Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 634: Power beyond Tier 3!

"What? This...this is the third-order form of Super Saiyan? When did these two little ghosts reach this level?"

Bick looked at Wutianks who transformed again, with a look of horror on his face. At this time, Wutianks' strength was not far from that of Monkey King.

"Hey! This is right!"

Seeing this scene, Buu showed a ferocious smile on his face, and then rushed towards Gotianks with a move.

Although Gotenks' current strength has skyrocketed, Buu has no fear at all. What he wants is to fight the strong.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A huge roar sounded between the two again, and every punch collision could arouse bursts of violent energy impact, creating a violent wind.

But Kalinta broke directly under the collision of the two.

"It's really uneasy!"

Lin Feng's figure moved, floating in the air, watching the two people fighting together, and said lightly.

Now Buu has been completely suppressed by Gotenks, but although Buu's face was very worried and frightened, Lin Feng knew that Buu had not yet reached the moment of life and death crisis.

"The time is coming!"

Just when Gotenks and Buu were fighting together again, Lin Feng smiled lightly and said softly.

Gotenks’ fusion time is only half an hour, while it takes only five minutes to transform into a third-order Super Saiyan.

Although only five minutes can kill Buu, Gotenks has not used his full strength, but is fighting Buu with a play mentality. Up to now, five minutes is almost up.


Hearing a loud roar in the sky, Gotenks hit with all his strength and shattered half of Demon Buu's body.

"Gotenks, hurry up, give him a fatal blow!"

Upon seeing this, Piccolo showed a hint of joy on his face and hurriedly shouted.

Although Gotenks can now suppress Buu with the help of Super Saiyan Tier 3, Piccolo understands that if Buu is not killed as soon as possible, they will be in danger when it is time to merge.

"Well, okay, let's give you one final blow! Ha!"

Gotenks was already very happy after the battle just now. After hearing Bick's words, his hands were put together, and a bright light lit up in his palm.

But the next moment, a scene that left everyone speechless appeared, because the time for Wu Tianxi's transformation had arrived, and he returned to his normal fusion form again.

"Yellow-mouthed kid, he really doesn't have any hair on his mouth and he can't do things well!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. Although Buu's brain is not very good, he is very clear about the battle. Although it seems to be miserable now, there is no substantial harm.


Bick exclaimed when he saw this scene, with a look of horror on his face. Now no one except Gotenks is the opponent of the puppet, and after Gotenks returns to normal state, everyone is finished.

"I'm hungry!"

After Buu saw Gotenks return to his normal state, he did not chase him, but turned to look at Qiqi and the others. Then the figure moved, and the tentacles on the forehead shot a light, turning them all into chocolates.

"Although this Buu looks silly, he is actually very smart!"

Lin Feng quietly watched what happened below, thinking in his heart.

In fact, at this time, Buu had already felt Sun Gohan's anger.

Sun Wufan can be regarded by Lin Feng, his potential is naturally not comparable to ordinary people, that is, he has not listened to Lin Feng in the past few years, resulting in a decline in combat effectiveness, otherwise no other means are needed at all, Sun Wu Rice can kill Buu.

But now, after being inspired by the potential of the ancestors of the Eastern Realm King God, his combat effectiveness has been restored. Demon Buu felt the anger of Monkey King, and realized that Monkey King's strength was not something he could resist, so he left Gotenks' life.

Because of Buu's special body structure, he can gain their qi by swallowing others and increase his own strength. Buu is now waiting for the arrival of Monkey King.


At this moment, there was a roar from the sky, and then a figure was seen flying at an extremely fast speed, kicking Buu away with one kick.


"Brother Gohan?"

"Gohan? Are you here?"

After Sun Wutian, Trunks and others saw the figures that appeared, they all exclaimed. They all knew that Sun Wufan was cultivating with the Realm King God, and now they finally looked forward to him.

"Yeah! Are you all right? You go and rest first, wait until I beat Buu!"

Sun Wufan looked at Sun Wutian and others, and said lightly.

Now he, after increasing the potential of the Realm King God, can no longer transform into a Super Saiyan, but in this state, his strength has surpassed the strength of the Super Saiyan Tier 3!


Buu looked at Monkey King and roared, as if losing his mind, he rushed straight up.

"The Realm King God? Still have some ability! The current Sun Wufan's strength is shocking to the world!"

Lin Feng watched Sun Wufan and Buu fighting together, said lightly.

These just a few hours were equivalent to the time that Sun Wufan had practiced for several years, making his strength soar, and dealing with the current Buu was simply crushing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Monkey Gohan and Buu collided in an instant, and violent shock waves continued to spread from between them.

The Monkey King at this time is too strong, even if he hasn't transformed into a Super Saiyan, he is still completely crushed against Buu!

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