Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 619: One pick three (please subscribe automatically!)

"Yeah, has it evolved?"

Lin Feng watched this scene with a smile on his face.

Sharu, who is fully physical, is very powerful, even if Vegeta is fully capable, he is not an opponent, but now that Monkey King is here, Lin Feng thinks that there should be a gang fight.

After all, even though Monkey King and the others are eager to fight a stronger opponent, they don't want to die.

"Hmph, will you finally become a complete body? Don't let me down!"

Vegeta looked at the changes in Sharu on the ground with a disdainful smile. At this moment, he still feels that he can beat Sharu.

"Oh, do you want to become a complete body?"

Monkey King also looked at Sharu with great interest. The qi that Sharu showed now made Monkey King feel pressured and at the same time made the blood on Monkey King boil. He was eager to fight the strong, no matter who the opponent was.

"No! No way!"

Trunks stared at Sharu with a deadly expression. After the attack just now, Trunks knew that Sharu's evolution into a perfect body could no longer be reversed.

"Number 18?"

Klin looked at Sharu angrily. He thought the 18th was dead.


As the qi in Sharu's body became stronger, the entire earth and even the depths of the universe could feel an unparalleled and powerful breath, which was full of evil feelings and made people feel trembling.

"I thought it would be so powerful, but that's all. After all, it's the technology of the earth, and it's pretty good to be able to reach this level."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and took a look at Sharu, and found that Sharu was indeed a lot stronger after he evolved into a complete body, but it was also very limited, only equivalent to the level of Super Saiyan 2, and not the peak level. .

Super Saiyans are actually divided into many forms. Vegeta's form is not really Super Saiyan 2, but can only be regarded as the second stage of Super Saiyan 1.

"Is this the power of the perfect body?"

On the other side, as the thick smoke dissipated, Sharu, who had already evolved, was revealed.

It's just that Sharu's current form has changed. The whole body is closer to a human, and a cloak-like shell grows behind him, and his tail is retracted entirely.

At this time, Sharu constantly volleyed this fist, and Sharu didn't expect that he would have such a powerful force in his complete body!

Feeling this power in his body, Sharu no longer has to worry about the people around him who are staring at him, because with this power, no one is his opponent!

"Dad, Goku, attack him!"

When Trunks saw this scene, he roared and shouted directly at Vegeta and Monkey King. Now that Sharu has evolved into a complete state, now only everyone has a chance to defeat Sharu.

"Humph, but that's all, I can solve him alone. Drink!"

Vegeta snorted, ignoring Trunks' call, and with a roar, the qi in her body was directly elevated to the peak state, and she leaped forward and rushed towards Sharu.

Although Vegeta was shocked by the anger that Sharu exuded now, he would never show a scared expression in front of Monkey King, which was a shame for Prince Saiyan.

"Huh? Super Vegeta? Are you still my opponent now?"

Sharu glanced faintly at Vegeta, with a disdainful smile on his face. The surging power in his body made Sharu full of confidence. Sharu could clearly feel that Vegeta is definitely not his opponent now. .

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

On the ground, Vegeta came to Sharu in an instant, surrounded by golden flames, swinging his fists at extremely fast speeds, and constantly hitting Sharu. However, Sharu's figure shook slightly, and he even flashed all Vegeta's attacks.

"Huh? Vegeta was unable to attack Sharu. It seems that the strength of Sharu has increased a lot."

At this scene, Sun Wukong showed a solemn look on his face. From the battle between the two, it can be seen that Sharu's strength has indeed increased a lot, at least now Vegeta is no longer Sharu's opponent.

"Is this your limit? That would disappoint me too much!"

Sharu's figure kept shaking, evading all Vegeta's attacks, and then sneered at Vegeta who looked increasingly anxious.

Just now, Vegeta mocked Sharu for not having enough power, so Sharu was asked to absorb No. 18. He did not expect that after Sharu evolved into a perfect body, even his thoughts would be closer to humans.


The next moment, I saw Sharu's body suddenly erupted, and then he punched out, accompanied by a violent roar, Vegeta's figure flew in response.

Faced with Sharu in a full body state, even if Vegeta burst out of the ultimate power he can reach now, she is still not Sharu's opponent.

"Oh, Vegeta, it's time for me to play. Ha!"

Seeing this scene, Monkey King said directly.

Then there was a roar, and golden flames appeared all over his body, and he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

After watching the battle between Vegeta and Sharu, Monkey King knew that Sharu could not be defeated by the power of Super Saiyan alone.

Even if Vegeta surpasses the Super Saiyan level, it is still not enough. Only by truly reaching another level of Super Saiyan can it be possible to defeat Saru.

Moreover, the Monkey King’s eagerness to fight Sharu also saw Vegeta’s danger. Faced with Sharu, who has evolved into a complete body, Vegeta’s life is in danger at any time!

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