Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 592: It's a little bit worse after all


While Monkey King was contemplating, several beams of light shot from the sky again. Although Monkey King tried to avoid it, there were too many beams of light to avoid all of them, and they were knocked out again.

"No, I will really die here if I continue like this! What should I do? Are you leaving like this? But I'm not reconciled!"

Monkey King dragged his tired body and looked at the young man floating in the air, falling into entanglement.

I finally came here, but I didn't even see the true face of Master Jiewangshen, so he was about to leave like this, and Monkey King was really unwilling.

But facing the powerful young man in front of him, Monkey King really couldn't think of any way to defeat him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The young man floating in the sky raised his hand again, and a few more beams of light shot out from his palm. Now that Monkey King was seriously injured behind him, he did not have much strength to fight back and could only do his best to dodge the attack.

"No, you will really die if you continue like this, you can only leave first, and counting the time, the Saiyans are about to arrive on Earth, I should go back."

Monkey King looked at the young man above the sky, with certain thoughts, turned around and ran.

Monkey King knew that with his current strength, wanting to defeat this boy was simply wishful thinking.

"Teacher of the Realm King God, I should go back, and I will come to you after I have settled the earth's affairs!"

The Monkey King who ran wildly did not forget to turn his head and said towards the center.

"That's it? Huh, is it so easy! Go chase him!"

Lin Feng looked at what happened on the screen and said lightly.

Afterwards, the young figure floating in the air must be flying towards Monkey King.

"Boom! Boom!"

The young man flying in the air followed closely with Monkey King, and beams of light continued to shoot out from his palm, hitting Monkey King on the ground.

Although Monkey King ran with all his strength, he was unable to dodge all of him in the face of the boy's attack.

"No, I can't die here!"

Feeling the continuous beam of light behind him, Monkey King only felt a life-and-death crisis in his heart.

Monkey King didn't expect that the teacher of the Realm King God would actually kill him, but the enemies who were chasing him continuously couldn't help him not believe it.

At this moment, a huge light bullet suddenly struck, and it was about to hit Monkey King.


Under the life-death crisis, Monkey King roared, his muscles suddenly swelled up, and his sluggish Qi suddenly rose at this time, which caused Monkey King's speed to soar and flew directly out of the range of gas bomb attacks.

"Huh! Huh! Teacher of Jiewangshen, I will definitely come again!"

Monkey King floating outside the mainland, looking at the boy who stopped at the edge of the mainland and did not fly out, said loudly.

Then Monkey King moved back to the spaceship and flew directly toward the depths of the universe.

"It broke out at the last time? But it still didn't transform into a Super Saiyan, which is a pity."

Lin Feng looked at the scene displayed on the screen with a faint smile on his face.

Saiyan's combat effectiveness will increase with changes in emotions. Originally, it was difficult to escape the chase of that young man with the strength of Monkey King, but at the last moment due to changes in emotions, Monkey King's strength suddenly soared a lot.

This made Monkey King escape, but unfortunately, Monkey King did not transform into a Super Saiyan because of this.

"But a more exciting story is about to begin."

Lin Feng watched the figure of Monkey King disappear into the depths of the universe, smiled faintly, the figure slowly disappeared, and at the same time the continent also disappeared into the universe out of thin air.

This unnamed continent was originally created by Lin Feng, and its survival depends on Lin Feng, so when Lin Feng left, there was no need for this continent to exist.


On the other side, on the earth, Vegeta and Naba have come here, looking for the murderer who killed Raditz.

Facing the powerful Saiyans, Kelin, Tianjin Fan and others fought hard, but the difference in strength was too great and the casualties were heavy.

Piccolo and God died tragically in Napa's hands. At this moment, Monkey King returned to Earth from the depths of the universe.

"So you want to choose this place as your cemetery? You should feel honored. I would never fight against a lower-level fighter like you before."

Vegeta slowly landed on the ground, looking at the Monkey King in front of him and said.

"Huh, sometimes there is only a thin line between a genius and a fool!"

Monkey King listened to Vegeta's ridicule and said with a curled mouth.

Saiyans will be tested for combat effectiveness as soon as they are born. For those without combat genes, people with low combat effectiveness, like Monkey King, will be sent to planets without combat effectiveness.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Vegeta and Monkey King fought together in an instant, and their fists kept hitting each other, roaring.

"Still like this, always try it out first! Huh? Sun Wufan's strength has improved so much? It seems that Piccolo's training is still very good!"

Lin Feng's figure slowly emerged, watching the battle between Vegeta and Monkey King, and said lightly.

On the other side, Lin Feng turned his head and saw the Monkey King standing on the side with a slight smile.

At this time, Monkey King has grown up a lot, and his strength has improved a lot.

"Uncle, it turned out to be you! Can you help my father?"

Monkey King looked at Lin Feng who suddenly appeared next to him, with a surprised smile on his face, grabbing Lin Feng's clothes and said.

"Haha, kid, look, that bad guy is not your father's opponent."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said to Monkey King.

I have to say that Saiyans were very cute when they were young.


After listening to Lin Feng's words, Monkey King asked innocently.

Because Lin Feng rescued Sun Wufan, Sun Wufan believed in Lin Feng's words.

"Of course, just look at it!"

Lin Feng gently took Sun Wufan's hand and said lightly. ..

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