Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 678: Gift souvenir from the Galaxy King

Half a year later, in Bulma's residence on the earth, Piccolo looked up at the sky, and Bulma and others behind him looked a little green.

"You said, Lin Feng really resurrected Frieza, why did he do this!" Bulma couldn't hold back.

Klin twitched his cheeks and said bitterly: "Bick, you can't answer me well, why look up at the sky and Lin Feng will bring Frieza back to life. It should be no good!"

"Pick, can you stop pretending to be mysterious, but I, Jake, is on the order of the Galaxy Headquarters to capture and resurrect Frieza and spread the evil again!"

Jake's voice sounded abruptly, and the scene fell into a dead silence for the next moment, and his gaze instantly locked on the sudden appearance of Jake.

"You, what's the matter with you!" Jake said unnaturally, "Miss Bulma, can you explain why the atmosphere suddenly cooled down!"

"You bull!"

Klin gave a thumbs up and said, "Jake, can you beat Destroyer?"

Jake's face changed drastically. After looking around, he hurriedly said, "Is it the **** of destruction who wants to destroy the earth? It seems that the earth is too dangerous. I'm going back to Mars!"

After leaving these words, Jake turned around and planned to take the spacecraft away.

It's just that he was stopped by Bulma, pretending to be mysterious, saying: "The **** of destruction does want to destroy the earth, but he is defeated by Lin Tian. If you want to catch him, we welcome it! "


Gak exclaimed.

"Do you say you want to welcome me? No wonder there are so many people, Piccolo, you always look up at the sky, isn't your neck tired? I will only show up behind!"

The familiar voice sounded abruptly and immediately stirred everyone's nerves.

Seeing Lin Feng appearing behind his back, Jake instantly weakened his legs and explained in anxious tone: "Lin Feng-sama, I am an elite of the Galaxy Headquarters. I will greet you from the Galaxy King. Here are some strange stones. Right to meet you. If there is nothing wrong, I will go now!"

"No need to go, you stay here to resist Frieza too!"

Lin Feng smiled and patted Jake on the shoulder and walked towards Piccolo.

"Lin Feng, I can't understand that Frieza's strength is just like a Super Saiyan, even I can easily solve him, why should he have a chance to resurrect!" Piccolo looked back a little embarrassed. .

"Uncle Bick is right. Although my strength has declined compared to when I fought against Sharu, I should have no problem defeating Frieza. Uncle Lin Feng, if you do this, I am afraid it is unnecessary!" Sun Gohan Shen Shen Can't help but say.

"Really?" Lin Feng smiled, looked up to the sky, and said: "You guys feel the strange breath!"

Gohan, Piccolo and others all raised their heads and looked at the sky. A black shadow quickly passed through the clouds, and an inexplicable evil atmosphere enveloped the entire city like a vast ocean.

"It's the numbered spacecraft of the Frieza Legion, they are here!" Gak yelled anxiously, turning around and fleeing, but was stopped by Bulma.

At the next moment, everyone felt a flower in front of them, coming again clearly, and it had appeared on the cliff by the sea.

"Master Frieza, we are here!"

Sobel walked out of the spacecraft, and the numerous hatches opened around him quickly swept out a large number of evil legion fighters.

As for Sisami and Tagma are following Frieza, slowly flying out.

"Hehe, since our Frieza Legion is here, of course we have to add some color to the earth!"

Frieza raised his right finger gently, and a dark red light group quickly emerged, filling with a strange breath of death.

"Master Frieza, your strength has greatly increased. Now you don't have to fear anyone except the **** of destruction. It's better to destroy the earth directly. This group of **** is a dead end!" Sobel said flatteringly.

"Also, if you can't even stop this trick, there is no need to fight!"

Frieza gave a weird laugh, waved his finger lightly, and Destroy Wave broke out.

It's just that Destroy Bo just flew out, a dazzling light lit up in the sky, rushing like a sharp arrow.

"Sneak attack!"

Frieza's face changed, and with a light scream, he hurriedly controlled the destruction wave to meet the attack from the sky.


Two unfettered energies collided in an instant, and the huge impact set off a hurricane that instantly enveloped the Frieza Legion.


The screams rang out one after another, and the silhouettes flew out like sandbags under unexpected attacks.

"Who, who attacked us!?"

Frieza waved his right hand, setting off a hurricane, dispelling the aftermath of energy, and shouted sharply.

"Hehe, Frieza, don't be so excited, if you can't even take this trick, you have wasted my chance to revive you!" Lin Feng smiled and slowly landed on the ground in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, there was a blur, and the figures of Piccolo and others appeared.

Looking at the densely packed Frieza legion in the sky, it was dispersed by a quarter in an instant, and everyone's expressions eased slightly.

"Earthman, you are really arrogant!"

Sobel sternly shouted: "Master Frieza is not what it used to be. Even Tagma and Sisami's current strengths have also increased infinitely. Waiting for you will be the time of death!"

"Everyone, kill me!"

The tens of thousands of figures moved suddenly, as dense as locusts, and the laser beam pistol was even more dazzling like fireworks.

"I'll leave all of this to you, I'll go take a seat."

Lin Feng waved his hand, turned and walked to the rock behind.

Piccolo and others who witnessed this scene were directly confused.

"Lin Feng, are you not going to make a move?" Klin couldn't help himself.

"Shoot? Is this little trash fish worthy of me?" Lin Feng glanced back and said, "Besides, Piccolo and Gohan said just now that they can handle it, can't you give them a chance?"

"Also, there are Wukong and Vegeta, why not get them back?"..

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