Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 679: Do you want to take in the younger brother?

"Arrogant, Tagma and Sisami, clean up all these miscellaneous soldiers!" Sobel shouted angrily.

"Master Frieza?" Tagma and Sisami glanced at each other, and frieza nodded and gestured out of the crowd.

"Gohan, let's go!" Piccolo untied his weight and said, "Let Lin Feng see our strength!"

Energy wave!

Two energy waves lit up in Piccolo's palm and whizzed out directly.

At the same time, Piccolo disappeared into the spot, and he appeared again behind Taghma.

Gohan didn't lag behind, and immediately rushed towards Sisami.

Seeing that the battle was about to start, Bulma couldn't help but raised the dessert in her hand, constantly shouting the name of Weiss.

"Weiss, come back quickly, Gohan and Piccolo, don't beat your opponent too quickly, otherwise Frieza will take the shot and the odds of winning are unpredictable!"

In Bulma's eyes, Gohan and Piccolo can be said to be the strongest people on earth except Goku and Vegeta.

Facing the mere Sisami and Tagma, it was really easy to kill them.

"Bick, you underestimated the enemy!" The light voice sounded at the right time.

Piccolo was startled, and a black shadow quickly zoomed in before his eyes, hitting his head hard.

"Too fast!" Piccolo exclaimed, and the whole person was already out of control and flew out.

In his eyes, if he lifted the load, his speed would be greatly improved. Unfortunately, the results obtained subverted his cognition.

"Hehe, do you still think that my combat power is just around 20,000? In the past six months, I have accompanied Lord Frieza in the inhumane battle, and my strength has already surpassed you!" The face is bitter.

The figure flickered, disappearing in place like a ghost, and once again appeared behind Piccolo.

"Be careful, Uncle Pic!" Gohan's face changed drastically, and he wanted to help.

However, he had just moved, Sisami had already circled behind him, with his arm like an iron whip, directly attacking his throat.

Under this delay, Tagma had come behind Piccolo, his right hand protruding out like lightning, and he directly struck Piccolo's right hand.


Blood spattered and the whole arm flew up and down, Piccolo let out a scream and fell straight down.

Tagma let out a cold voice, his energy surged, and he chased away quickly.

"Uncle Lin Feng, save Uncle Bick!"

Sun Wufan couldn't break free of Sisami for a while, and hurriedly asked for help.

It's just that, as soon as these words came out, Tagma turned around in vain, and the beam of light from his fingertips lit up, piercing the void directly and rushing towards the Monkey King.

The violent attack completely exceeded everyone's expectations, even Sisami was no exception.

The moment he released his hand in a hurry, he was close at hand.

Looking at the light beams rapidly expanding in the pupils, the two of them had already been shrouded in the shadow of death.


Kicked with one foot sideways, kicking Sun Wufan and Sisami into the air first, and all the remaining attacks were all endured by this reckless intruding figure.

"Hmph, I know, you won't just sit idly by. Since you are tempted to be fooled, then let you try my method!" Tagma sternly shouted: "I have 80 million combat power now, give me Go to death, kill the cannon!"

Tagma's hands suddenly folded, the strong energy gathered in his palm, and a purple brilliance emerged, watching the smoke and dust covering Lin Feng gradually dissipate, revealing a sneer.

"Kinou, when are you going to see, I won't give you the second chance!" Lin Feng gave you a chuckle and glanced at the frog hiding beside the road.


As the current strongest of the evil legion, Taghma has of course heard of the name of Kinho.

This is the existence of the strongest under Frieza, and Namek should have been killed as early as the battle, and now Lin Feng suddenly mentioned it, making Tagma a little uneasy.


The vague words were swallowed abruptly, and a frog jumped up, emitting a dazzling light.

The weird scene quickly recognized Klin and Gohan, which was a means to seize Wukong's body that day.

The hands condensed with the killing cannon went silent, and Tagma only felt a blur of consciousness, and then fainted directly.

"Haha, I finally grabbed my body!" Kinho laughed wildly, feeling the surging power in his body, and suddenly detonated into a storm of energy that swept the audience.

"Yes... is it Captain Kinou?"

Sobel got an accident and hurriedly smiled and said, "Congratulations to Captain Kinyw for recovering and continuing to do things for Lord Frieza. Now as long as you kill this earthling, you will do the first thing for Lord Frieza!"

"For Captain Kinho, it is also famous in the universe, becoming the first person under Lord Frieza!"

Frieza was also a little surprised, but compared to Tagma, Jinyu, who has the means of body exchange, is undoubtedly a more powerful assistant. He smiled and said: "Kinyu welcomes you back, let me try his strength first. !"

Seeing that the situation suddenly turned upside down, Bulma and others' complexions also changed drastically, and the methods of exchanging bodies were simply against the sky!

If you are not careful, maybe even Lin Feng will suffer, right?

For a moment, everyone's gaze was locked on Jinou's body.

"I'm sorry, I won't take action against Master Lin Feng, I'm leaving now!"

Without looking back, Jinu walked directly to Lin Feng: "My lord, do you still want to take in the younger brother? My Jinou is a potential stock!"

The small sound was like thunder at this moment, making the people present directly stunned, even Frieza was no exception.

Looking at his right-hand man, he turned directly to the opponent in full view, making him completely uncomfortable.

"Kinho, what's going on, explain to me clearly, or die!"


Kinho rolled his eyes. Compared with Frieza, he has been seeking the opportunity to exchange his body, lurking beside various battles. Not long ago, Lin Feng even abused the **** of destruction.

In the face of this level of power, resistance is a dead end! In order to save my life, why don't you kneel and beg to accept the younger brother? ..

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