Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 680: 200 million combat power? (For automatic subscription)

"Uncle Lin Feng, you colluded with Kinho so that Uncle Bike couldn't save him!"

Sun Wufan took the opportunity to break free of Sisami, and went directly to Lin Feng's side and shouted.

"Gohan, don't talk nonsense!" Immortal Turtle's expression changed immediately.

Just as soon as the voice fell, Gohan just heard a piercing sound in his ear, and Kinho appeared behind him like a ghost.


Sun Wufan hurriedly turned and blocked his back, but it was a pity that his huge fist had fallen heavily on his abdomen.


Monkey King spit out blood, staring at Yuan Yuan and his whole body became soft.

"Master Lin Feng, are you satisfied with my work?" Kinho said flatteringly.

Seeing that the Sun Gohan, who was violent at Sharu, the number one warrior in the universe, couldn't even beat Keanu's punch. Such a huge gap made people uncomfortable.


Lin Feng waved his hand and immediately caught the Monkey King and threw it directly behind him, saying, "Bick, a broken arm is not a big problem for you. When will you hide? Take Gohan away. Come, don't show your ugliness!"

Piccolo flew out behind the rock, directly caught Monkey King, and retreated to the crowd without saying a word, his face a little embarrassed.

Thinking of just now, he and Son Gohan made a big talk, saying that with their joint efforts, Frieza could be easily defeated.

However, now even one of Frieza's soldiers could not be beaten. The scenes that happened just now were like hot slaps, slapped on their cheeks.

"Well, since Monkey King and Vegeta haven't come back yet, let me continue this game!" Lin Feng smiled lightly, slowly rising into the sky.


Sisami yelled angrily, and the energy dormant in his body instantly detonated, turning into a stream of light, and rushing towards Lin Fengfeng.

"Kinho, now you and I will join forces to kill this arrogant earthling, Lord Frieza will forgive you, you may not know, Lord Frieza's current strength, that is a nightmare level!"

During the training, he and Tagma had personally experienced what is better than death, and also witnessed Frieza's crazy growth.

Now is his best chance to do meritorious service.

Just as Sisami moved, he saw Kinho smile weirdly, and then a dazzling beam of light rushed towards him.


Sisami felt the hot liquid rolling down his forehead, and the energy in his body quickly dissipated.

At this moment, he finally understood why Jinyu would not choose to make a move. Such strength was simply not what they could handle.

"Huh, fortunately, my foresight didn't take action, otherwise I would be killed instantly!" Jinou retracted the smile on his face, his spine chilled a little.

Even Sobel and the other soldiers in the distance hesitated.

Both Sisami and Tagma are the strongest of the Frieza Legion, and now one is facing each other and the other is instantly killed. This result has completely annihilated their fighting spirit.

"Okay, what an earthling, I really missed it!"

Frieza looked gloomy and said, "But you will regret giving me half a year. In this universe, except for the **** of destruction, Birus, I am not afraid of anyone!"

The awe-inspiring words echoed in the world, but everyone in the field was dumbfounded.

"You said that if Frieza knew the facts, how would he react!" Bulma couldn't help but said to Gak.

Feeling that the atmosphere in the field was a little cold, Frieza froze for a while, and immediately his face sank, and the energy dormant in his body exploded.

The huge energy, like a tide, turned into a hurricane and swept all around, shaking the whole world.

Feeling the rapid soaring breath, Sobel showed joy on his face and hurriedly shouted: "Earthman, tell you Lord Frieza, the combat power now reaches 200 million, the ants start to tremble!"

200 million?

The warriors who had been frightened by Lin Feng immediately boiled up. For them, the combat power of 200 million was an unattainable astronomical figure, and they cheered.

Frieza's face has a sigh of terror. When Nami Xing and Monkey King fought, he was 100% full and his combat power was only 120 million.

Now after half a year of training, his strength has soared to 200 million, which is a leap-forward improvement.

"Did you finish?"

Lin Feng smiled indifferently, and the next moment he disappeared in place.

The violent scene made everyone's nerves tense, even Frieza was no exception, and hurriedly detected.

This speed makes Frieza feel like he can't catch it!


With a sudden sound of breaking through the air, Frieza hurriedly turned around, and at the same time crossed his hands to block.

However, the goal is the sky full of energy waves, and a dense roar comes!

"Uncle Piccolo, isn't this your trick?"

Monkey King yelled anxiously, his face full of difficulty and confidence.

Piccolo shook his head and said, "No, his attack methods are faster and more accurate than mine, and the trajectory of the attack is elusive, which is impossible to capture!"


Frieza roared, and the huge energy dormant in his body burst out like a tide.

The fast approaching energy ball was directly washed away, even the energy dust in the sky was no exception.

"Lin Feng, you even attacked me, looking for death!"

Frieza roared, but it was a pity that he was dumbfounded the next moment.

In the sky, a huge energy ball hung in the sky like the sun, emitting a dazzling light. Seeing the playful smile on Lin Feng's face, Frieza panicked immediately.

"If I eat the small one, I will give you the big one too!"

With a move of Lin Feng's index finger, the energy ball condensed in the void whistled and rolled down.

At the moment of falling, the air flowing in the entire space instantly became stagnant, and the invisible pressure was directly injected on Frieza's body, like the top of the mountain, giving him a feeling of suffocation!

"Master Frieza!"

Sobel cried out anxiously, never expected that things would become like this! ..

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