Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 615: Sharu after crossing

On the other side, in a city, a creature with blue spots on its head and a sharp tail behind it was massacred.

"Haha, I am finally born again. After eating the people in this city, my strength has finally increased a bit. The next step is to continue to eat people, and then swallow the 17th and the 18th, and I can evolve into a complete body. Up."

This blue-spotted monster took the time machine three years ago and came to Sharu now. After three years of brewing, Sharu finally returned to the strength before crossing.

"Huh? What is this? It has such an evil aura!"

At this time, Piccolo, who had been fused with the gods, was flying towards Monkey King's home, but he suddenly felt an extremely evil energy that shocked Piccolo.

"Wow! It's dangerous! Thank you, Teacher Lin Feng! If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do!"

In Monkey King's home, after a period of rest, Monkey King finally woke up.

"Wake up? Then don't lie down, go! The earth is still waiting for you to save."

Lin Feng lightly sipped a sip of tea and said lightly.

Now Monkey King has recovered, his heart disease has also healed, and his combat effectiveness has returned to normal, so it is time for him to deal with Sharu.

Although the current Sharu has not yet evolved to a state of completeness, it is fast too. It will not be long before the complete Sharu will become a nightmare for Monkey King and the others.

"Sun Wukong, get out, I know you are inside."

At this moment, I heard a loud roar from outside the door, and then a bright beam of light lased.


Lin Feng frowned and felt a little displeased. He didn't expect that the plot had changed because of his appearance, and the cyborg found here. With a thought, Lin Feng's figure disappeared instantly.


With the sound of a violent explosion, Monkey King rushed out of the explosion with Qiqi and Monkey King. Although the attack was very fast just now, he could still dodge it with Monkey King's strength.

"You are……?"

Monkey King looked at the three people in front of him questioningly. He hadn't seen cyborgs 16, 17, and 18, so he didn't know who they were.

"Dad, they are what Trunks said, human beings who can destroy the world."

Monkey King looked at the three people above the sky with a look of horror. After all, he was beaten up by the three not long ago.

"Huh? Are they the cyborgs Trunks said? They are really powerful!"

Monkey King put Qiqi and Monkey King down, and looked at the three cyborgs and said lightly.

Through such a close distance, Monkey King could feel the air of a man-made man, but Monkey King was not afraid, but was a little excited. It was a desire to fight and a passion for a master.

"Goku, you retreat, they hand it over to me, I want to avenge my original defeat!"

Just when Monkey King was about to attack the humanoid, a figure wrapped in a huge aura struck from a distance, and the voice had already been heard before the man arrived. It was Piccolo who had completed the union with God.

Not long ago, Piccolo encountered Sharu in a certain city, but he escaped by Sharu to the effect.

So Piccolo came to find Monkey King, on the one hand to see Monkey King’s injury, on the other hand, to tell Sharu.

Unexpectedly, Piccolo happened to see this scene. Thinking of the recent fiasco, Piccolo's anger was endless.

"Oh? Your qi has increased a lot! If you don't have enough, you want to beat me?"

No. 17 looked at Piccolo falling from the sky with a surprised expression on his face. No.17 obviously did not expect Piccolo's anger would increase so much out of thin air.

However, No.17 didn't care. Although Piccolo's anger had increased a lot, it still could not pose a fatal threat to them.



The next moment, Piccolo and No.17 jumped up almost at the same time, and rushed out towards each other. The violent aura suddenly exploded, and their fists and feet spread out instantly, forming a huge wind pressure.

"I didn't expect Piccolo to become so strong..."

Monkey King looked at the battle above the sky, somewhat surprised.

Monkey King didn't expect to see him in just a few days. Bick has become so strong. Compared with the three years of special training, Bick's strength has grown even more significantly today.

"Monkey King, let me be your opponent next!"

On the other side, No.16 looked at Monkey King with a chuckle, and said provocatively.

Regarding the battle above the sky, No. 16 is not worried at all. He knows the strength of No. 17 very well. Although Piccolo's strength has increased a lot, he is still far from defeating No. 17.

"Okay! Can't let Piccolo fight alone!"

Monkey King smiled faintly, then rose into the sky, watching Piccolo and No. 17, the blood in Monkey King's body had already boiled.


Without extra words, Monkey King and No. 16 collided in an instant, and the violent energy continued to spread from them. The intensity of the battle was no less than that of the battle between Bick and No. 17!

"This is the live broadcast."

Lin Feng looked at the two battlefields above the sky with a smile on his face. The fighting among the four was fierce. Although none of these people used their strongest power, they were already very exciting.

"Huh? Who is this person? I can't feel the breath at all, is it an ordinary person?"

On the other side, No. 18 watched the game quietly, and made a surprised voice.

At this time, the 18th had just discovered Lin Feng's figure, but he didn't feel a trace of breath from Lin Feng, as if he didn't exist from the beginning, it made people feel very ethereal.

"Forget it, just an ordinary person, nothing is amazing, when Monkey King is killed, everyone on earth will die in my hands!"

On the 18th, he turned to watch the battle in the sky, completely ignoring the existence of Lin Feng, after all, an ordinary person could not pose any threat to them. ..

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