Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 626: The death predicted by the king

"Also, you must not be arrogant in the face of a situation that is beneficial to you. Because you never know what your enemy has."

After Lin Feng heard Sharu's words, he ignored him, instead turned and looked at Vegeta and the others.


Afterwards, Lin Feng lifted his right hand slightly, pointed towards Sharu, and a very small light shot from Lin Feng's fingertips.

He only heard a pop, and that small light instantly pierced Sharu's head. The qi surging outside Sharu's body was like a display, without any blocking ability.

"Uh? This...? This is impossible!"

Sharu, who had just smiled wildly, suddenly solidified.

Because he didn't feel any danger when the light hit just now, as if it was a breeze, he didn't react until the core of his brain was broken, but it was too late now.

"Huh? This...?!"

"This is dead?!"

"Isn't it? It's that simple? How strong is Lin Feng!?"

When Vegeta and others saw this scene, they all showed shocked expressions. They were still shocked by Sharu's resurrection just now, but the next moment only saw Lin Feng raise his hand, Sharu, who was more powerful than before Was directly killed.

This contrast makes them somewhat unacceptable for a while.

"Don't be stunned, go back to heal your injuries!"

Lin Feng smiled faintly at the shocked expressions of everyone, and said softly.

"Huh? Yes!"

When Sun Wufan heard this, his figure moved and followed Lin Feng to leave.

"Gohan, Lin Feng, Piccolo, I'm leaving too."

Klin also recovered from the shock, and after greeted everyone, he turned and left.


Vegeta snorted likewise and flew up into the sky, flying towards the distance.

These people, like these people, have been in shock today. I thought that after three years of special training, they already had the strength to outsmart the crowd, but now it seems that they are still far away.

In this way, Sharu's affairs are over. Although Monkey King is dead, he does live well in the underworld.

Soon after Sharu's affairs ended, Sun Wukong's second son, Sun Wutian, was born.

"Born, born."

Accompanied by Bulma's shouting, everyone waiting at the door knows that Kiki gave birth to her second son, a rare Saiyan who has added a new life.

"Huh? What's your name?"

Bulma looked at Lin Feng, Monkey King and others and asked.

"Just call Wutian!"

At this moment, Qiqi in the room suddenly spoke.

"Wu Tian? It's okay, just call Wu Tian. Trunks will have a companion in the future!"

Bulma smiled softly.

"Sun Wutian is also born, very good!"

Lin Feng looked at Sun Wutian who had not opened his eyes in his arms by Bulma, smiled faintly, and said softly.

When Sun Wutian grew up, his personality was very similar to that of Sun Wukong when he was a child. Both were very innocent and likable.

Lin Feng didn't have anything special here, the only thing that interested Lin Feng was playing with these children.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, seven years passed.

During this time, Sun Wufan had already been in high school, and Sun Wutian was seven years old.

During this period, if Lin Feng had not been urging the Sun Wufan and Sun Wutian to practice the exercises, I am afraid that they would have become nerds under the pressure of Qiqi.

But even so, Sun Wufan has already turned into a nerd. After all, Sun Wufan is a filial child, and he simply obeyed his mother's words.

"Okay! Dear audience friends, the finals of the Junior Group of the World's No. 1 Budokai will begin soon!"

At this time, in a city, I thought that the host was holding a microphone and looking at the Monkey King Trunks standing opposite each other on the ring and said loudly.



As the host's voice fell, Sun Wutian and Trunks fought together instantly.

"Does Wutian already have this kind of strength? It's really good!"

With a faint light circle on his head, Monkey King said in surprise as he watched the battle below.

Because of the world's number one martial arts club, Monkey King specially asked for a leave of absence with the Realm King God and came out of the underground palace, but only one day.

"Huh, Trunks is not weak."

When Vegeta on the side heard this, a look of disdain appeared on his face, and he spoke directly.

"Don't you go to the realm king and **** to discuss how to deal with the magician he said?"

Lin Feng looked at the two men with a pleasant look, and said lightly.

When the East Realm King God came to find Monkey King, Lin Feng happened to hear their conversation.

"Oh, didn't that person say to wait a while? By the way, Lin Feng, do you know about that magician?"

When Monkey King heard this, he said directly.

"I know you will all die again because of this magician!"

After Lin Feng glanced at Monkey King lightly, he said lightly.


"Isn't it?"

"How is it possible? Dad will die again?"

After Sun Wukong, Vegeta and others heard Lin Feng's words, they were directly shocked. They didn't think Lin Feng would joke with them. Since Lin Feng said it, it would definitely happen.

"Look at it!"

Lin Feng didn't look at the expressions of Monkey King and the others, but said lightly.

But underneath, the battle between Sun Wutian and Trunks was over. After all, Trunks was one year older than Sun Wutian, and he was more mature. With a little bit of strategy, Sun Wutian was defeated.

In fact, the current strength of Sun Wutian, who had Lin Feng's guidance, was definitely not worse than that of Lanx.

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