Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Persecute the **** of destruction

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Looking for a Super Saiyan also has another meaning, that is, I hope to increase my strength by fighting with the God of Super Saiyan. After all, only by fighting the strong can I find my shortcomings and make myself go further.

"Then it is decided."

After Lin Feng heard Birus' answer, he smiled slightly, and before Birus and the others spoke again, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With the sound of Lin Feng's snapping fingers, the surrounding space changed instantly. Billus and the others didn't even have time to react. When they saw the scene before them again, they had already arrived on the earth.

And Vegeta, Trunks, Monkey King and Monkey King, as well as Vidili and others, all appeared here.

"Huh? It changed time and space in an instant. I didn't even have time to react. It's really unfathomable!"

After Billus looked around at the sights, there was no change in emotion on his face, but his heart was full of haze.

Lin Feng's hand was a little beyond Birus's cognition. Although Birus could also do this step, it was still very reluctant for Birus to transfer the power of the level of Destroy God.

Originally thought that Lin Feng's strength was just a little stronger than himself, but now it seems that he is probably not a little stronger.

"Master Billus?"

Wes also turned his head to look at Birus, worried about Birus in his heart.

Lin Feng's strength shocked Weiss. Weiss knew that sometimes the combat effectiveness was very strong, but it did not mean that other aspects were also strong. The so-called technical profession had specialization, but Lin Feng's hand-to-time transformation was simply impeccable!

"The King of the North, tell us about the origins of our two distinguished guests!"

Lin Feng looked at the reaction of Birus and Weiss, but Lin Feng didn't care what the two of them thought. Since Birus wanted to find the **** of super Saiyan, then Lin Feng satisfied his wish.

"Yes! This is the **** of destruction in our universe. He was born to destroy. Destroying a planet is just a matter of thought."

The King of the Northern Realm bowed to Lin Feng and turned to explain to Monkey King and the others.

The **** of destruction is actually the **** corresponding to the **** of creation like the world king god. He is not a vicious person in itself, but only holds the power of destruction, and will go violently after being provoked.

Just like Birus, his character is surly and tyrannical, arrogant and self-willed, and a little bit of disobedience will destroy the planet, but he will not destroy the planet for no reason, and he will be relatively polite in his behavior.

"God of destruction?!"

"What? He is the **** of destruction?"

"God of destruction? Is it him?"

"No! He is the **** of destruction?"

After hearing the explanation of the Northern Realm King God, Vegeta and the others showed horrified expressions on their faces. Because of their frequent contact with the Realm King God, Vegeta and the others knew something about the Destroyer God.

For those powerhouses of that level, destroying a planet is as simple as waving their hands!

The most shocking thing was Vegeta. When Vegeta was very young, he once saw the scene of Birus stepping on his father's feet. That scene of Vegeta is still unforgettable.

But it is precisely because of this that Vegeta knows the horror of Birus better than others. No matter what planet it is, as long as he appears here, nothing good will happen.

"Yes, this is the famous **** of destruction. Today is the time for you to perform. As long as he gives some pointers, your skills will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. It might be easy to defeat me by then."

Lin Feng looked at everyone's stunned expressions, with a smile on his face.

"What? Is this true?!"

When Vegeta heard Lin Feng's words, the horror on her face instantly turned into a surprise. Regarding the improvement of her own strength, Vegeta seemed to be stunned, and she was unable to extricate herself.

I thought that there was nothing good about the God of Destruction here, but I didn't expect Lin Feng to say that.

Vegeta was convinced of Lin Feng's words, after all, in Vegeta's eyes, even the **** of destruction might not be able to obtain benefits from Lin Feng.

"Really? That's great."

On the other side, Monkey King said in surprise.

Because Monkey King asked Lin Feng to train himself many times, but Lin Feng refused. Now that he has such a good opportunity to get the guidance of the **** of destruction, Monkey King has long wanted it.

"Then please teach them."

Lin Feng looked at Vegeta and Monkey King with excited expressions, turned to look at Billus, and said lightly.

The words were very light, but they contained a hint of threat. It seemed that as long as Birus had a trace of reluctance, he would be greeted by the storm's attack in the next moment.

"En? Ok! It just so happens that my hands are itchy recently, but it's not enough to fight me with your current strength! You still think of a way to get a super Saiyan **** out!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Birus did not change his face, but in his heart he scolded Lin Feng thousands of times. If in normal times, his destructive **** Birus would be used by others, now Actually wanting to serve them as a sparring partner is really hateful.

However, in the face of Lin Feng who was staring at him, despite his unwillingness in his heart, Birus did not dare to show half a point.

And Birus originally wanted to find the God of Super Saiyan, a hearty battle, Birus has been looking forward to a long time!

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