Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 622: Absorb Monkey King!

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"Impossible! I have evolved into a perfect body, how could I fail! Ah!"

Sharu's qi broke out again, exploding the surrounding gravel, and then rushed towards Monkey King after a loud roar.

Sharu was not willing to fail, and finally evolved into a state of completeness. Sharu was absolutely not willing to fail like this.

"Gohan, kill him!"

"Good-looking Gohan!"

"Okay! With this power, Sharu will definitely be defeated."

When Monkey King, Trunks and others saw this scene, their faces appeared relaxed.

In their view, Sun Gohan's current power has surpassed the complete Sharu, and it was only easy to kill Sharu.

"It's boring! According to the development of the plot, Sharu will blew himself up, but from the perspective of Sun Gohan's current strength, even if Sharu blew himself up, he would at best be as good as Monkey King."

Lin Feng looked at Monkey King and shook his head gently.

Sun Wufan's potential is indeed good, and the power that has burst out now is also very powerful, much stronger than that in the original book.

Of course, this was mainly due to Lin Feng's training, otherwise Sun Wufan could not have become so strong.


I saw that Monkey King looked at Sharu quietly, and then punched out a punch. Sharu, who was coming in extremely fast, flew out at a faster speed and directly hit the ground.

Faced with the Son Gohan who has transformed into Super Saiyan 2 status, Sharu has no room for resistance.

"No, I didn't expect that Sun Gohan's power has become so strong now. I am not his opponent at all. What should I do!"

This time Sharu didn't come out directly from the ground, but hid in the ground, with a solemn expression on his face.

After the two attacks just now, Sharu knew that Sun Gohan's current strength was much stronger than his own. If he wanted to defeat Sun Gohan, his current strength was completely insufficient.

"In this situation, only by becoming stronger can we defeat Monkey King, but what should we do?"

In the ground, Sharu was in deep thought, thinking about ways to become stronger again.

"Saru, do you think you can escape by hiding underground?"

Monkey King slowly came to the ground where Sharu had fallen, and said lightly.

"Gohan, solve him soon!"

Monkey King looked at the Monkey King in the distance and shouted.

Although Sun Wufan's strength has skyrocketed, for the sake of safety, Sun Wukong still thinks that Sharu should be solved as soon as possible. After all, there are many nights and dreams, and it is inevitable that Sharu will do something.


After Sun Wufan listened to Sun Wukong's words, Sun Wufan's energy exploded, raised his hand, and a bright light shot out, directly exploding Sharu from the ground.


Sharu rushed out from the ground in embarrassment, looked at Monkey King with an angry look, roared loudly, the whole body burst out instantly, and rushed towards Monkey King again.


When Monkey King saw this scene, he hummed softly, and his anger instantly gathered on his fists and hit Sharu's belly with one punch.

I saw Sharu snorted and fell directly to the ground, and the entire ground was torn apart.

"Oh, cough, cough!"

After Sharu fell, he slowly stood up, vomiting and looked at Monkey King, showing a look of embarrassment. Soon, with Sharu's vomiting, a small figure was thrown out of Sharu's mouth.

"Number 18?"

"He...he vomited number 18?"

"The 18th was actually vomited out?"

Seeing this scene, Monkey King and others exclaimed.


Accompanied by Sharu's screams, Sharu's complete body shape has actually changed, slowly returning to the second form.

"Saru returned to the second form?"

"Well, we won!"

"Saru in this state is not afraid at all!"

Seeing Sharu's changes, Monkey King and others showed a relaxed look on their faces.

If the complete Sharu is an adult, then Sharu in the second form is a child, and everyone present can fight against one.

"No! No! No!"

Sharu looked at his body with an unbelievable expression. He did not expect that he would actually return to the second form, which made Sharu somewhat unacceptable.

"Saru, you are finished!"

Monkey King slowly walked up to Sharu and said lightly.

"No! In that case, let's die together!"

Sharu looked at the Monkey King in front of him, his face was fierce, and his body slowly swelled, and at the same time the qi in his body burst into the strongest state.

"He is going to blew himself up?"

"Stop him!"

"Never let him blew himself up, stop him!"

Seeing this scene, Trunks and others exclaimed.

Although Sharu has now returned to the second form, if Sharu is allowed to explode, the power it produces is extremely huge, and even the entire earth may not survive.

"Huh? Sharu, are you still struggling? Have you forgotten my abilities?"

Seeing this scene, Monkey King slowly came to Sharu's side, and at the same time stretched out his hand to press on Sharu's body.

Faced with Sharu who wants to blew himself up, all Monkey King can do is to transfer him out of the earth.

"Haha, you're done!"

At this moment, Sharu's originally painful javelin suddenly became an ecstatic step, as if some conspiracy had succeeded.

The tail behind Shalu suddenly stretched out and threw it directly towards Monkey King, trying to swallow Monkey King.


With only a bang, the spikes on Sharu's tail suddenly swelled into a circle, just like absorbing No.18, and directly swallowed Monkey King.



"Uncle Wukong?"

Seeing this scene, Monkey King and others exclaimed again. They never thought that Sharu blew himself up as a fake. His real purpose was to absorb Monkey King!

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