Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 594: I met that man

"Five Times Realm King Fist!"

After experiencing fierce fighting again, Monkey King understood that even if his current strength soared, he was not Vegeta's opponent.

After a certain mind, Monkey King directly used the Five Times Realm King Fist.

With Sun Wukong's current strength, he can easily use the Double Realm King Fist, but using the Five Times Realm King Fist still puts a lot of pressure on him, and he will lose his combat effectiveness when he runs out.

But now, Monkey King has no retreat.

"Look at it! Vegeta!"

Under the roar of Monkey King, a red flame burst out suddenly on his body. The red flame burst wrapped outside the white burst, which greatly improved Monkey King's speed and strength.

"Turtle Qigong!"

Under the blessing of Jiewangquan, Monkey King screamed, and put his hands together, and a bright beam of light shot directly towards Vegeta.

"Huh, how much power can your turtle style qigong exert in the face of me in this form? Look at me, soaring!"

Vegeta, floating in the sky, watched Monkey King perform a trick again, without a trace of panic on her face.

Then Vegeta's anger broke out again, with his hands together, he used his trick to soar into the sky.


There was a violent roar, and the two beams of light instantly collided together, emitting a bright light, and the shock wave produced by it spread out, ploughing the ground into ravines.


Just when the two of them were in a stalemate, they only heard a roar from Monkey King, and the qi in his body broke out again, causing the power of the tortoise school qigong to skyrocket again. The violent energy directly broke the sky cannon and hit Vegeta’s Body.

"Sure enough, the Sun family always wins against Bo!"

Lin Feng looked at this scene in the sky with a smile on his face.

It is reasonable to say that Vegeta's strength is stronger than Monkey King, but when the shock waves of the two collided with each other, they still lost to Monkey King, which is somewhat unreasonable.

But it's normal to think about it, people like Monkey King can only arouse his potential in desperate situations.


With a huge roar, Vegeta's figure fell directly to the ground under the impact of the tortoise school qigong.

Although Vegeta was seriously injured, there was no danger to his life.

"Hahaha, Monkey King, now you have lost the ability to stand up? I am still the strongest after all!"

Vegeta slowly got up from the gravel, looked at Monkey King lying on the ground panting, and said with a wild laugh.

"Dad! Don't kill my dad!"

Just as Vegeta slowly walked towards Monkey King and was about to kill him, Monkey King who was standing next to Lin Feng saw this scene with an angry expression on his face and roared at Vegeta.

As Sun Gohan's mood changed, a strong qi burst into his thin body, and the strength of this qi was not inferior to Vegeta's.

"What? This kid has such a powerful force? No, this kid can't stay in this world."

Vegeta felt the sudden burst of powerful energy from Sun Gohan, and a cold sweat appeared on her face.

Vegeta didn't expect this child to have such a powerful force in his body, even reaching the same level of powerful combat power as himself.

"Yeah? Is this going to wake up? Not bad!"

Lin Feng looked at the Monkey King, with a surprised smile on his face.

Sun Wufan suddenly exploded with such a powerful anger, Lin Feng was also very surprised, unexpectedly it was so much earlier than in the original book.

However, in the next moment, the energy in Sun Wufan's body dissipated instantly, and he returned to his original appearance again.

Obviously, the energy burst just now was nothing more than the mutation caused by the change of emotions, and the young Monkey Gohan could not fully exert his true power.

"It seems that this child can't control the power in the body yet, and this child must be dealt with first!"

Vegeta looked at Gohan, who was returning to normal again, with an evil smile on her face.

Then Vegeta changed direction, raised his hand and pointed, and the energy of his whole body instantly gathered in his palm, and a huge light projectile instantly shot out towards the Monkey King.

In Vegeta's eyes, because Lin Feng could not feel the qi in Lin Feng's body at all, he did not put Lin Feng in his eyes.

In Vegeta's view, the threat of Lin Feng at this time was not even as great as the Monkey King. For Vegeta, only one energy bomb could kill Lin Feng and Monkey King.

"Yell! It's really reckless!"

Lin Feng looked at the incoming energy ball with a disdainful smile on his face.

It stands to reason that Vegeta should have seen Lin Feng, although in Vegeta's memory, Lin Feng's combat effectiveness is not very high, but it will not be an ordinary person.

It seems that for many years, Vegeta has forgotten this man who once joined the special operations team.

Seeing Lin Feng's thoughts moved, a very subtle qi quietly emanated, and the huge energy ball dissipated out of thin air the moment it touched Lin Feng's qi.

"What? What's going on? Huh? This man is?"

Vegeta only looked at Lin Feng carefully at this time. He only felt that the man in front of him was very familiar. When he recalled carefully, the memory of a few years ago slowly came to his mind.

"Are you a Saiyan? I have seen you. You once joined the special operations team formed by the Saiyan. Are you their backstage? I remember your fighting power seems to be more than 100,000! It's good, but right For me, it's far from it!"

Vegeta had already thought of Lin Feng's appearance. He was sure that he had seen this man before, and the man's combat effectiveness was still very strong. He had already possessed hundreds of thousands of combat effectiveness for a long time.

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