Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 662: One star dragon! dead!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Huge explosions continued to sound, and the light from Lin Feng's fingertips exploded around Yixinglong, setting off bursts of thick smoke, and more powerful shock waves blowing in all directions.


Along with a huge muffled sound, the figure of a star dragon fell to the ground again, stirring up bursts of heavy smoke and dust, and blasting the ground into a huge deep pit.

"Can you take it?"

Lin Feng's figure slowly flew to the front of the giant pit, looked at the pit where dense smoke and dust continued to emerge, and said softly.

One-star dragon was arrogant and domineering, thinking that he would be invincible by swallowing the other six dragon balls. Unexpectedly, facing Lin Feng, just one face to face, he was beaten and couldn't find North.

"How is it possible? How could he be so strong? Impossible!..."

Yixinglong did not dare to make the slightest movement while lying in the ground, his thoughts flowed quickly, hoping to think about it clearly.

One-star dragon never expected Lin Feng to be so powerful. You must know that the current one-star dragon has reached the strongest state. Even Monkey King's surpassing Super Saiyan IV is not one-star dragon. opponent.

But it happened that this man who looked even more ordinary than ordinary people actually possessed incredible power, and he could beat himself with no power to fight back with just one blow!

"No! He must have deceived me! If he really has the power to defeat me, why didn't he make a move in the first place? He didn't make a move until I destroyed the earth like this? And from what he had just now From a single blow, his power is not much stronger than mine."

"He's bluffing me? Which one of the strikes just now seemed easy, and he should have done his best to use it. It must be so, it must be so! Want to bluff me? It's not that easy!"

Under the ground, the thoughts in the head of the one-star dragon continued to flow, thinking before and after, the one-star dragon still did not believe that Lin Feng really had such a powerful power.

Finally, he thought of an idea that he can accept. In fact, this is also normal. After all, in the face of some unexplainable situations, people always want to find some reasons to make themselves accept this result.

"Roar! Want to bluff me? It's not that easy! Which blow should have been struck desperately? Humph! I won't be fooled! Pick me up! Ha!"

At this point, a star dragon roared, and the qi burst out in his body instantly, and a powerful shock wave spread out, blasting the surrounding gravel away.

The figure of Yixinglong jumped up, watching Lin Feng roar in anger.

Afterwards, Yixinglong suddenly raised his hands, and the energy of his whole body instantly condensed into his palms, and a bright beam of light carried the power of destroying the world and shooting towards Lin Feng.

"I understand your feelings. After all, I thought I had a chance to win, but when this happens again, no matter who it is, it will be a bit ignorant. However, the fact is the fact!"

Lin Feng looked at Yixinglong's hideous expression, smiled and said softly.

Afterwards, Lin Feng raised his right hand slightly, and a bright beam of light shot out towards the star dragon.


The two huge beams of light directly collided with each other, making a huge muffled sound, and huge energy was released between the two, and bursts of shock waves spread out, blowing away the clouds above the sky.

"Just this little energy? Isn't it too small?"

Lin Feng watched the two energy beams stalemate together, smiled and said softly.

"Ah! I have to pay a price to underestimate me! Ha!"

Yixinglong looked at the stalemate with the beam of light, and roared with a sullen expression.

Then there was a roar, the qi of the whole body broke through a limit again, and the beam of light shot out of his palm expanded again.

On the other side, Lin Feng smiled and raised his hands slightly. No matter how the One Star Dragon urged his qi, he couldn't push Lin Feng's beam of light back by half.

"You can't do it!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly when looking at the grim-faced One-Star Dragon, the beam of light in his hand suddenly swelled, and its power suddenly soared, and directly rushed back the one-star dragon's beam.

"Ah! Ha! How could it be possible? Impossible! Why are you so strong?"

Yixinglong watched his beam of light being pushed back, and roared incredibly. But no matter how he urged his qi, he couldn't stop the beam of light from being returned.


With a huge roar, Lin Feng's beam of light directly hit Yixinglong's body, the huge energy exploded on Yixinglong's body, and the figure of Yixinglong was blown out instantly!

"Won! Lin Feng is really strong!"

On the other side, Monkey King looked shocked at the Star Dragon being beaten out by Lin Feng, and shouted with excitement.

Although he knew that Lin Feng would definitely win, he didn't expect Lin Feng to win so easily.

You must know that when he faced the one-star dragon just now, he was beaten and could not fight back. It was such a powerful one-star dragon, in the hands of Lin Feng, it was directly crushed like a little chicken.

"I... I must be able to reach this level too!"

Vegeta looked at everything happening in the sky, clenched his fists secretly, and said firmly in his heart.

Vegeta was too shocked by the strength that Lin Feng showed, and Lin Feng's strength was beyond his cognition.

But Vegeta was not scared by the scene before him, but instead aroused his fighting spirit.

"Ah! Poof! Why are you so strong?"

Above the ground, a star dragon fell directly to the ground.

The current Yixinglong was very miserable, half of his body was blown away, and looking at the chic and elegant forest wind above the sky, Yixinglong said his last words.

With the death of a star dragon, the negative energy that enveloped the earth was like rootless water, slowly dissipating, the clear sky appeared again, and the warm sunlight illuminated the world.

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