Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 595: How can you be so strong? !

"Oh? Do you remember me? I thought you had forgotten my existence."

Lin Feng looked at Vegeta with a daze, and said lightly.

It has to be said that Vegeta is worthy of being hailed as the first fighter of the Saiyans today, and its talent and aptitude are among the most outstanding existence among the contemporary Saiyans.

A few years ago, he was able to transform into a pseudo Super Saiyan, and now he is even more powerful. Basically, he was almost able to transform into a real Super Saiyan.

Lin Feng could tell that Vegeta still hides this strength, and Vegeta's current combat effectiveness has reached at least 250,000.

Vegeta said to Lin Feng with a thought: "Since you are also a Saiyan, then we are of the same type, and your combat effectiveness is pretty good. How about? Would you like to join my team?"

Vegeta has no helpers now, and Monkey King will definitely not help herself, so now Vegeta needs to find a new partner for herself.

"Join your team? Hahaha! After so many years, why have you become so naive?"

After Lin Feng listened, a smile appeared on his face. He never expected that Vegeta would be so naive now.

Vegeta didn't think about it. Why did Lin Feng appear here, and Vegeta didn't know Lin Feng's real combat effectiveness. After so many years, wouldn't Lin Feng become stronger?

"Is Uncle Saiyan too? This guy is so disgusting, can you help my dad?"

After Sun Gohan, who was standing next to Lin Feng, heard Vegeta's words, a questioning look appeared on his face. Then he looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Don't worry, this guy can't kill Monkey King!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said to Monkey King.

Sun Wufan made Lin Feng very fond of this child, otherwise he would not have been saved at the beginning, and now he appears next to Sun Wufan at this time, and he may not have no intention of protecting him.

"In this case, there is nothing to say, you go to my death!"

Vegeta is also a very clever person. After listening to Lin Feng's words, she understood what Lin Feng meant.

Vegeta's face instantly became gloomy at this time, and then he roared, and his whole body burst out instantly, rushing directly to Lin Feng.

In Vegeta's eyes, Monkey King now has no threat. The biggest threat is Monkey King and Lin Feng that suddenly appeared.

"I don't know how you lived till now?"

Seeing Vegeta who rushed towards him when he said something wrong, Lin Feng showed a disdainful smile on his face, and then stretched out a palm to Vegeta.


With a green sound, Lin Feng slapped Vegeta's face with a slap, and Vegeta's face was instantly filled with an incredible look, and then the figure flew out at a faster speed than it had been. !

"Asshole, impossible! How can you be so strong?"

Vegeta, who flew upside down, looked at Lin Feng with horror. He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so strong. He just slapped him and slapped himself out, but he didn't have the ability to resist.


"He turned out to be so strong!"

"Uncle, you are amazing!"

Both Kelin and Monkey King looked at Lin Feng with surprise. They didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person hidden on the earth, and the Monkey King on the other side looked at Lin Feng with admiration.

The child doesn't have that much thought. In the eyes of Monkey King, his father, Monkey King, was slapped and slapped by the man. What a powerful strength!

"This is what you forced me, and now I can no longer take care of my appearance. Even if it becomes a little ugly, I will kill you and bloom!"

Vegeta slowly stood up from the ruins and looked at the forest wind in the distance, with a ruthless look on her face.

Then, in his hands, a bright ball of light slowly condensed, and it was directly thrown into the sky by Vegeta.

As soon as Vegeta's voice fell, the bright ball of light burst out and turned into a huge moon-like ball of light.

This is the ability that few Saiyan talents can use, the artificial moon.

In fact, the Saiyan can transform into a great ape at any time, but the condition is to reach the blue wave of 17 million hertz.

The blue light waves are emitted by the sun. They are present at all times, but they can’t reach that level at all. Only when the moon is full can the blue light waves pass through the reflection of the moon and reach a thousand. The degree of seven million hertz.

In this way, this is why Saiyans can only transform on the night of the full moon.


The next moment, Vegeta directly looked up at the moon above the sky, and heard a bursting roar.

Immediately, Vegeta's body slowly changed, and her body slowly swelled up at this time, and dense fluff was growing on her body.

"This is? He can also transform into a great ape?"

"He turned into a great ape?!"

Klin and Monkey King looked at the suddenly transformed Vegeta with horror, and said in surprise.

Both Kelin and Monkey King knew that Saiyan could transform into a great ape, and the moon on the earth was to prevent Monkey King from transforming into a great ape, so it was destroyed by Piccolo.

But Klin and Monkey King didn't expect that Vegeta had the ability to make an artificial moon.

"Haha, have you seen it? This is the true power of the Saiyans. In this state, my strength will soar tenfold. Take it to death!"

Vegeta successfully transformed into a giant ape. He waved his arms and did not use a trace of energy, but there was an endless gust of wind blowing away, creating a fierce wind pressure.

Feeling the continuous energy coming from her body, Vegeta couldn't help laughing upright.

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