Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 194: Achievements of Tuying

"Master Xie Chen, it was really hard for you this time. If it weren't for your planning, I'm afraid they wouldn't have completed this task so easily." Ohnogi pointedly.

Xie Chen smiled slightly: "At that time, they were desperate to get the chance to kill Bai Jue, but it is a pity that Master Tuying didn't see it, otherwise there would be no such problem. The opportunity, we are indeed giving it. With Sasuke and Itachi, but those who can seize these opportunities themselves represent their efforts."

"Well, now that this matter is over, let it come to an end. Sasuke and Itachi have proven themselves, and we don't need to make things difficult for them. As the leader of the Ninja Alliance Army, Tsunade directly stated that they ended their potential. Dispute."

Xie Chen also changed the subject at the right time: "Then let's move to the topic, Master Tuying, how is your experiment going? Is there any way to break the outer wall of the fortress organized by Akatsuki?"

Onoki showed a triumphant look: "Of course, I have made breakthrough progress in this regard. There is a kind of ninjutsu in the land of the land that can effectively damage this kind of wall, as long as we can prepare the fifty When the ninja enters the attack range, then we can break through that kind of wall so that you can attack its core."

"Well, fifty ninjas? How strong are they?"

"They are both at the elite level and upper level, but their speed is relatively average." Onoki did not exaggerate their strength, because any detail in this plan may determine success or failure.

"This will be more troublesome." On the contrary, Raikage, who has a better relationship with Tukage, first made his opinion. "So many ninjutsu is also a very attractive unit on the battlefield. It is impossible for them to send them to the other side’s fortress without knowing it, and as long as they see that our intentions are bound to stop us with all their strength, then we can only break through their defenses head-on. But doing so. The risk is too high!"

"Indeed, it's just that we only have this way if we want to break through their walls smoothly. Others wanting to learn this kind of ninjutsu can't be done in a short time."

Everyone else understands the meaning of Tuying. The five major ninja villages have different systems. If it is a relatively simple ninjutsu, it is okay, but if it is a more troublesome ninjutsu, then if they learn from scratch, it may really take several years!

On the other hand, the secret ninjutsu in the land of the land, they are willing to really teach it wholeheartedly, that's a question.

Xie Chen suddenly said, "Regardless of whether you can learn it or not, please also ask Master Tuying to introduce the composition of the wall and how you can crack it. Maybe there are ninjutsu in other villages that can crack it. ."

"Then, okay." Onoki thought for a while, and didn't want people to misunderstand that they were deliberately hiding their privates. Anyway, it was not about surrendering ninjutsu methods. "The reason why those walls arouse the characteristics that Mr. Xie Chen said and are not easy to be destroyed is because they have some earthy hidden charms inserted in them. This kind of ninja charm can stabilize the structure, but its structure But it’s better to be restrained by our ninjutsu. In general, the inner connection between these ninja charms must be shaken before they can be destroyed. If only brute force is used to attack, it will not have much effect, and said There will be a counter shock." "It turned out to be like this." Xie Chen nodded slightly. What Oh Yemu said exactly matched the situation he encountered. It seems that this is the case.

"Now we can only do what Tukage-sama said. See if there is any way to attract their attention and transport these people to the front of the fort without knowing it."

Ohnogi said naturally: "This should be possible. After all, you have attacked with all your strength this time, pulling out the space for Sasuke to kill Shiraz. It will never come to our actions. Someone will refuse to contribute. ?"

Xie Chen said helplessly: "Master Tukage, these are two different things at all. It is relatively easy to pull space for Sasuke and the others, and the difficulty of your request will increase several times, because the fortress was originally their base camp and they have the most ninjas. A concentrated place."

"They may not think that we have pulled out the opportunity to kill Baijue, but their fortress is the most tightly guarded place, whether they think of our plan or not, they will be prepared for possible surprise attacks. How can the difficulty of the two be the same!"

"Humph!" Onoki thought for a while, although he couldn't make a rebuttal, he was still very unhappy.

I have spent a lot of effort for this experiment. Can't they just give it a word?

Tsunade said, "A way is always invented. It is impossible to hide our purpose of attacking their fortress, but it is not impossible to hide our true means of attack?"

"Oh? Tsunade-sama meant to attack multiple ways?" Xie Chen immediately understood Tsunade's thoughts.

"Yes. In their eyes, the most noteworthy of our personnel is Five Shadows and Xie Chen plus the current Naruto and other very few existences. If we directly divide our troops and attack their fortresses at the same time, I think they will definitely focus on you first."

Xie Chen nodded and said: "It is feasible. And we can send more groups of more ordinary attacking teams, so as to avoid their suspicion. Even if there is something wrong, I don't know which group to start with!"

On the contrary, Raiking hesitated and said: "In this case, will our strength be too scattered. If so many teams all penetrate into their core area, then once our plan is wrong, we will encounter Fang Qiang'er. The counterattack, the consequences are unpredictable!"

"How can you not take a risk in such a thing as a war? Let's make the decision!" Xie Chen said directly. ..


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