Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 612: People are more popular than dead

"let's start!"

Seeing everyone's difficult steps, Lin Feng said again.

For this reason, Monkey King and others started their difficult training under the 500 times the gravity.

"Gohan, are you ready?"

On the other side, a figure stood up, it turned out to be Lin Feng himself. At this time, Lin Feng looked at the Monkey King in front of him and said lightly.

In fact, they are only Lin Feng's incarnation with Monkey King. With Lin Feng's strength, even if it is an incarnation, it is not what Monkey King and the others can contend with.

"Well, uncle, I'm ready!"

Monkey King looked at Lin Feng and said with excitement.

For Sun Wufan, Lin Feng planned to open a small stove for him. After all, Lin Feng still loved Sun Wufan, and the training methods of Monkey King were not very suitable for children like Sun Wufan.

Today's Monkey King is still relatively young, and his plasticity is much stronger than that of Monkey King and they have the potential to become stronger. Therefore, Lin Feng specially made a new training for Monkey King.


With a roar, Monkey King rose up and rushed towards Lin Feng.

At this point, Lin Feng's special training for Monkey King and others, and personal training for Monkey King officially began!


Time passed slowly, and three years had passed in a blink of an eye. During this time, Monkey King and others experienced inhuman torture.

The gravity on the barren hills and islands has not only increased, it has even reached 800 times, and at the same time, there are still scattered rocks in the sky constantly impacting them.

Faced with the repeated attacks of the gravel, Monkey King and the others were injured time and time again. Fortunately, there are fairy beans, which can allow them to continuously recover.

Not only that, Lin Feng also created stone men and water men to fight against them.

In the face of extremely hard stone men and water men who are immune to physical attacks, everyone has suffered.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With four violent roars, the four figures rushed out from the ground. It was Sun Wukong and others who had undergone three years of special training by Lin Feng.

In the past three years, Lin Feng only asked them to do some daily training. Although it was relatively hard, the results were indeed very obvious. The strength of Monkey King and others have increased by at least 50%.

You must know that although it is only 50%, it is already a very scary thing. After all, if they are allowed to practice on their own, it would be thankful for them to be able to improve their lives.

The most important thing is that Lin Feng didn't use his own power, otherwise they could increase their strength dozens of times in a few days.

"Three years have come, let me see how much you have improved, come on! You guys go together!"

Lin Feng looked at the few people floating in the air and said domineeringly with a faint sound.


"it is good!"

"Then we're welcome!"

After hearing this, Monkey King and the others stunned slightly and shouted.

Then the qi on their bodies burst out instantly, and at the same time they rushed towards Lin Feng.

After three years of training, everyone's strength has been qualitatively improved. Faced with Lin Feng's provocation again, everyone rushed out without any hesitation.

Monkey King turned into a Super Saiyan in the first place, Vegeta, Piccolo and others raised their qi to the limit.

As everyone exploded, three years of hard cultivation finally came to fruition, and the strength of Qi alone was no longer what it used to be.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Facing the siege of the Monkey King and the four, Lin Feng's figure shook. Even if the strength of a few people soared, they still couldn't touch Lin Feng.

"Turtle Qigong!"

"Sky cannon!"

"Magic flash!"

"Qi Yuan cut!"

Under a fierce attack, Monkey King and the others stopped seeing their attack completely ineffective.

Then everyone's figures slowly moved to the distance, raising their qi to the limit one after another, and with a roar, they each performed their own tricks.

"Huh! Monkey King, let them see the results of your three-year training!"

Seeing the unique tricks of the Monkey King and the four, Lin Feng smiled faintly, snapped his fingers casually, and saw a ripple in the void, and a small figure emerged out of thin air.

"Ah? This is? Turtle Qigong!"

Sun Wufan was surprised when he saw that he appeared out of thin air, but when he saw the four beams of light hitting the sky, Sun Wufan had to deal with it.

"Turtle Qigong!"

After only hearing a roar, the Qi all over Monkey's body was released instantly, and his body was wrapped in a wave of white flames, and then his hands were joined together, and a turtle-style qigong shot out instantly.


The five violent energies instantly collided together, making a violent roar, and the violent energy instantly spread, and the barren mountain and island where Monkey King and the others had stayed for three years instantly turned into fly ash.


"It's him?!"

"How could it be Gohan?"

The dense smoke slowly dissipated, and when Monkey King and others saw the person who took their tricks, their faces were full of shock.

Monkey King and the others never thought that the person in front of them was Monkey King. The power of Monkey King made them feel very incredible.

In fact, after three years of special training, Sun Gohan's strength has reached the edge of Super Saiyan. Like Vegeta, he is only a little bit behind now.

The reason why Monkey King was able to accept their attack was naturally due to Lin Feng's teaching.

Although he didn't directly improve Sun Wufan's strength, how could Lin Feng's one-to-one guidance be as simple as a little improvement?


When Monkey King saw Monkey King and others, he said with surprise on his face.

"You can see, although you have made a lot of progress, but people are far worse than popular, but according to this training method, three years of this kind of effect is considered good."

"Calculate the time, the cyborgs should come out soon. It's time for you to go out and look for them."

Lin Feng smiled faintly, looked at everyone and said.

"Gohan's ability to improve so much is naturally a good thing. We have a lot more confidence in dealing with cyborgs! Okay, let's go. When the cyborgs come out and cause chaos, we will be in trouble!"

Monkey King smiled faintly and said softly.

Seeing that Monkey King is so strong now, Monkey King is very happy. After all, his son has such strength, Monkey King is naturally very pleased.

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