Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 611: Lam Fung's Devil Training

"Uncle, I want too! I want to be as strong as you too!"

Monkey King grabbed Lin Feng's clothes in one hand and said.

"You really decided? Don't regret it!"

Lin Feng looked at everyone with firm expressions, smiled faintly, and said softly.

Lin Feng looked at Monkey King, Vegeta and others, couldn't help but smile, thinking that this training must be very interesting.

After all, this training was requested by them themselves, no matter what Lin Feng asked them to do, they would endure it.

"Never regret it!"

When everyone heard this, their faces were joyful, and they almost spoke at the same time.

Trunks' words made them feel the pressure, and Lin Feng's strength made them feel the majesty of the strong. Since Lin Feng can be so strong, they can definitely become as strong as Lin Feng.

Klin stepped forward and asked at this time: "Then ask the teacher's name, worship others as a teacher, and respect his name first, so as not to lose the teacher's face."

Facing Klin’s problem, Lin Feng slowed down and thought: "Monkey Wukong has never known my real name. In the future, there will be a lot of inconveniences, no matter what, it's time to tell them my real name."

Lin Feng replied: "If that's the case, then remember it for me, your teacher's real name-I am Lin Feng!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Thanks to Teacher Lin for his teaching!"

"Well, you guys will have a good rest today, and officially start training tomorrow!"

Lin Feng smiled faintly, said softly, then took Sun Wufan into the air and flew towards the distance.

Early in the morning of the next day, Vegeta, Piccolo and others came directly to Monkey King's house, and Lin Feng took a few people and flew away.

"Just here! Let me see how strong your qi is! Raise your qi to the maximum!"

Lin Feng took Monkey King and the others to a remote island. After looking around, he said lightly.

"Okay! Ah!"




After hearing Lin Feng's order, Piccolo, Klin and Vegeta didn't hesitate any more, they all roared loudly, and the whole body burst out instantly.

And Monkey King turned directly into a Super Saiyan, and a powerful wave burst out from a few people instantly, forming a wave of shock waves spreading everywhere.

The birds and beasts on the entire island were startled to fly at this moment, and the calm sea in the distance was even without wind and waves, spreading to all directions.

"Is it only this level?"

Looking at the flame waves entwined with several people, Lin Feng smiled lightly and said softly.

Among the Monkey King, Vegeta, Piccolo and Klin, the Monkey King is the strongest. The golden flame is a lot higher than the others, followed by Vegeta, which is no smaller than the Monkey King. Less, Bike second, Klin's momentum is the weakest.

But this is also normal. After all, Klin is an authentic earthling, and being able to have this level of energy is already very valuable.

"Okay, it's okay! You fight in pairs, let me see your combat experience!"

Then Lin Feng waved away, smiled faintly, and said softly.

After understanding the qi of these people, the next step is to look at their combat experience, so that we can better see the true strength of the Monkey King and others.

When fighting with people, the strength of qi is only one reason that determines victory. For two people who are similar in phase, the combat experience is very important. After all, there are still many battles that defeat the strong.

"Kakarot, come on!"

When Vegeta heard this, his fighting spirit instantly rose. He had long wanted to compete with Monkey King. Now is the best time.

"Well, Vegeta, I also want to see your current strength."

Monkey King smiled faintly, and his figure flew out instantly, rushing towards Vegeta.

"Then let's compare the two!"

When Piccolo saw this scene, he turned to look at Klin, and the two immediately collided.

"Remember, you must maintain the same level as Klin!"

Lin Feng looked at the few people fighting together, smiled faintly, and said again.

If they didn't limit their anger, Klin would probably be the first to lose the battle. When Monkey King and others heard this, they instantly understood Lin Feng's meaning and directly controlled their pressure.

"Get up!"

Lin Feng looked at the few people, with a thought, the gravel on the surrounding barren mountains responded, and then shot them at the few people at a very fast speed.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The gravel was only the size of a fist, but it was extremely hard, and it was extremely fast, like a stone rain, and shot towards Monkey King and others.

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Following the four muffled sounds, Monkey King and others were hit by the gravel. Faced with the extremely fast gravel, everyone was shocked and was directly knocked to the ground.

"Teacher Lin Feng, what are you doing? We are fighting!"

Monkey King got up from the ground, looked at Lin Feng, and said helplessly, while Vegeta and the others also looked at Lin Feng with doubts.

"If you can't hide from these rubble, what else do you practice? Go on!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said softly.

In desperation, Monkey King and the others had no choice but to fly into the air again and fight together, but this time their attention was distracted, and they were fighting to avoid the gravel attack.


Lin Feng snorted when he saw this scene. The speed of the gravel movement suddenly increased. Monkey King and the others could only avoid the gravel attack. The battle of several people ended in an instant, and they became constantly avoiding the gravel. Attack training.

"Is it only to this degree? This little stone made you lose the opportunity to fight? Huh!"

When Lin Feng saw this scene, he faintly smiled and snorted, and countless rubble rose into the air and shot at several people.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

With a few muffled noises, Monkey King and others faced the attack of the gravel, but were hit again, and their figures instantly fell to the ground.

"Hmph, you have to suffer if you want to become stronger! The gravity of this place has been adjusted to five hundred times by me. When you can move freely, let's move on to the next step."

Lin Feng looked at the few people who fell to the ground again, hummed, and said lightly.

Then Lin Feng raised his foot and stepped on it, and an invisible wave instantly dispersed, enveloping the island in front of Lin Feng.

"Five hundred times?! It's really amazing!"

Monkey King and the others only felt an invisible pressure on them instantly. The original light pace was extremely heavy in an instant, and even walking was a bit difficult.

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