Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 614: Cyborgs 17 and 18


"this is?!"

"Super Saiyan?"

Cyborg No. 19, Piccolo and others were shocked when they saw this scene. They never expected that Vegeta could transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Saiyan's strength can't be measured by data, go to hell!"

Vegeta looked at everyone's astonished expressions, with a smug smile on her face.

In fact, Vegeta has long been able to transform, and the reason she has been enduring it is for this moment!

At the next moment, a golden light flashed, and No. 19's figure was instantly knocked out.

"Boom boom boom!"

Afterwards, the golden light continued to surround No. 19, and the muffled sound continued to be heard. No. 19's body was constantly flying in the air like a ball.

In the face of Vegeta, who has burst out of the strongest strength, Cyborg 19 has no room for resistance at all.

"Sky cannon!"

When Vegeta's figure moved, she moved to the distance, her hands were joined together, her body's energy gathered in her palm, and a bright beam of light shot out instantly.


After a loud roar, the parts of No. 19 were turned into fragments, and suddenly fell from the air.

"Huh, only this strength is worthy to say to kill me?"

Vegeta looked at Number 19, which had become fragments, and said disdainfully.

Vegeta originally thought it was a very powerful master, but she didn't expect to be so unattended, but she broke out and was directly broken.

"It seems that this crisis on Earth is over."

When Klin and others saw this scene, they all let out a sigh of relief.

In the past three years, Trunks' words have been like a big rock, pressing firmly on their hearts. Now that the man-made people are defeated so easily, the rock on their hearts can finally be put down.

"What? The 19th was actually defeated? No good!"

When Dr. Gro saw this scene, he was surprised.

Dr. Gro didn't expect that the strength of Monkey King and the others was beyond his expectation. When the figure moved, he turned and ran.

"Can you run?"

"Can't let them run."


Vegeta, Piccolo and others looked at Dr. Gro, who was running fast, and immediately chased after them.

Although Dr. Gro's speed was very fast, facing the pursuit of Vegeta and others, he was caught up in a short time, and the next step was a one-sided killing.

At this moment, Trunks, who came here again by the time spacecraft, already felt the anger of Vegeta and others, and was rushing here.

At this time, Trunks looked anxious, because he found that the artificial man defeated by Vegeta was not the one he encountered in the future world of Trunks.

On the other side, in Monkey King's home, Lin Feng was sitting there drinking tea, and Ya Mucha suddenly came back with a painful face of Monkey King.

"Qiqi? Teacher Lin Feng? Come out soon, Wukong will be dying!"

Ya Mucha pushed the door open, shouting loudly.

"It's just a heart attack, you can't die! Put it down and get some water for him to drink!"

Lin Feng slowly walked out of the house, looked at Monkey King who was panting, and said lightly.

Then Ya Mucha put Monkey King on the bed. Lin Feng glanced at Monkey King and knew that he had a pure heart disease.

The reason why Monkey King had a heart attack had a lot to do with his fighting style, especially Jie Wang Quan.

Although Jiewangquan is very powerful, it also causes a great burden on the user's body, especially the heart.

Sun Wukong not only used Jie Wangquan frequently, but also often surpassed his own limit, using multiples that his body could not bear. Under such circumstances, Monkey King's heart was able to hold up until the disease occurred now, which was considered very good.

"Sleep for a while!"

Lin Feng watched Yamu Tea feed the water to Monkey King, raised his hand and gently patted Monkey King's back, a faint energy directly passed into Monkey King's body, and began to repair Monkey King's body.

On the other side, Vegeta and others pursued Dr. Gro and came to the Gallo Institute.

When facing the androids No. 17, No. 18 and No. 16 who walked out of it, they were not opponents at all, the battle was one-sided, and everyone was defeated.

It's just that these three cyborgs didn't kill them, but turned around and left, starting the journey to find Monkey King.

In their setting, these three humanoids have a strong sense of autonomy, which is why they will kill Dr. Gro.

On the 17th, 18th and 16th they can no longer be regarded as artificial humans. Apart from the difference in body structure, they are not much different from human beings.

"Damn, they are so strong! It seems that it is time to use that trick, Klin, Gohan, you are here to take care of them, and I will go to heaven!"

Piccolo slowly got up from the ground, looking at the direction the robot was leaving, his expression unwilling.

Although Lin Feng's special training has greatly increased his combat effectiveness, he still failed in the face of powerful humanoids, so Piccolo decided to go to the heavens and melt with the gods to become a complete self.

Without waiting for Klin and the others to speak, Piccolo rose into the air and flew towards the heaven.

On the other side, Klin fed the fairy beans to Vegeta and others to help them regain their mobility.

"Uncle, how is my dad?"

Afterwards, Monkey King returned home, came to Lin Feng's side, and asked softly.

After all, after the battle just now, Sun Gohan had completely believed what Trunks said, and if there were no Monkey King, they would really have been killed.

"Don't worry! Your father is okay, just rest for a while!"

Lin Feng looked at Monkey King and said with a faint smile, wouldn't it be easy to cure a heart disease with his own action?

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