Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 623: Seeking a dead end (seeking automatic subscription!)

"Huh? I didn't expect Sharu to have this kind of brain!"

After Lin Feng saw this scene, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Obviously Lin Feng didn't expect that Sharu didn't blew himself up, but chose to absorb Monkey King.

In fact, it is also right. Sharu can already strengthen himself by absorbing the energy of others. Monkey King has such a powerful force. If Sharu is absorbed, then Sharu's strength is probably stronger than that of No. 18.

"Saru, return my father to me!"

When Monkey King saw this scene, he roared, raised his hand and waved, a bright energy projectile shot out towards Shalu.

If under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult for Sharu to absorb Monkey King.

And just when Sharu was about to explode, Monkey King was about to use teleportation, so he relaxed his vigilance, coupled with the previous injury, this gave Sharu a chance.


I saw the energy bomb sent by Monkey King directly hit the aperture that emerged from Sharu's body. After a loud noise, a violent explosion occurred.

After the smoke dissipated, the scene that appeared shocked everyone. At this time, Sharu had recovered to a full body state!


After hearing Sharu's roar, the energy in his body suddenly exploded, and an aura that was stronger than Monkey King instantly spread. The violent energy blasted everywhere, stirring up smoke and dust, making people unable to see the situation inside.

"This...this is? What a powerful energy!"

"Saru's energy is stronger than the original!"

"Unexpectedly, after Sharu absorbed Wukong, he would have such a strong energy!"

When Trunks and others saw this scene, shocked expressions appeared on their faces.

They never expected that after Sharu absorbed Monkey King, such a powerful energy would burst out. This level of energy has surpassed Monkey King.


Just as everyone was astonished, a bright light suddenly shot out from the dense smoke. This beam of light was extremely fast and extremely powerful, and when everyone was still shocked, the beam of light had already hit a figure in an instant.


When Vegeta and others saw the fallen figure clearly, they shouted in exclamation.

Looking at it, the beam of light directly penetrated Trunks' chest, and Trunks' anger slowly disappeared.

"Tranks? You... you actually killed him? Damn it!"

After seeing this scene, Monkey King shouted angrily.

With a roar, Sun Wufan's anger broke out instantly, and then his figure moved and rushed towards Sharu.

"Huh? Are you still my opponent now? But I didn't expect that after absorbing Monkey King, I would reach this level."

The thick smoke finally dissipated, and Sharu's figure was revealed again.

At this time, Sharu had once again evolved to a state of complete body, and at the same time, not only was his body entwined with golden flames, but there were also waves of thunder flowing in the golden flames.


Seeing Gohan Gohan rushing towards him, Saru did not evade, and Gohan kicked Saru in the head.

Then a burst of violent energy suddenly exploded, and a shocking scene appeared. Sharu, who was exposed to Monkey King's kick in the front, was actually intact, not even moving half of his steps.

"Saru, you are looking for death!"

At this moment, Vegeta looked at the dead Trunks, and the anger in his heart broke out completely. With a roar, regardless of whether he was Sharu's opponent or not, he rushed towards Sharu.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Rage energy light bullets continuously shot from Vegeta's hands and hit Sharu's body. After the violent explosions, thick smoke and dust spread out.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Under a fierce attack, Vegeta gasped heavily, looking at the center of the explosion, hoping that his attack would have a slight effect.

But when the smoke cleared and Sharu's figure appeared, Vegeta's face was full of panic.

In the center of the explosion, Sharu's position still did not move. After suffering such a powerful attack abruptly, Sharu still did not suffer any damage.

"Humph! I didn't expect that I would be so strong!"

I saw Sharu's voice suddenly rang in Vegeta's ears, and when Vegeta was shocked, Sharu punched out, and Vegeta's figure flew out instantly.

Facing the current Sharu, Vegeta has no ability to resist at all.

"Uncle Vegeta?"

Sun Wufan roared with worry, but the next moment, a green figure suddenly appeared behind Sun Wufan.

"You go to die too!"

Just listen to Saru’s flat voice ringing in Monkey King’s ears, Sharu’s fist lightly hits Monkey King’s body, but his fist seems to be very light, but it seems to have a marvelous strength. The figure flew in response.

"Hahaha, it's too strong!"

Sharu roared to the sky with excitement on his face, and then the qi in his body completely exploded, and the violent energy swept through like a violent wind, directly blowing everyone's body to the ground.

At this moment, the earth couldn't bear the explosion of Sharu's breath, cracking every inch.

"Huh? Are you okay? I have been paying attention to you for a long time. It seems that you are still a hidden master! In that case, come on. These people have no interest in arousing. I think you are the only one left now. Up."

Sharu, whose breath was completely erupted, thoroughly felt the energy contained in his body, and constantly looked around.

At this moment, Sharu suddenly discovered that under such a powerful aura, everyone had been blown away, but Lin Feng seemed to be okay, still sitting in his original position.

Looking at Lin Feng, who was standing still, Sharu completely understood that there is still a peerless power here!

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