Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 676: Can you really crush?

"Master Lin Feng, this seems a bit wrong!" Tagma couldn't help but said.

They had personally experienced Lin Feng's strength, with an energy value of 550,000, placed in the current Frieza Legion, but no one could match it.

"What's the matter, could you not welcome me!" Lin Feng raised his brows and said jokingly.

Tagma's face changed, and he was about to say something, but Sobel was the first to stop him, and said flatteringly: "Master Lin Feng, don't be offended. Tagma doesn't mean that. You can bring Master Frieza back to life. Be the benefactor of our army!"

"Please here first!" Sobel opened the door of the spacecraft and made a gesture of please.

With the shocked faces of the guards, Lin Feng walked straight into the spaceship.

"Master Sobel, do you do this, don't you worry that Master Frieza is unhappy?" Tagma asked uncontrollably.

Watching Lin Feng's back disappear into the corner, Sobel's expression of flattery faded, and he said with a sneer: "I just want Lord Frieza to be unhappy. Only in this way can I give us a sigh of grievance!"

Tagma was stunned, realizing that this was a murder.

At least, in their cognition, Lord Frieza has more than 550,000 combat power under normal circumstances.

As long as the transformation of the form is displayed, it is not difficult to defeat or even kill Lin Feng.

"Hehe, Lord Sobel is really good, and he deserves to be the chief of staff!" Tagma said flatly.

Sobel smiled triumphantly, did not say much, and quickly walked to the treatment room holding the pile of meat.

"Asshole, who are you, dare to break into our spaceship!" The low voice suddenly sounded.

Scarlet, like a tower-like body, stopped in front of the gate, and a pair of dark horns burst into light.

Sobel and Tagma's face changed, and they hurriedly said, "Sisami, don't mess around. This is Master Lin Feng, the benefactor of Master Frieza!"

"And he has 550,000 combat power!"

Five hundred fifty thousand?

Sisami's face changed. He was hailed as the strongest fighter of the Frieza Legion at this stage. He was only the rank of the former Kinyut Army, and his combat power was only eight or ninety thousand.

The seemingly inferior earthling in front of him had a combat power of 550,000, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Do you still want to block my way?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Sisami was stunned for a moment, glanced at Sobel and Tagma with a sullen expression, and stepped aside, watching Lin Feng swagger to the main seat.

"Sisami, you don't have to be impulsive, just wait for Lord Frieza to come back to life, this kid is also alive, Lord Frieza can crush him with combat power alone!" Sobel said through the communication device, immediately Walk quickly to the treatment machine.

As the meat pieces are wrapped in the special medicine water in the treatment machine, the originally broken body quickly gathers and blends together at the speed of the naked eye.


A powerful wave of energy spreads rapidly around the healing machine.

The beeping detection machine gave out a harsh squeal, and it burst at the next moment.

"Yes... It's seven hundred and fifty thousand combat power!" Sisami and Taghma exclaimed in exclamation.

During the period of Frieza's rule, there were excellent fighters such as Kinho, who could not reach the core position at all.

This is the first time they have personally felt the power of the evil emperor.

Sobel smiled, his right hand suddenly raised, and he sternly shouted: "Someone surrounds this earthling and welcomes Lord Frieza!"

Sisami and Tagma glanced at each other and broke out first, cutting off Lin Feng's retreat in two directions.

The soldiers garrisoned all around raised their laser guns and aimed at Lin Feng.


The sound of crisp glass cracking came out, and a hideous claw stuck out in the treatment box.

Looking at the reduced version of Frieza, who had recovered his first form, Lin Feng smiled and raised his hand, and said, "Short, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

The quiet sound swept the entire treatment cabin like a hurricane.

Sobel's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said: "Master Frieza, it took us a lot of effort to completely resurrect the lord amidst the obstacles of this earthling!"

"He only has 550,000 combat power. I hope Lord Frieza will crush him!"

Tagma and Sisami showed excitement, thinking of the humiliation they had just received, and seeing Frieza's 750,000 combat power, they couldn't help but watch the show.

"Hehe, although the memory is a little fuzzy, but this body is rusty, it should be moved!" Frieza lifted his right hand, a powerful force bloomed, and a beam of light condensed on the fingertips.

The joking gaze turned to Lin Feng, trying to find a trace of panic and despair from the latter's face.

Only this look made Frieza stunned.


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, a ghostly figure appeared in front of Frieza, and the protruding index finger was instantly caught.

Seeing the smile on his face like the boy next door, Frieza felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.


There was a sound of cracking bones, and Lin Feng's five fingers suddenly used force and forcibly broke Frieza's index finger.


Frieza screamed, and the dormant power was released directly without reservation!

As soon as the light wave of the left hand lights up, he presses directly towards Lin Feng.


The light wave fell directly on Lin Feng's shoulder, and a violent explosion swept the audience and set off a hurricane.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Frieza and others pulled away and retreated violently, but their eyes were locked in the smoke and dust.

"I said, Frieza, don't waste my time, immediately use the final form, I have no patience!" A light voice came out in the smoke.

Lin Feng walked out slowly in full view, watching him unscathed after receiving the energy ball, the atmosphere in the field changed again.

"Well, this **** only has 550,000 combat power. Why does it seem to be more powerful than Lord Frieza, can it really be crushed?" Sisami couldn't help but smack his tongue when he thought of himself just now. Taking the initiative to provoke this kind of bull is directly emptied. ..

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