Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 669: Beat the **** of destruction!



Monkey King and Billus felt the changes in the surrounding space, both of them inadvertently looked back at Lin Feng, and then they roared again, and the energy in their bodies broke out completely, and there was no need to worry that the overflowing energy would shatter the space. .

However, in Birus' heart, he was even more afraid of Lin Feng.

This method of stabilizing space may seem simple, but in fact it is extremely difficult.

After all, the energy released by Birus and Monkey King is very huge. If you want to stabilize the space, you must first neutralize the energy of the two of them to stabilize the void.


The next moment, I heard a huge roar from the sky, and saw the figure of Monkey King falling towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Moreover, the current Monkey King has already escaped from the state of the super Saiyan god. Facing the **** of destruction, Billus, even if Monkey King goes all out, he is not his opponent. It has been very difficult to persist until now. .


Seeing Monkey King who was about to fall to the ground, Vegeta roared and stretched out his arms to catch Monkey King.

The current Monkey King had been severely injured by Birus, and if he was allowed to fall to the ground, he would probably fall to death.

"This is all your strength? Not addictive!"

Birus slowly flew down from the sky, looking at Monkey King who was placed on the ground by Vegeta, and said disdainfully.

The strength of Monkey King surprised Birus at the beginning. After knowing the limit of Monkey King, Birus was no longer shocked.

After all, even though Monkey King's strength has improved a lot, he is still far from defeating himself.

"I'll make you enjoy yourself."

At this moment, Lin Feng who was drinking tea suddenly spoke.


When Billus heard Lin Feng's words, he was shocked, the secret path was not good, and the figure wanted to avoid it.

But before he could move, he felt a huge force hit his chest, and his body flew upside down like a cannonball!

"Master Billus?"

"What? How is it possible?"


"Uncle Lin Feng is mighty!"

Seeing Birus who was kicked by Lin Feng, everyone reacted differently.

Wes looked at Lin Feng with a shocked look. He obviously didn't expect Lin Feng to make a sudden move. If he didn't understand that even if he and Birus combined were not Lin Feng's opponents, Wes would have made a move. Up.

Vegeta and others were shocked by Lin Feng's strength. They all knew Lin Feng's strength was very strong, but they didn't know how strong it was.

Lin Feng's strength seemed to have no limit. Every time they thought that was already Lin Feng's strength, but in a blink of an eye, Lin Feng could burst out even more powerful energy!

"Take out all your strength and let me see what is special about the Destroyer God."

Lin Feng's figure slowly flew out, watching Birus, who had barely stabilized his body after flying tens of thousands of meters, said.

"Huh! Good! Ah! Drink!"

Billus gently wiped away the trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and shouted with a gloomy face.

In fact, Birus didn't want to fight Lin Feng in his heart. After all, the last time he was beaten so badly, he almost died. In the past few years, Birus's strength has not increased much.

But when things got to the present point, Birus had no retreat. If he didn't fight Lin Feng, he would be killed by Lin Feng.

If he fights hard, maybe Lin Feng will not kill himself.

He only heard a loud roar of Birus, and the purple flames all over his body broke out in an instant, and the violent energy spread out, unexpectedly once again shaking the surrounding void into waves of ripples.


Lin Feng smiled slightly when he saw this scene, and his figure suddenly rushed out.

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

There was no air wave coming out of Lin Feng's body, but every punch of Lin Feng contained enormous power, and even if Birus went all out, he could barely respond to Lin Feng's attack.

"Uncle Lin Feng is amazing!"

"So strong!"

"Does he really have no limits?"

"Master Billus?!"

And above the ground, Weiss and others are all paying attention to the battle above the sky. Lin Feng’s combat power is really amazing, even Sun Wutian can see that Lin Feng is pressing Ruth fights.

We must know that even if Sun Wukong, who has turned into a super Saiyan god, can barely resist Birus’ attack, but Lin Feng can suppress Birus, which shows that Lin Feng is stronger than Birus. A lot!


Above the sky, in the face of Lin Feng's heavy punch, Birus had difficulty parrying him, and after another collision, he took the opportunity to get away from Lin Feng.


The next moment, I saw Billus raise his hand and waved, a light ball entwined with many purple rays appeared out of thin air, and Billus was thrown towards Lin Feng.

"go with!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng raised his hand and waved, a ball of light that was exactly the same as that of Birus appeared out of thin air and shot towards Birus.


Two identical spheres of light collided and made a huge roar. The violent energy spread from the center of the explosion and turned into a storm to sweep across the sky.


Seeing that the light bomb attack had no effect, Billus roared, the purple flames all over his body surged, and he rushed towards Lin Feng again.

It's just that this time, although the energy radiated from Birus was the same as before, it felt even more dangerous.

The wave of flames entwined outside his body seemed to contain the ultimate aura of destruction, as if it could destroy everything in the world!

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