to attack for a long time, had a heartbeat, and the Qi in his body broke out completely.

But the next scene shocked Monkey King. The tree man who had endured the tortoise school qigong abruptly was intact!


Just when Monkey King was shocked, a tree branch hit Monkey King at a very fast speed, only to hear a bang, Monkey King's body was directly shot out like a cannonball.

"It seems that we need to use that trick. I didn't expect that the first creature I encountered here was so strong, so how strong the person living in the center would be! I must get his teaching! !"

Monkey King slowly got up from the ground, looked at the tree man in front of him, with certain thoughts, and finally used the unique trick he learned from the world king god-the world king fist.

At this moment, the qi from Monkey King suddenly gathered on his fist, and Monkey King's plain fist suddenly flashed with a faint glow.

Then Monkey King slammed, a fist-sized light bullet flew out of his fist and shot towards the tree man.


With a loud bang, the light bullet from the Realm King’s fist hit the tree man directly, causing a violent explosion, and the violent shock wave spread, razing all the surroundings to the ground.

"Finally dead? Huh! Huh!"

Sun Wukong gasped heavily, and said as he looked at the dense smoke and dust in front of him.

Although the power of Jie Wangquan is good, after all, it is not long after Monkey King has just learned it. Even if he can use it, he still has to pay a great price.

After hitting the tree man, Monkey King had to rest for a while before he could continue to walk deep.

"Just a tree man is so miserable? Monkey King, can you awaken your Super Saiyan gene here?"

Lin Feng looked at the picture on the screen and said lightly.

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