Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 593: A completely different battle

On the other side, the battle between Vegeta and Monkey King has entered a white-hot stage.

Faced with the mighty Vegeta, Monkey King directly used the Jie Wang Quan, but even after the battle training in the Unknown Continent, Jie Wang Quan did not cause much damage to Vegeta.

However, Vegeta also learned about the strength of Monkey King from this move, and directly released his qi with a roar.

"Is this the true strength of the Saiyan? Fortunately, I have gained a lot of strength after combat training in the Unknown Continent. Otherwise, relying only on the training of the Realm King God, it would not be his opponent at all!"

Feeling the powerful qi radiating from Vegeta, Monkey King let out his qi with a roar.

The violent energy in the two people produced a huge shock wave, directly blowing away the clouds in the sky.

"So you still retain your strength? But with this level of anger, it is impossible to defeat me, the number one strongman of the whole Saiyan nation! Take it to death, Kakarot!"

Vegeta felt the powerful qi emanating from Monkey King, slightly surprised.

Vegeta didn't expect that Monkey King actually had this kind of strength hidden. Even so, Vegeta did not relax at all, and directly let out cruel words, and then moved directly towards Monkey King.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The two fiercely fought together again, this time both of them raised their qi to the maximum, the power of each punch has been qualitatively improved, and bursts of roar burst out.

The moment the two fisted each other, powerful shock waves were continuously produced, and the surrounding rocks could not withstand the shock waves generated by the fighting between the two, and they broke directly.

"It seems that life and death fighting is still very effective!"

Lin Feng watched the battle between the two above the sky, a faint smile appeared on his face.

At this time, Sun Wukong's strength was at least doubled compared to the original book, otherwise he would never be able to beat Vegeta, whose strength has exploded to such an extent.

"I have to admit that your strength is indeed beyond my expectations, but compared to me, it is far from enough! Drink!"

After a fight, Vegeta seized the opportunity, and under a roar, a bright ball of light appeared directly in his palm, and then slapped Monkey King on the waist.

With a violent roar, Sun Wukong's body was like a cannonball, and was directly shot out.

"Ah? It is so powerful! But I still have this trick, Triple Realm King Fist!"

Sun Wukong jumped and jumped directly out of the ruins.

Facing the mighty Vegeta, he directly resorted to the trick he learned from the Realm King God, and saw a bright beam of light shoot out directly, flying towards Vegeta.

"Impossible, how could this be?"

Vegeta looked at the beam of light coming from the lasing, a look of horror appeared on his face.

The strength of Monkey King really surpassed Vegeta's expectations, and now this move is even more so, actually increasing Monkey King's combat effectiveness several times.


The violent realm king fist directly smashed the light bullet that Vegeta shot, and then shot it on Vegeta's body, making a huge roar. The violent energy directly pushed Vegeta to crush him. Into pieces.

"Ah! Roar! I have to say, Kakarot, you have such a powerful trick, but I am not who I used to be."

Vegeta endured the impact of the realm king's fist, and under a roar, the qi in his body broke out completely, and a layer of white flame air wave directly wrapped around Vegeta's body.

At this moment, Vegeta's combat effectiveness directly increased to 200,000, which is exactly the state of the pseudo Super Saiyan.

"Have you seen it? This is the true form of the Saiyan, the power of the Super Saiyan, how about it? Isn't it shocking?"

"Although it is not a Super Saiyan in a complete state, it is enough to deal with you. Under this power, you have no chance of winning!"

After Vegeta's transformation, the leader will beat the realm king, then Vegeta's figure slowly fell in front of Monkey King, looking at the panting Monkey, and said arrogantly.

"It turns out that this is a Super Saiyan! It seems that I really want to thank the teacher of the Realm King God, ah!"

Monkey King looked at Vegeta who was so angry, a smile appeared on his face.

He had reached this state of Vegeta once. Although only once, Monkey King believed that he could reach that level again.

After just listening to Monkey King's roar, his body's qi exploded again, and his entire body's muscles slowly swelled with Monkey King's roar, and his strength continued to rise.

Immediately, Monkey King's anger rose sharply, reaching a level comparable to Vegeta, which is exactly the state of a pseudo-super Saiyan.

"What? You can transform into a pseudo Super Saiyan? No way, how can you be a low-level fighter like me? Go and die!"

After turning into a pseudo Super Saiyan, Vegeta, who felt like he was holding the winning ticket, was shocked and shouted.

Now Vegeta looked at Monkey King who was in the same transformation state as herself, her face was covered with cold sweat, and her heart was terrified.

Vegeta didn't expect that Monkey King could reach this level. The battle was at a deadlock. Vegeta knew that he couldn't drag on any longer, and had to make a quick fight.


The next moment, Vegeta's figure moved and rushed towards Monkey King again.

The two fought together again in the form of a pseudo-super Saiyan. This time the battle was even more violent. The aftermath they emitted alone could not be resisted by others.

"I don't know if the vitality bomb will be used this time?"

Lin Feng looked at the two people who had turned into pseudo Super Saiyans, and said lightly.

At this time, the strength of the two can be said to be similar, but Vegeta has been fighting in the universe since she was a child and has extremely rich combat experience, while Monkey King has relatively little combat experience.

Regardless of this small difference, it may become the key to determining the outcome! ..

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