Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 625: The real strong

"Impossible, your anger is only similar to that of Monkey King, how could there be such a powerful power? I don't believe it!"

Shalu slowly got up from the ground, looking at Lin Feng with an incredible expression on his face and roared.

He never expected that the same level of anger would burst out of such a powerful force in Lin Feng's hands.

With a roar, the qi in Sharu's body broke out completely, and the flashing thunder and lightning all over his body became more violent, and the powerful qi set off a gust of wind to blow around!

Sharu was absolutely unwilling to fail like this. He finally evolved to a full body state and absorbed Monkey King. Now Sharu's strength has surpassed Dr. Gro's expectations!

"Turtle Qigong!"

I saw Sharu's hands together, the qi in his body gathered into both palms, and then pushed with both hands, a bright beam of light suddenly shot out of Sharu's hands, towards Lin Feng.

This is exactly Monkey King’s fame stunt, Turtle Qigong!

Sharu originally possessed Saiyan cells, coupled with the absorption of Monkey King, he is now able to use all the moves of Monkey King.

And with Sharu's current strength, the power of the turtle style qigong displayed is more powerful than that of Monkey King!

The devastating light emitted by that beam of light directly illuminated the entire sky, and even the void faintly trembled under this shock wave!

"Uncle Lin Feng, run away!"

"be careful!"

"Lin Feng?!"

Son Gohan, Vegeta and others were shocked when they saw Shalu’s turtle style qigong. They had never seen such a powerful turtle style qigong. It was so powerful that it was just that kind of breath. Can't afford to resist.

"Huh! Is this scared? Remember, when fighting, only the belief in victory cannot be lost."

Lin Feng hummed softly as he watched everyone's reaction.

When fighting fiercely with others, even if the strength is not as good as the opponent's, their fighting will must not be scared by the opponent, or else there is no need to fight at all, and he first made a decision to fail.

Afterwards, Lin Feng lifted his right hand slightly, and the qi from his body instantly gathered together, forming a bright ball of light.

"Ah? Does he want to resist Sharu's attack? But this level of aura is absolutely unable to withstand Turtle Qigong!"

"Yeah! What the **** is he going to do?"

"Don't... don't worry! Uncle Lin Feng is the strongest!"

Vegeta and the others looked at Lin Feng's movements with puzzled expressions on their faces. They didn't understand the meaning of Lin Feng's actions, and they thought that Lin Feng would resist Shalu's Turtle Qigong.


But the next moment, I saw Lin Feng's figure disappeared out of thin air.


"Is this teleportation?"

Seeing Lin Feng's disappearance, Vegeta and the others were shocked again. They all saw that Lin Feng was using instant movement. However, the scene that appeared in the next moment shocked them even more, because they saw that Lin Feng, who had disappeared suddenly, appeared behind Sharu, and the ball of light in Lin Feng's hand was attached to Sharu's back.


Accompanied by a violent roar, the ball of light in Lin Feng's hand burst instantly, and that powerful might set off a shocking wind!

Although the power of this ball of light is not as powerful as Sharu’s tortoise style qigong, the power generated by such a close explosion is not something Sharu can resist.

With a burst of intense fire, Sharu's body was directly blown to pieces!

"do you died?!"

"This kills Sharu?"

"You won with such a big difference in strength?"

When Vegeta and others saw this scene, they looked incredible.

They didn't expect that Lin Feng really defeated Sharu with the same spirit as Monkey King, and he still won!

If Lin Feng used the same qi as Sharu, everyone would still be able to accept it, but with so much qi difference, Lin Feng could win so easily, which made them a little unacceptable.

Until now, Vegeta and the others really realized the power of Lin Feng-it was not the power of Qi, but the cognition of fighting!

Vegeta and the others understand that their knowledge of combat and Lin Feng are not on the same level at all!

If one day they can be like Lin Feng, even if they face an enemy that is several times stronger than themselves, they will be able to achieve Lin Feng's level.

"Do you think Sharu is dead?"

At this moment, Lin Feng's voice suddenly rang in their ears, and then Lin Feng's silhouette suddenly appeared beside them.

"Is he still dead!?"

"It's all exploded to pieces, it should be dead, right?"

"It's all like this, it shouldn't be possible to be alive, right?"

After Vegeta and others heard Lin Feng's words, their faces were puzzled. Sharu was blown to pieces, and they didn't think he was still alive.


At this moment, there was a sudden violent explosion in the distance, and then a stronger breath spread from the center of the explosion!

"this is……?!"

"Impossible! Is this Sharu's anger?"

"How come? Sharu is not dead? And even stronger!"

Vegeta and others felt this powerful breath, and instantly recognized who the owner of this breath was, that was Sharu who had been blown to pieces!

"Who said that if it is blown to pieces, it will definitely die? Can't Piccolo be able to sever his limbs and regenerate?"

Lin Feng looked at everyone and said lightly.

Sharu's body contains Bick cells, and Sharu's body structure is very special. He lives on the core of his brain. As long as that core is not destroyed, he can recover no matter how much damage he suffers.

"Haha! I didn't expect it! I was blown into pieces and I didn't die. And because I had Saiyan cells, after a life and death crisis, my strength became stronger. I see what you do this time! "

At this moment, Shalu, who had been fully resurrected, shook his whole body slightly, shook the dust around him, and then smiled wildly, looking at Lin Feng and said. ..

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