Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 677: People of the Outdated Times

"Sisami, what are you talking about!"

Sobel hurriedly rebuked: "You don't know, can Lord Frieza change his form three times?"

Seeing that Sisami, who is hailed as the strongest fighter of Frieza's legion at this stage, was so gloomy, the atmosphere of the presence obviously changed, and his eyes were locked on Frieza's body.

"Hehe, how come the Frieza Legion is like a miscellaneous soldier, an earthling with 900,000 combat power, what is there to be afraid of!" Frieza swept across the court disdainfully, moving his right index finger slightly. Also recovered intact.

His yin eagle's gaze turned in vain, locked on Lin Feng's body, raised three fingers, and said, "Earthman, I don't know where you have heard that I have form changes, but you have to With a word, pay enough price!"


The powerful aura caused the glass of the spaceship to shatter in response, and a dazzling light burst out from Frieza's body along with a deep shout.

For a while, the entire space was shaking violently, and even the air became trembling.

"Take out the largest energy detector!" Sobel exclaimed with joy on his face.

Sisami did not hesitate, and mobilized the energy value detection to the maximum with his backhand, a beep sounded, and the detected digital energy value soared rapidly.

"One million, two million, three million..." Sisami waited as he watched the numbers beating rapidly, his expression of joy became even greater.

This soaring number lasted more than ten seconds, and finally stopped.

"50 million combat power!" Sisami exclaimed, even the corners of his lips trembled, eager to see Lin Feng's gaffe.

However, the moment he entered his goal was stunned, and Lin Fengfeng's calm posture remained unchanged.

" you not hear that Lord Frieza's strength has soared to 50 million? This is sixty times yours!" Sobel could not help but sternly shouted.

For a moment, the lost fighters in the field focused their eyes on Lin Feng's body.

"So what?" Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Frieza's arrogant complexion became stiff, and she waited coldly, bluffing with her hands and five fingers, showing her signature posture.

Two energy **** lit up rashly in the palm of the palm, exuding a terrifying breath.

"People on earth, I will make you regret because of your contempt!"

Frieza screamed: "Give me to death!"

Two energy **** screamed out, and the air along the way seemed to be torn, making a harsh sound.

In a short span of tens of meters, they approached Lin Feng in the blink of an eye. At this moment, they seemed to have seen the death of the arrogant earthling in front of them.


A low collision sound suddenly sounded, and everyone felt a flower in front of them. Two lore-like energy **** were instantly slapped and rushed out of the window to be directly detonated.

Accompanied by the impact of the huge air wave, the entire spaceship shook violently, and the eyes of the crowd shrank suddenly when they recovered their consciousness again.

Standing in the original position, Lin Feng appeared in front of Frieza like a ghost and didn't know when.

Frieza's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly raised his hand to resist.

"You are too weak, it is not your time now!" Lin Feng said calmly.

The five fingers of his right hand suddenly caught him, and the invisible power seemed to be chained, and he directly raised Frieza's body, abruptly locking his power.

As the five fingers tightened gradually, the sound of bone twisting and cracking became more and more harsh.

"No, it's impossible. Only Super Saiyans are my opponents in this world!" Friesha shouted crazily with a twisted face.

It's just that no matter how hard he struggles, the restraints on his body are still immovable.

"This...this is 50 million combat power, why is it like this!" Sobel and the other soldiers sullen and exclaimed.

For a long time, Frieza has been the spiritual support of the evil legion, but now he has been teased by others, which undoubtedly shattered their hearts directly.

"Quickly, run away quickly, or we will all die!" Sobel couldn't hold back his breath, and started to drink violently.

For a moment, the soldiers around fled in panic.

"Damn it, is it going to go back to the **** netherworld again!" Frieza struggled to no avail, watching his subordinates flee, roaring hysterically.

"Stop!" Lin Feng shouted coldly, his words revealed no doubt.

"It seems that because you changed the development of the world line before, you don't recognize me very much... But that's okay. I will give you half a year for self-breakthrough. I hope that you can give me a little fun when I meet next time."

When the voice fell, Lin Feng loosened the five fingers of his right hand, and the restraining power that was covering Frieza's body instantly dissipated.

"I'm leaving, don't need to send me." Lin Feng left these words, snapped his fingers at random, and disappeared in place.

Looking at Lin Feng, who disappeared without a trace like a ghost, the soldiers who stopped on the scene panted quickly like an amnesty, and even fell to the ground with a butt, and the whole person seemed to collapse.


Frieza sat down heavily on the chair, his face still pale, thinking of escaping from the dead and getting half a year of rest, he said with extreme resentment: "Ok... what a human being on earth, I will give you a surprise. Then I will let you know what despair is!"

"Master Frieza, do you really have confidence?" Sobel bit his head and said, "Why don't we run away first!"

"Escape?" Frieza treated each other coldly, and immediately shouted: "Whoever dares to escape, I will kill anyone!"

"I want you to watch me kill this earthling, otherwise how can the Frieza Legion dominate the universe!"

"Sisami and Tagma, you can also be the main force of Frieza's army with this ability? Then let me be a sparring partner!"

Following the fall of a series of orders, the news of Frieza's resurrection spread rapidly in the universe, and even the Galaxy headquarters received news. ..

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