Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 640: Lin Tian vs Super Saiyan 3

"Since you have already figured it out, come on! But this time I won't be merciful!"

Lin Feng looked at the determined Monkey King, and shook his head helplessly. He thought to himself that it was time to teach Monkey King some lessons, or else he would find himself fighting every day, so he would not be bored to death.

"I'm coming! Ha!"

When Sun Wukong heard Lin Feng agree to his request, his face was happy, and then he roared, his whole body lit up with golden light, and his golden hair grew instantly, reaching the waist.

"Transform directly into Super Saiyan Tier 3? Come on!"

Lin Feng saw this scene, put down the Dragon Ball in his hand, and said lightly as he looked at the excited Monkey King.


I saw Monkey King stepped on his feet in the air, and there was a muffled noise in the void, and then his figure disappeared in an instant. The next moment he appeared directly behind Lin Feng, and his powerful fist hit Lin Feng's face.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Seeing Lin Feng's figure shaking slightly, he avoided Monkey King's attack.

Afterwards, Monkey King roared again and again, using his hands and feet together, he hit Lin Feng at an extremely fast speed.

But no matter how Monkey King increased his attack speed, Lin Feng was able to react in advance as if he had predicted Monkey King's movements.

"Huh? Is it Kakarot and Lin Feng?"

At this moment, a figure above the sky flew over at an extremely fast speed, and said lightly, watching the two fighting fiercely above the sky.

This person is Vegeta. He originally practiced at home, but after feeling the anger of Monkey King, he thought that Monkey King had encountered some opponent, and hurried out.

"Vegeta, what's going on? Why did Wukong fight Lin Feng?"

At this moment, Piccolo flew over from a distance, watched the battle in the sky, and asked Vegeta on the side.

"I think Kakarot wants to test his abilities!" Vegeta said without looking back.

In fact, in Vegeta's heart, he wanted to fight Lin Feng a long time ago, but he knew that his strength was too different from Lin Feng, and it was boring to find him to fight.

But what Vegeta didn't expect was that Monkey King was so anxious that he directly approached Lin Feng.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought there was a new enemy coming! But now it seems that Wukong's strength is much stronger than when he dealt with Buu!"

Piccolo looked at Monkey King in the sky and said with some emotion.

After all, he was able to fight against Monkey King at the beginning. Now the gap between the two is really getting bigger and bigger, but Piccolo also understands that this is the difference of blood. He is now hundreds of times stronger than before.

"You can't touch my body for so long. Do you want to continue?"

After Monkey King's fierce attack, Lin Feng looked at him a little boringly and said, after all, the gap between the two is too big. Although Monkey King's current strength is very strong, it is still not enough to face Lin Feng.

"Of course, Lin Feng, don't keep hiding, let me see your true strength!"

Sun Wukong didn't have the slightest aura, but looked at Lin Feng with excitement and said, although the attack just now had no effect, Sun Wukong was not depressed. This shows that Lin Feng's strength is truly unfathomable and he is still making progress. space.

"Huh! Did you let me hit you? Is there such a request? Then I'm not welcome!"

After hearing what Sun Wukong said, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly and said softly.

Obviously, Sun Wukong is not selfish tendency, but to feel Lin Feng's strength.

Facing Monkey King who had said this, Lin Feng was not hypocritical. I saw Lin Feng's figure certain, a huge wave of flames rose from Lin Feng's body, and the violent flame wave burned the surrounding void, shaking the void into waves.

"how come?!"


"Lin Feng is so strong!?"

Vegeta, Piccolo, Klin and others on the side saw Lin Feng suddenly burst out with a powerful expression of shock on their faces. They all knew that Lin Feng was strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong. .

They are no longer what they used to be, but seeing Lin Feng's strength once again, they were still as shocked as before.

As if Lin Feng's strength has no limit, no matter how their strength increases, there is still an insurmountable gap with Lin Feng!

The next moment, I saw Lin Feng's figure moving, as if teleporting, appearing directly behind Monkey King, before Monkey King had not reacted, he punched him!

Sun Wukong, who had turned into the third tier of the Super Saiyan, had no room for resistance, and was directly shot out!

"Ah! This kind of power has surpassed me too much! I have now transformed into the third level of Super Saiyan. It would have been this feeling to withstand Lin Feng's blow. How strong is his strength! ?"

Monkey King's figure flew upside down in the air, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control the upside down body.

When Lin Feng's fist fell on him just now, he felt as if a big mountain had hit him, and the power was full of heavy and irresistible feeling.


Unable to stabilize his body, Monkey King roared, and the qi in his body climbed again, and the violent golden flame qi wave rose up and stabilized his body at the moment he was about to fall to the ground.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Lin Feng, your strength is really strong, but I will not back down. Come on!"

The Monkey King, who was steady, was breathing heavily in his mouth, surrounded by golden flames, and looking at the pleasant forest wind in the distance, Monkey King roared and rushed forward again.

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