Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 639: Spike Buu! (For automatic subscription)

Now Buu has completely lost his sanity, but obviously he has not forgotten the importance of Lin Feng, and now he still wants to absorb Lin Feng.

"It's all like this, still thinking about me so much?"

Lin Feng looked at Buu who was still on the rampage, he shook helplessly, and then kicked out Buu directly.

"Huh? Buu?"

Buu hit the ground directly, and beside him, it happened to be Satan's position. Satan looked at Buu who suddenly appeared in front of him with a cold sweat on his face.


Buu roared, raised his hand and pointed, a light flashed in his palm, and a gas bullet was about to hit Satan.

But at this moment, Buu suddenly felt a splitting headache, as if there was another consciousness in his mind preventing him from hurting Satan.



Seeing this scene, Monkey King and others exclaimed.

"Let's do this, I'll help you. But afterwards I have to give me Dragon Ball to play for a few days!"

Lin Feng looked at Buu with a painful look, and shook his head helplessly. Lin Feng had lost interest in what was about to happen.

"Ah? Lin Feng, are you willing to make a move?"


"Are you really willing to make a move?"

After Sun Wukong and others heard Lin Feng's words, their faces showed surprise. Although Lin Feng's strength is not clear to them, what is certain is that it is absolutely strong!


At this moment, he could not help but vomit, and he directly vomited a bunch of pink things. As the smoke dissipated, a fat Buu appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah ha ha!"

When Xiao Buu saw this scene, a smile appeared on his face. After spitting out the fat Buu, Xiao Buu had no other emotions, and completely returned to the original state.

The little Buu now is pure evil!

"Okay, we promise you!"

Upon seeing this scene, Monkey King thought that Fat Buu was a clone of Little Buu, and said directly.


After Lin Feng heard what Sun Wukong said, he smiled and said softly.


Afterwards, Lin Feng raised his hand gently, and a bright beam of light shot out from his fingertips. The seemingly small beam of light seemed to have infinite power, directly hitting Buu's body.


With this light hitting Buu's body, Buu's face was distorted, and painful roars continued from his mouth, as if he was enduring endless pain.


After that, Buu's body swelled up quickly, exploding like a bomb.

"Huh? This... is it exploding?"

"Isn't it? It's that simple?"

"Is Buu dead?"

Looking at Buu who exploded directly after receiving Lin Feng's blow, Monkey King and others showed shocked expressions.

They never thought that with so many people, the default Buu, which could not be defeated after infinite efforts, could be handled so easily by Lin Feng!

Looking at Buu who had been exploded to pieces, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Lin Feng. They all knew that Lin Feng was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong!

"Fat Buu retains Buu's kind side, so don't worry about his problems. Remember, send me the Dragon Ball!"

Lin Feng looked at the shocked people, smiled faintly, and said softly.

Although Lin Feng speeded up the progress of the matter by doing this, the result of the matter was basically the same as before.

According to the original development, Buu would destroy the earth, but eventually he was killed by Monkey King's vitality bomb, and finally the earth returned to its original state under the wish of Dragon Ball.

"Lin Feng, you are really amazing. I thought that the gap between me and you has narrowed a lot, but I didn't expect it to be far away!"

Monkey King looked at Lin Feng with excitement. In his eyes, although Buu was very difficult, he felt very excited because he was eager to fight the strong. Although Buu was very evil, It is also an excellent opponent.

"Cultivate hard, you will reach my level someday."

When Lin Feng heard this, he waved his hand gently and said, then turned and left.

What Lin Feng said was actually very perfunctory. Even if Monkey King worked hard to cultivate, he would not be able to reach Lin Feng's level. Even reaching the true **** level, which was one level worse than Lin Feng, would require endless years.

What happened after that was the same as Lin Feng expected. Under the influence of Dragon Ball, the earth returned to its original state, and those who died because of Buu were also resurrected.

After the events of last night, the Dragon Ball was collected by Monkey King and sent to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, I know that I am not your opponent now, but I still want to fight with you. Only in this way can I know how far I am from you."

Just after Monkey King handed the Dragon Ball to Lin Feng, he looked at Lin Feng seriously and said.

"Huh? Want to fight me? Are you really thinking about it?"

Lin Feng played with the dragon ball in his hand and said lightly.

Lin Feng also didn't expect that Monkey King's desire to fight was so strong. How long did he live in peace, so he thought about fighting with Lin Feng. When he faced Buu, he was beaten so miserably. It only took just a year. I forgot everything.

"Hmm! I know that my current strength is definitely not your opponent, but I still want to compete with you."

Monkey King looked at Lin Feng solemnly and said.

In the eyes of Monkey King, Buu's affairs have passed more than a year, and he also met a black-skinned kid at the last martial arts meeting in the world.

That person was just an ordinary human being on Earth, but his strength was indeed incredible, and Monkey King could feel that that person was the reincarnation of the former little Buu!

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