Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 672: Where is his limit?


As the two large numbers of purple light spinning **** collided, they exploded in an instant, and the violent energy swept across the sky like a tide. The shock waves spread out in circles, and all the clouds above the sky were scattered.

On the ground, Monkey King and the others, faced this huge shock wave, they were directly shaken to the ground, their bodies unable to move.

"There is such power at such a distance?"

"So awesome!"

"What a strong energy fluctuation!"

Monkey King and the others lay on the ground, barely looking up at the explosion above the sky, with shocked expressions on their faces.

The battle between Birus and Lin Feng was a thousand miles above the sky, but even at such a distance, Monkey King and the others still felt such a powerful aftermath of the battle. They could imagine how powerful Lin Feng and the others would bear!


And above the sky, after a huge explosion, the huge light that Weiss shot penetrated the dense smoke and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Birus and Weis have been together for many years, and Weis is Birus's mentor, and the tacit understanding between the two of them naturally goes without saying. The moment Birus took the shot, Weiss knew what to do next.

Birus' attack is a kind of temptation, even if it can't hurt Lin Feng, it can confuse Lin Feng's line of sight, and the real killer move is Weis's attack.

"Energy elimination!"

Facing the powerful light from Weiss, Lin Feng raised his hand and said softly.

I saw that the ray of light containing huge energy, as Lin Feng's voice fell, disappeared with the wind.

"What? How is it possible?!"

"Energy elimination? Is this a destructive move?"

When Billus and Weiss saw this scene, their faces were full of shocked expressions. If Lin Feng were to block the blow from the front, Weiss and the others would not be too shocked, but this energy elimination is really amazing. Up.

You must know that this is a move that the **** of destruction can use, even Wes can only forcibly resist the energy, but cannot eliminate the energy out of thin air!

It's not that Weiss is not strong enough, but that it belongs to the exclusive move of the Destroyer God, and other people cannot use it.

"How can you use Destruction God's moves? Are you also Destruction God?"

Birus looked at Lin Feng roaring in shock. Birus could see that Lin Feng’s move was not to make the energy disappear, but to use the destruction energy exclusive to the God of Destruction. The light was destroyed, so it looked like it had disappeared.

"Who said that only the **** of destruction can use this kind of trick? Come on! Go on! Aren't you two confident? That's a retreat?"

There was a slight smile on Lin Feng's face, and said as he looked at the shocked Biruss.

Perhaps for Birus, the fact that Lin Feng possessed the ability to destroy God shocked them very much.

But this kind of thing is too easy for Lin Feng, if Lin Feng is willing, even the survival of the entire universe is within Lin Feng's thoughts.

"Humph, even with the same moves, but I am the real **** of destruction. Destruction!"

Birus made a cold voice, raised his hand and waved, a beam of purple energy beam shot towards Lin Feng.

Since Birus can be regarded as a **** of destruction, destruction is Birus's strongest move. Moreover, Birus was very confident in himself. As a genuine destroyer, he didn't believe that Lin Feng's ability was really the same as his own.

"Master Billus, I'll help you! Drink!"

Vis saw Birus's destruction, and his figure moved directly behind Birus, stretched his hand to press on Birus's shoulder, and then the energy in his body poured into Birus' body like a tide.


With the energy injection of Weiss, the destruction beam instantly expanded several times, and its terrifying aura became even stronger!

When the beam of light passed through the void, the surrounding space instantly shattered. Obviously, after the energy blessing of Weiss, the destructive power of Birus was urged to an unprecedented limit.

"What a coincidence! I will also--destroy this trick!"

Lin Feng looked at this scene and said with a slight smile.

Afterwards, I saw Lin Feng gently raised his hand, and a beam of light larger than the beam of light emitted by Birus and Weiss lased out. The mighty power had not hit the target, as if it could destroy the world. .

The terrifying aura instantly covered the entire earth, and the creatures on the entire earth were silent, as if they did not dare to be disturbed by this energy, for fear that they would become the next target.

And even in the depths of the distant universe, many distant life planets can feel this huge energy. They stopped their work one after another and looked up to the sky.

It's a pity they can't see anything.


Two beams of the same energy collided together instantly, and an unprecedented shock wave spread out instantly. Facing this powerful shock wave, the entire earth shook!

But the two beams of light above the sky are stalemate together, but the beam of light that Lin Feng hit directly pushed the beam of Birus, pushing it back!

"Ah! Ha!"

On the other side, Billus roared, and the energy in his body burst out completely, urging the destruction beam to prevent it from being pushed back by Lin Feng's attack.

"How is it possible? How could he burst out with such a powerful force? Isn't that his limit?"

Behind Birus, Weis looked at Lin Feng with horror and roared.

Originally, Weis thought he knew Lin Feng's limit, so he joined Birus to attack Lin Feng, but now it seems that he is wrong.

That is not Lin Feng's limit at all, or that Lin Feng has no limit at all is correct!

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