Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 673: Fighting conventions in all universes

"Weiss, don't hide, hurry up and use your full strength, otherwise we will all die!" Birus' expression changed drastically, and he roared anxiously.

Weiss suddenly recovered his senses, with a dumbfounded look. Facing the urging sound of Birus, a cruel expression flashed across his face, and he shouted: "Master Birus, you can fight for me for a second. Attack, there should be no chance of freeing up!"

In the face of Lin Feng's methods that exceeded his expectations time and time again, the only thing Wes could do was to fight back.

"Okay!" Billus roared, with blue veins in his hands protruding, and he suddenly pressed towards the void.


The destructive power of the vast sea, like a howling, tears through the void, and the rapidly rewinding beam of energy expands in an instant, bringing the situation into a stalemate.

Weis' eyes sharpened, and he had to wait for this opportunity, his figure blurred and appeared behind Lin Feng.

Raising the scepter in his hand, a dazzling light burst out, like a spear, piercing directly to the back of Lin Feng's head.

"The dignified **** of destruction not only joined forces with the angels, but also made a sneak attack!" Monkey King couldn't help but exclaimed anxiously.

Vegeta on the side couldn't help but raise her brows. The timing that Weiss chose was really tricky.

In the case of Birus desperately, the power of destruction skyrocketed, and Lin Feng didn't want to reverse the situation, the only thing he could do was deal with it with all his strength.

But Weis' sneak attack undoubtedly forced Lin Feng to distract.

Once in order to resist the attack of Weiss, it will create an opportunity for Birus.

This is a lore.

"Lin Feng, I want to see what you can do to reverse it!" Weiss grinned grimly, with a pierced crutch in his hand, his attack speed was even better.

Seeing that he wanted to pierce the back of Lin Feng's head, he was dumbfounded for the next moment.


The crutch passed through the back of Lin Feng's head in an instant, but there was no blood splashing in this blow.

This is an afterimage.

"Weiss, be careful!"

Billus yelled anxiously. He saw Lin Feng, who did not know when, appeared behind Weiss.

Weis's face changed slightly, but the next moment he smiled: "Master Billus, don't worry, I can reverse the trend of time, and as an angel I am not affected by the reversal at all!"

"Time reversed!"

A ripple of time, centered on Weiss, swiftly moved around.

Whether it was a confrontation of strength or the impact of a wave of air, one after another returned like a tide a few seconds ago.

In such a scene, we immediately asked Weiss and him to designate that the unaffected Birus and the others, all looked at them, and cast their eyes under the stabbed cane.

According to Weiss, once Lin Feng's time is reversed, he will now appear under the crutches and be directly penetrated.

Only this glance made them stunned, and the crutches tapped the void to directly shatter the void, and the powerful shock wave, blooming like fireworks, quickly impacted around.

"It's a pity that your wishful thinking has failed. If this is your last resort, then there is no need to continue playing!" Lin Feng patted Weiss on the shoulder.

Everyone's nerves suddenly tightened, and Weis was more like a frightened bird. Before he could think about it, he hibernated his body, leaving only a small amount of power, and instantly detonated.

"Master Billus, let's go quickly!"

Weiss yelled, and the whole person shot out like a sharp arrow, even Birus was no exception.

"Go?" Lin Feng pressed the corners of his lips and smiled and said, "It's too late!"

"Space forbidden, suppress!"

With a press on the void with his right hand, the power of the invisible space spread rapidly in Lin Feng's hand.

For a moment, the entire void seemed to be plunged into the quagmire, and Birus and Weiss, who flew quickly and fled, stopped in the void instantly.

At this moment, they felt like a fish on a chopping board, unable to move at all, looking at Lin Feng, there was more fear that could not be concealed.

"You, what are you doing? We are the destruction **** and angels of the seventh universe, and belong to His Majesty the King. You can't kill us rashly!" Billus hurriedly shouted.

Facing Lin Feng's powerful strength, in his heart, the only rescuer he could think of was Quan Wang.

However, it is still unknown whether Quan Wang will show up to help him.

Looking at the dignified Destroyer God, he actually made a low posture begging for mercy, and the people present were directly confused, their eyes all locked on Lin Feng's body, wanting to wait for his decision.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, it's very boring." Lin Feng snapped his right hand, and the restriction of heaven and earth was released instantly.

"I just want you to help me train Vegeta and Monkey King, they will come in handy next!"


Birus was stunned for a moment, but Vis who was on the side reacted first, and said anxiously: "You mean, the fighting convention held?"

"Yes, the Martial Arts Conference, but it is not a separate seventh universe, there is also a sixth universe. Counting the time, the destruction idol of the sixth universe should have sneaked into the seventh universe, Billus, your mission is Let Xiang Zhu participate in the fighting conference!" Lin Feng said lightly.

"Master Xiang Yu?" Weiss was startled, completely unexpected that Lin Feng would propose a cross-universe competition.

This is a major event that will trigger a death battle between the two universes.

Just looking at Lin Feng with no doubt on his face, Weis swallowed directly back to his stomach when he reached his mouth.

"Okay, I promise you, but you have to give me time!" Birus agreed surprisingly and readily.

Seeing a short moment, it led to the martial arts meeting, and Monkey King was the first to rush to Lin Feng with excitement.

Unfortunately, this excitement was directly stunned under the calm gaze of Shang Lin Feng, touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and stopped moving forward.

"Goku, you can't mess around, otherwise we will provoke anyone, and we won't be able to eat!"

Vegeta lowered her voice and said, "However, if we can get the guidance of Lord Birus and Weiss, our strength should be able to improve!"

"Cut, it's not that there is no way to fight Lin Feng!" Monkey King said with a curl of his lips. ..

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