Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 633: The strength of Gotenks

"Oh? Are you finally willing to come out?"

After Buu heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

He has no other thoughts in his mind now, only fighting, even if he killed the entire human being on the earth just now, there is no burden for him.

"I hope he can mature a little bit and don't let me down."

Lin Feng watched Piccolo walk towards the house of time and spirit, and said lightly.

In fact, in Lin Feng's mind, the expectation for Sun Wutian and Trunks is still great. Both of them have very good potential. The reason why Lin Feng taught them is that they don't want them to make soy sauce in the future.

After all, things in the future will be very interesting. Lin Feng also hopes that the two of them can make some changes to bring more fun to Lin Feng.

"Buu, your enemy is us!"

I saw Sun Wutian and Trunks walking out of the house of time and spirit behind Bick. At this time, after they felt Buu's anger, they didn’t show any horror. Instead, they looked at Buu with joy. Ou said.

"Huh? Not you?"

Buu looked at Sun Wutian and Trunks with a questioning look on his face. In his memory, his opponent should be a man with golden hair, not two children.

"Hmph, dare you to underestimate us! Goten, show him something awesome!"

After hearing Buu's words, Trunks showed an unpleasant look on his face, then looked at Sun Wutian and said.

"Hmm! Fusion!"

I saw Sun Wutian's promise, and then the two moved apart and assumed a fusion posture. As the sound fell, their fingers touched together instantly.


With the air surging, in a burst of bright light, Wu Tianxi appeared in front of people again.

"What? Why don't you use Super Saiyans to fit together?"

Bick looked at the emergence of Gotenks, with a look of surprise on his face, because at this time the state of the fusion of Sun Wutian and Trunks was just an ordinary form, not a Super Saiyan form.

In other words, they did not show up all their strength in the first time!

"Huh? It's a kid, I'm thinking about playing at this time! Humph!"

When Lin Feng saw this scene, a slight smile appeared on his face.

Lin Feng knew that Gotenks was now able to transform into a Super Saiyan in this state, and after a year of training, he could also transform into a Super Saiyan Tier 3.

But a child is a child, without a clear understanding of the enemy, playfulness occupies a dominant position.

Lin Feng was too lazy to talk about this situation. After all, they are too young. Even if Lin Feng said it, they may not take it to heart. Only after letting them realize their mistakes can they make changes. .

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the other side, Gotenks and Buu fought fiercely together, and the constant collision of their fists and feet sparked violent gales.

However, in the face of the monster Buu, Gotenks in normal form is not his opponent at all. Although he can fight Buu for a while, it is very difficult.

"Hmph, next, I'm going to show my real ability! Ha!"

After being slapped by Buu, Gotenks finally realized it, and then the figure halted and roared, his body flashed with golden light, accompanied by a burst of golden flames, transformed into a super Saiyan people.

"Oh? Hey! It's like this."

Buu didn't panic when he saw Gotenks after the transformation, instead he showed an excited smile on his face. After that, Buu jumped and rushed directly to Wu Tianxu.


With a huge roar, the two fiercely fought together again, this time Gotenks was finally able to fight Buu head-on.

"Super Ghost Kamikaze!"

Just as Lin Feng was watching the two fighting, he saw Gotenks, then he uttered a long series of spells, and he spit out a cloud of white smoke from his mouth, only this thing. While squirming, something that looked the same as Wutianks and resembled an elf was formed.

"Damn! This thing has come out anyway. Alas!"

Lin Feng sighed uncontrollably when he saw this scene.

Lin Feng knew about Wu Tiankesi's move. Although it was very powerful, it had to be said that it was really second in the middle. And this move is useless for Buu. Although it can blow Buu to pieces, it is impossible to kill him.


Sure enough, as Lin Feng expected, with a huge explosion, Buu was directly blown to pieces. But even so Buu was still not killed, as a burst of pink smoke rose, Buu's body condensed again.

"In this case, I have to show my true ability! Ha!"

Upon seeing this, Gotenks also showed a cold sweat on his head, knowing that it was not time to play.

With a roar, the golden flames all over his body rose again, and the golden hair on his head, under the urging of Qi, grew again, reaching the waist in length.

"This state can indeed defeat Buu, but can you seize the opportunity? Or is it still naive?"

Lin Feng looked at what was happening outside the window with a slight smile on his face.

This state is the strongest state of Gotenks, which is the third-order form of Super Saiyan.

However, although the strength is sufficient, he still needs decisive determination and perfect combat consciousness to kill Buu.

In Lin Feng's view, the Saiyans were originally a group of arrogant guys, not to mention that these two little guys were still a little bit worse in their minds, and they might not have thought of this.

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