Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 666: 666! (Please subscribe automatically!)

"Okay! Vegeta, let's get started!"

Seeing that Billus agreed, Monkey King said to Vegeta with surprise on his face.

"What is the God of Super Saiyan?"

Vegeta didn't know anything about the Super Saiyan God, so facing Monkey King's question, her face was full of questions.

Faced with Vegeta's question, Monkey King explained patiently, because Vegeta's power is still needed next.

"There is such a thing?"

After listening to Monkey King's explanation, Vegeta was full of surprises. She thought it would be great to transform into a Super Saiyan, but she didn't expect to have this more powerful method of transforming.

Moreover, according to the words of the King of the Northern Realm, as long as that level is reached, it is possible to obtain the strength that can match the **** of destruction Birus. Vegeta can hardly imagine what a terrifying improvement this is!

"Have you finished? Don't you start?"

On the other side, Birus had already waited impatiently. If it weren't for Lin Feng here, Birus would have slapped him. After all, others have always waited for him, and no one dared to let the **** of destruction wait.

"Trouble you! Let's get started!"

After hearing what Billus said, Vegeta and the others directly stood in a circle, surrounding Monkey King.

Although Vegeta has been destroyed, with the addition of the child in Vidili's belly, it is just enough to make up five people, reaching the standard of becoming a super Saiyan god.






Afterwards, Vegeta and the others no longer hesitated, they roared one after another, and the qi in their body burst out completely, rushing into Monkey King's body.

Vegeta looked at the Monkey King in front of him, filled with unwillingness, after all, he also wanted to become the **** of Super Saiyan.

It's just that Vegeta has self-knowledge. In this situation, he wants to fight against the gods of destruction. Naturally, they have to show their greatest strength. Although he does not want to admit it, the strength of Monkey King is indeed stronger than him.

"Ah! Ha...!"

The qi of Vegeta, Trunks, Monkey King, Monkey King, and Bidili kept pouring into Monkey King's body. With this powerful force pouring into his body, Monkey King unexpectedly roared up to the sky involuntarily Up!


Accompanied by a violent muffled sound, a powerful aura rose from Monkey King’s body, and scattered the tens of thousands of meters above the sky, and there was a powerful shock wave above the ground blowing like a storm. Quartet!

Vegeta and others surrounding Monkey King were even more shocked by this momentum.

"Is this the God of Super Saiyan?"


"This breath is beyond imagination!"

"It's amazing!"

Vegeta and others steadied their figures and looked back at Monkey King. What appeared in their eyes was a dazzling red.

At this time, Monkey King was surrounded by a dazzling flame wave like the sun, and his black hair turned into a fiery red color, and even his eyes changed, and they also became the color of flames.

"Here, this is the Super Saiyan God you are looking forward to! Let's get started, I can't wait."

Lin Feng looked at Monkey King whose aura was soaring with a smile on his face, then turned his head and said to Billus.

The state of the Super Saiyan God has greatly improved the strength. The strength that Monkey King can display now is probably able to reach 60% of Birus' strength, which is already very difficult.

To know that the God of Destruction did not know how many years of cultivation it took to achieve this step, and Monkey King only experienced a few minutes, and he had sixty percent of the strength of Birus, which was already commendable.

"It's exactly the same as in my dream!"

Billus looked at the Monkey King in the distance, and finally showed a solemn expression on his calm face.

Birus originally thought that the transformation of Monkey King was to increase combat power, but now it seems to be a big mistake. The breath that Monkey King exudes now is indeed the breath of God!

"Master Billus, let's start!"

Monkey King felt the incredible power of this powerful Dao in his body, his surprised expression slowly calmed down, and he turned his head and said to Billus.

If Sun Wukong had no chance of winning the battle with Birus before he had obtained this power, but now, feeling the powerful energy in his body, Sun Wukong's heart was full of confidence.


In the next moment, both Birus and Monkey King did not speak again, and their bodies lifted into the air almost at the same time, flying towards the sky.

At the same time, two strong waves actually rose from the two of them, and the auras of the two collided, shaking the void with a series of screams.

"The show is about to begin!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly when he saw this scene, and came to sit down at a table.

"Who are you? Even if Monkey King transforms into the God of Super Saiyan, he will not be Birus-sama's opponent."

As Sun Wukong and Birus rose into the air, the people on the ground finally calmed down, at least not having to face the **** of destruction.

As the mentor and nanny of the Destroyer God, Wes is more concerned about things that threaten the Destroyer God. Although he was full of shocked feelings in the face of Lin Feng’s power, Wes still bite the bullet to Lin Feng Spoke up.

"Does the result matter?"

Lin Fengtou would not speak either.

For Lin Feng, it doesn't matter who wins and who loses. After all, if Lin Feng is willing, he can make Monkey King slap Birus to death. But what is the point of this?

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