Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 620: Sun Wufan is really broken

"Huh? Monkey King? You and Vegeta are about the same strength, so you want to defeat me? Naive!"

Sharu looked at Monkey King with a calm face, letting his self-confidence guarantee in a full body state, completely disregarding everyone present.

Seeing Monkey King rushing towards him, Sharu's figure moved and disappeared instantly.


Hearing a fierce roar sounded, the Monkey King who was flying fast slammed backwards, and Sharu had come behind Monkey King at some point, and Monkey King hit Sharu's fist with a punch.

Suddenly, violent energy spread from between the two fists, and the entire ground was shattered.

"Huh? You can keep up with me. It seems that you are a lot better than Vegeta. It's kind of interesting. You succeeded in arousing my interest. Drink!"

Sharu looked at Monkey King in surprise, and said lightly.

Sharu is now extremely fast, even Vegeta can't keep up with her own speed, but Monkey King can perceive the direction of his attack, which makes Sharu vigilant involuntarily.

After a roar, Sharu's qi burst out in an instant, and then he kept swinging his fists. The casserole-like fists, like raindrops, hit the Monkey King densely.

"Uncle Wukong, I'll help you."

Trunks looked at this scene in the sky, and after a roar, he transformed into a Super Saiyan, and joined the battle as soon as his figure moved.

Trunks can see that Monkey King's strength is indeed much stronger than Vegeta, but there are still some gaps in defeating the complete Sharu.

"Ah! Damn! Sharu, I absolutely want you to die!"

Vegeta looked at the battle above the sky, and roared, the whole body's anger completely broke out, and the figure rushed into the battle.

Sharu, who was still low on his breath just now, has beaten herself to the ground. Vegeta, who has strong self-esteem, can't tolerate Sharu trampling on herself like this.

Vegeta, who is extremely arrogant, does not bother to fight with others, but in order to kill Sharu, she can't manage so much now, and fights Sharu with Monkey King.

"It's really a gang fight, but it seems useless."

Lin Feng faintly watched the battle above the sky, with a smile on his face.

How powerful is the complete Sharu, even if the Monkey King trio beat Sharu, Sharu still has the upper hand.

"Uncle, can my father win?"

Sun Wufan slowly came to Lin Feng's side and asked with some worry.

Looking at the battle in the sky, it can be seen from the current realm of Monkey King that although the three of Monkey King beat Sharu alone, they are still at a disadvantage.

This shows that Sharu's strength is completely beyond their imagination, and their failure is only a matter of time.

"Don't be afraid, you have to believe in your strength. I have carried out special training for you in the past three years. Your strength is much stronger than Sharu now."

Lin Feng smiled faintly, stroked Monkey King's head lightly and said.

Sun Wufan's potential was not weak, and after Lin Feng's three years of training, his strength has long since been different.

"Really? Am I stronger than Dad now?"

Monkey King smiled in surprise, looked at Lin Feng and said in disbelief.

Although Sun Wufan knew that his strength had increased a lot, he still didn't have an accurate understanding of his own strength.

"Of course, watch it!"

Lin Feng smiled faintly and stopped talking.

At this moment, the battle of the four people above the sky suddenly changed, and Sharu, who had been in a defensive state, suddenly broke out and let out a violent roar.

At this time, the original white flame wave on Sharu's body instantly expanded, and at the same time, the color also changed, turning into golden yellow.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Sharu, wrapped in golden flames, attacked suddenly. Under Sharu's full explosion, the Monkey King and the three had no room for defense and were directly knocked into the air.

"How could his strength suddenly become so strong?"

"His anger seems to have suddenly increased!"

"Although the appearance has not changed, it is very similar to transformation!"

Monkey King, Vegeta, and Trunks got up from the ground and looked at Sharu solemnly. They didn't expect Sharu to hide such a powerful force.

"Didn't I say that I have cells from all of you, which means I have cells from Saiyans in my body. I already understand your ability to make Qi soar suddenly, so that's it!"

"Hahaha! It's a really good skill! Now that I have mastered this method, it is useless to keep you guys, go to hell!"

Sharu looked at the golden flame on his body and said lightly.

With the current strength of Sharu, even the three of Monkey Wukong could not be his opponent.

"Dad? Don't hurt my dad!"

At this moment, Monkey King rose into the sky and directly stood in front of Sharu, preventing Sharu's offensive.

"Oh, it's Gohan! Gohan, Sharu will leave it to you, use all your power to defeat him!"

When Monkey King saw this scene, he couldn't help but remembered the past. The strength of Monkey King might be stronger than Monkey King thought.

Although Monkey King still has some hidden power, even if he bursts out with all his strength, he may not be able to defeat Sharu, so now is the best time for Monkey King to take action.

"What? Just rely on him?"

"Let Gohan go?"

Both Vegeta and Trunks looked at Monkey King in shock. They thought that Monkey King's brain was broken.

After all, Monkey King was still young, and his strength was obvious to everyone. They didn't believe that Monkey King had surpassed everyone here.

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