Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 624: Super Sharu (please subscribe automatically!)

"Uncle Lin Feng, be careful! Sharu has surpassed Super Saiyan 2, and no one knows how powerful he is."

When Sun Wufan saw Sharu walking towards Lin Feng, he roared anxiously.

"It's just a man-made human being, and it beat you so embarrassed! It disappointed me!"

Lin Feng frowned, looking at the Sun Gohan and others who were unable to stand under the pressure of Saru's aura, said with a bit of displeasure.

Sun Wufan also cared about Lin Feng at this time, which made Lin Feng very pleased.

However, Lin Feng had great expectations for the potential of Monkey King. He didn't expect that after Sharu evolved again, Monkey King could not stand firmly in front of Sharu.

This made Lin Feng a little disappointed. After all, Sun Gohan has now reached the level of Super Saiyan 2. Even if Sharu's strength has soared after he absorbed Sun Wukong, Sun Wufan should not be like this when facing him.

"Yes...Yes! I disappointed you!"

When Sun Wufan heard this, he looked ashamed and said with some fear.

"Okay, I only use the same power as you!"

Lin Feng's attitude when he saw Sun Wufan admit his mistake was not bad, his expression finally eased, and then he looked at Sharu walking towards him, and said lightly.

After that, Lin Feng didn't make any movements, no roars, no anger, and the golden flames just appeared outside Lin Feng's body.

"this is?!"

"how come!?"

"Why is this?"

Vegeta, Monkey King and the others looked at Lin Feng who suddenly exuded a powerful aura, with incredible expressions on their faces. At this time, in their eyes, Lin Feng became very different.

Just now, Lin Feng, who was obviously just like an ordinary person, would suddenly burst out with such a strong aura. Although he knew that Lin Feng was very powerful, he suddenly burst out with an aura equivalent to Monkey King. This still made everyone very shocked.

The most important thing is that although Lin Feng's aura is only equivalent to that of Monkey King, Lin Feng's aura is very powerful.

Obviously I can't feel such a powerful force, but there is a more powerful aura exuding.

In the feeling of everyone, although Lin Feng's aura was not as strong as Sharu, it gave people a more dangerous feeling.

At least in the feeling of Vegeta and others, if they must make a choice between Lin Feng and Sharu to fight alone, then they would rather choose Sharu, who is more powerful, than Sharu, who is more powerful. Lin Feng.

"What? This feeling? Is it the feeling of death?! Impossible, your anger is just about the same as Monkey King. How could it make me feel this way? It must be an illusion!"

Sharu felt Lin Feng's momentum, and a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face. Like Vegeta and the others, although Sharu's aura was stronger than Lin Feng, he felt the threat of death from Lin Feng.

"Roar! Absolutely impossible! It is not so easy to lie to me!"

Facing Lin Feng's sudden outbreak, Sharu's fear became more and more intense. After a roar, Sharu knew that he couldn't hesitate now. Only by taking the initiative, he had a chance of winning.

With a roar, Sharu's qi exploded to the limit, and his body was covered with violent lightning. With a move, he rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Fighting is not just a blind attack!"

Seeing Sharu coming at such speed, Lin Feng did not look at Sharu, but at Sun Wufan and others, and said lightly.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Sharu's figure came to Lin Feng's side instantly, his fists wrapped in powerful energy, and he kept hitting Lin Feng.

I saw Lin Feng's figure swaying slightly, as if countless phantoms were produced, no matter how fierce Sharu's attack was, he could not touch Lin Feng.

"How is it possible? This kind of power can actually have such a fast speed?"

"It's too fast! Sharu can't touch him at all!"

"This is to use all the Qi to move!"

Vegeta and others looked at Lin Feng's elegant figure, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Lin Feng's speed was so amazing that Sharu couldn't touch Dao Linfeng at all.

At this time, Lin Feng did it deliberately, so that Vegeta and the others could clearly feel the way to use Lin Feng’s qi. Now Lin Feng uses all the qi for movement, so it can have such a fast speed. .

"Is this abandoning defense?"

"In this case, if you are hit by Sharu, you will suffer a lot of damage!"

Vegeta and others watched Lin Feng's battle, and said their opinions.

In their eyes, Lin Feng's practice of focusing all his energy on speed is extremely undesirable.

After all, if the body is not covered by Qi, if it is attacked, it is equivalent to directly exposing the body to the enemy, and the damage of a blow is several times the previous one.

"Hmph, this is why you are not strong enough, as long as you are fast enough, are you still afraid of this?"

After Lin Feng heard what the crowd said, he hummed lightly.


Just hearing a muffled sound, Lin Feng punched Sharu in the chest.

The Qi used by Lin Feng is clearly the same as that of Monkey King, but the effect is as if the difference is different. Sharu has no ability to resist at all, and his body shoots backwards like a cannonball!

"Impossible! How can you be so strong?!"

Sharu, who flew upside down, spewed green blood from his mouth, with an incredible face.

The punch just now gave Sharu no room for resistance. Sharu could feel that the Qi used by Lin Feng was indeed equivalent to that of Monkey King, but the power he exploded was dozens of times that of Monkey King.

"how is this possible?"

"This...this is?"

"How could this be?"

Vegeta and others were shocked again when they saw this scene.

Just now, when Sun Gohan attacked Sharu, they saw it very clearly. That level of Qi clearly could not cause effective damage to Sharu, but when it came to Lin Feng, the same level of Qi seemed to have infinite power. ! ..

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