Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 661: I shot you and you died

"Oh? Do you want to fight me so? You will die as soon as I fight."

Lin Feng looked at the arrogant one-star dragon in front of him, smiled and said softly.

I thought to myself that this one-star dragon was really naive, and when his strength increased slightly, he felt that he was invincible in the world.

"Haha! Stop talking! Now the words are the strongest. Ha!"

After Yixinglong heard Lin Feng's words, he opened his big mouth and smiled wildly, leaping forward towards Lin Feng.

Regarding Lin Feng's words, he didn't care at all, after all, the current one-star dragon had swallowed the other dragon **** and reached the strongest form.

One Star Dragon had never felt this force before, and now he was full of confidence in his heart.


Lin Feng looked at the one-star dragon who was about to fight and kill if he didn't agree, he snorted, and the figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was in front of the one-star dragon.

" are you...?"

Yixinglong was flying fast, and when he saw Lin Feng who suddenly appeared in front of him, his face was startled, and he stammered.

Because he hadn't seen how Lin Feng appeared in front of him just now, this shocked Yixinglong too!

You must know that his current strength has reached the strongest state by surprise, but even in this way, he hasn't seen how Lin Feng appeared. How fast is this!

But before Yixinglong could finish speaking, Lin Feng raised his foot and kicked Yixinglong in the chest.

Hearing a muffled noise, the figure of a star dragon shot backwards like a cannonball!

"Wow! Lin Feng is so strong?"

On the ground, Monkey King looked at Lin Feng who kicked a star dragon out, and said with a look of admiration.

Originally, he thought that after so long of cultivation, Lin Feng's strength should be stronger even if he was stronger than them. However, this scene completely subverted Monkey King's perception of Lin Feng.

He began to feel that Lin Feng was invincible, there was no limit.

"I... actually... it was just a blow? Just... just flying a star dragon?"

On the other side, Vegeta looked at Lin Feng with the same shock, and was a little bit speechless in fear.

It’s hard to be able to transform into Super Saiyan IV. I thought I had caught up with Monkey King and I also narrowed the distance with Lin Feng. But now it seems that he has not caught up with Monkey King, let alone brought him closer to Lin Feng. The distance of the wind.

"Ah! Roar! How is it possible? It's impossible? I'm already in the strongest form, and I will be kicked by you? I don't believe it! Ha!"

On the other side, a star dragon got up from the gravel, looked at the forest wind in the distance, and roared incredible.

He never expected that he would be kicked into the air by Lin Feng, and Yixinglong's mind was a little confused. After all, with his current strength, he would actually be kicked into the air, which shocked Yixinglong too much. .

The next moment, I saw a roar of a star dragon, his right hand was raised high, countless light spots shot toward Lin Feng like raindrops.


Lin Feng saw this scene with a smile on his face. One-star dragon evolved from Dragon Ball. Although it possesses a certain degree of wisdom, it will also feel confused about things that are beyond its own cognition.

At this point, Lin Feng raised his hand and waved lightly, and a huge energy barrier instantly unfolded, enveloping Lin Feng's body.

"Bo! Bo! Bo!..."

Then, I saw the light from a star dragon continuously hitting the barrier in front of Lin Feng, but the light spots that seemed to possess powerful power were like snowflakes falling into the warm water, only arousing a little ripple. Don't say that it hurt Lin Feng, even Lin Feng's body can't get close.

"How... how is it possible?"

Yixinglong looked at this scene with a shocked look, and said in horror.

You must know that the one-star dragon is no longer what it used to be, its strength has been greatly increased, and the power of the moves used has also been improved, but even so, it can't cause Lin Feng to cause any harm!

Only now did Yixinglong really understand that the most powerful person on earth is the man in front of him.

"It's amazing! There is actually such a move!"

Monkey King looked at the scene happening above the sky and exclaimed again.

Lin Feng's move, Monkey King, had already understood it. It was using his own qi to melt the qi of others.

Although the principle is very simple, if you try to use it, you need to have a strong ability to control Qi, and the volume of Qi must be very large to achieve this step.

"Too...too strong!"

Vegeta also looked at Lin Feng in shock. He also saw Lin Feng's moves, but he couldn't do it.

Even if he doesn't talk about the amount of his qi, but his ability to control qi, he is far from it.

"There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. That's why you failed."

Lin Feng looked at the frightened one-star dragon, smiled slightly, and said softly.

"Huh! Stop talking! There may be days outside the world, but there may not be people outside the world! I! I am the strongest! Roar!"

After Yixinglong heard Mo Yan's words, he snorted and said.

Regarding Lin Feng's words, the one-star dragon cannot be denied. Although Lin Feng's strength shocked the one-star dragon, it was not enough to let the one-star dragon escape.

The next moment, only a roar of a star dragon was heard, and the qi of the whole body was more and more limited, and the whole body was wrapped in a golden flame air wave, and he rushed towards the star dragon again.

"Haha! Good! Just to have this kind of spirit of not giving up, not abandoning, and not fearing death."

Lin Feng watched Yixinglong rush towards him again, and said with a soft smile.

Then he lifted his right hand, and several rays of light shot out from Lin Feng's fingertips, rushing towards Yixinglong!

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