Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 668: Shock of Angel Weiss

"After the matter is over, tell Birus and let him hold a tournament. I don't care where the opponent comes from, but the battle must be exciting."

Seeing Weiss's surprised expression, Lin Feng smiled and said softly.

"What? This..."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Weis stammered.

Weiss obviously didn't expect Lin Feng to say that. After all, according to Birus' character, he would never do such a contest. But now it was no more than Birus, because from Lin Feng's faint words, Weiss heard the threat.

Thinking of Lin Feng's terrifying power, Weiss couldn't imagine what would happen if Lin Feng's request was rejected.


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the sky from the sky, and then I saw Monkey King falling like a cannonball.

After a fierce battle, Monkey King was finally defeated. Although the current Monkey King has transformed into the form of the Super Saiyan God, it is still inferior to Birus.


With a loud roar, Monkey King fell directly onto the ground, smashing the earth out of a huge pit.

"The God of Super Saiyan, it's not so good!"

The figure of Birus slowly fell from the sky, glanced at Monkey King who had fallen into the ground, and turned to Lin Feng.

In Birus's heart, although he was a little afraid of Lin Feng, because of his own personality, he always wanted to run against Lin Feng. After all, when did Birus be so downhearted to others.

"Master Birus is really amazing!"

Monkey King rushed out of the pit and looked at Birus and said with a look of surprise.

The energy of transforming into a super Saiyan **** has shocked Sun Wukong, but this is not Birus's opponent, which makes Sun Wukong shocked by Birus's strength.

"Master Billus, let's come again. This time I will use all my strength!"

Monkey King patted the dirt on his body, looked at Billus and said. Although he fell from a high altitude just now, Monkey King was actually not hurt much.


After listening to Monkey King's words, Billus showed a solemn look on his face.

The strength of the Super Saiyan God was a bit beyond Birus's expectation, but he didn't expect that Monkey King hadn't used all his strength.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, this is the first time that Monkey King has transformed into a super Saiyan god. Suddenly there is such a huge energy in his body. Naturally, he is not so smooth in his grasp, and the strength he can exert is definitely limited.

But now after the battle just now, he can be regarded as adapting to the energy in the body and able to fully display his strength.


Without waiting for Birus to speak, he only heard a roar from Monkey King. The whole body was like a sun-like flame rushing up, a violent shock wave spread out from Monkey King, stirring up a gust of wind.

The current Sun Wukong's anger was actually a bit stronger than just now. Obviously, Sun Wukong didn't lie. He really hadn't used all his power.

"What? Such a degree? Interesting."

When Billus saw this scene, his eyes narrowed, his vigilance in his heart became more serious, and he even regretted his attachment to the prophecy for a moment.

But it was only a moment, not to mention that in the face of the current situation, it was impossible for Birus to back down.


The next moment, I saw Birus's heart move, the energy flow around his body turned out, and the body was instantly enveloped in a purple flame wave.

Along with the rise of this flame, Birus' aura rose instantly, and under this powerful aura, the entire earth was shaking unceasingly!



Monkey King and Billus roared at the same time, their figures flew out suddenly and collided again!

The violent energy spread out from between the two fists, and the entire sky was constantly trembling under the impact of this energy.

"How about it? Is Monkey King's strength okay?"

Lin Feng smiled slightly when seeing the two who had collided together again, and looked at Weiss and said.

"It was beyond my expectation, but not enough!"

Weiss smiled slightly and said softly.

Although Weis was a person who served Birus in name, his strength was much stronger than Birus, and his vision was not comparable to that of Ruth.

In an instant, Weiss had already understood the strength of Monkey King. If you really wanted to say an accurate figure, Monkey King's current strength should have reached 60% of Birus' strength.


At this moment, there was a strange muffled noise in the sky suddenly, circles of invisible ripples radiated out, and the entire sky was distorted.

"What? The universe is going to explode?"

Wes looked at the constantly flashing sky like water, and said with some surprise.

But Weis quickly understood that the reason why the sky became like this was because of the huge energy radiated from the battle between Monkey King and Birus.

At their level, even the energy radiated inadvertently has great power, not to mention the fierce battle now!

Moreover, even though Monkey King can fully release the energy in his body, he still lacks control over his power. Those spilled energies are constantly impacting the space, and now the entire sky can no longer withstand their energy.


Seeing this scene, Lin Feng waved his hand and spit out a word softly.

With the fall of Lin Feng's words, the surrounding space became quiet, and the sky that looked like a wave suddenly quieted down.

The sky, which was about to be unable to withstand the energy released by Monkey King and the others, seemed to suddenly become extremely solid, no matter how much Monkey King's energy spilled, it could no longer shake the void into a ripple! ..

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