Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 195: Fight again

A weird feeling arose in Lei Ying and Tu Ying, it seemed that Xie Chen was the "outsider" who could really be the master here.

This is not only because of Tsunade and Terumi Mei's full support for him, but more importantly, Xie Chen doesn't have a variety of small abacus like them, so he dares to speak and make decisions. This kind of courage is beyond their comparison.

"Well, then we will make specific arrangements for the selection of candidates, and strive not to make them suspicious."

The front base camp of the entire Ninja Army immediately became tense. The various transfers can’t hide from Akatsuki’s eyes-it seems that the number of Baijue clones is really a lot, although they can only fight separately without unified command, and their strength is relatively weak, but they are used as investigations. The words are still very good, especially now they don't care about the casualties of these Baijue.

Seeing that the Ninja Alliance is about to make a big move recently, they also reacted quickly and made sufficient defensive efforts.

Sure enough, early in the morning of the next day, the Ninja Army split into multiple troops and began to attack their third fortress swiftly!

The Akatsuki organization also quickly became operational, and first understood the movements of the most concerned figures such as Xie Chen, Naruto, Sasuke and Itachi.

As usual, Xie Chen took a few ninjas such as Hinata to fight alone. What was surprising was that he didn't even stay with him anymore, but instead singled out one. This should be done to contain more of their manpower.

Naruto had an amazing performance yesterday, and he will naturally not fall behind today, walking along with Kakashi and others.

Although Sasuke's serious injury is not healed, Itachi has already started his action. Bringing some Konoha ninjas who have a good impression of the Uchiha clan with him, it also seemed a little more popular.

Seeing such a scene, the faces of the senior officials of the Xiao organization were not very good-looking.

Originally, they thought that Sasuke and Itachi had a feud with them in the past, so even after returning, they would not be able to immediately play a role, but now it seems that there are many ninjas who sympathize and support the Uchiha clan in Konoha. Regardless of their motives, Itachi seems to be crowded and popular with the Ninja Army.

If this is the case, then Itachi will soon be able to gather a very strong support force that can help him maximize the power of Zhuanyan. Then, they will face greater pressure.

Not to mention that Sasuke will definitely join the battlefield in the future.

The other ones are of average strength, and they seem to be some trash fish that cover their main force.

"Hmph, sending out such an ordinary trash fish, it seems that the other party gave us a small look. Should we let Xie Chen and the others go first, get rid of these trash fish, and teach them a lesson?"

"Come on, for us, Xie Chen is the more important target. He threatens us much more. Next is the team of Kakashi and others. As for the team composed of ordinary Shangren, send Some black shadow ninjas go and get rid of them!"

Those present have no opinion on this decision.

Finally, he brought soil and turned his gaze to Dou's body: "Dou, since they have discovered what plan you are hiding, I think you can show them directly this time, and let them know how many times they can obtain tiny What a fluke is the victory, take this opportunity to directly defeat their will!"

A sinister smile appeared in the pocket: "Of course, leave it to me. It just so happens that this time I use them to try my new tricks."

Payne on the side looked at them with deep eyes, completely unable to see what he was thinking about.

The Akatsuki organization reacted to their actions. Xie Chen had expected it a long time ago, but he didn't expect them to react so quickly. It seems that after the previous war, Akatsuki has already got a considerable improvement.

This is not good news for their execution plan. But now Xie Chen couldn't worry about the plan anymore. Facing Penn's personal shot, he also had to wake up twelve points to deal with it.

"Xie Chen, I admire your method so much that it allowed the Itachi Abandoning Organization to choose Konoha. However, do you really believe their choice? Believe that they will serve you who have genocide wholeheartedly? "

Xie Chen smiled and said: "Your statement like this will only lower my evaluation of you. There is no way to pull people to your side and start using such methods as instigating separation? I thought you could be more promising. ."

"Hmph, I'm just saying something objectively, no matter what you say on the surface, deep down in your heart, whether you really believe in Sasuke and Itachi, then only you know. I don't care."

Xie Chen pointed to the north direction: "I'm sorry, although Itachi has just joined us, but now he can attack your defense in one direction alone with his own hands. Do we trust them? It can be seen that, on the contrary, it is you who should have been your core members but finally turned to the hostile side. Should you check the remaining people and see if they also make this choice? Oh! Sorry, I forgot. You have always lost your troops and replaced your generals. Now there are not many members left."

"Huh! Good tongue! Talking to you is really a waste of time, hurry up!"

Xie Chen snorted coldly: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Hinata, you don't need you here, let's go to other battlefields to help!"

Hinata said nervously, "But the other party has six people after all, just in case..."

"Hehe, can't you even believe in my strength now? Although they have six people, I can still deal with them. You go to other battlefields to take care of them than to be in a daze here."

Seeing Xie Chen's persistence, Hinata got up and left.

And Xie Chen faced Penn's six clones, but instead preempted him to attack him! Completely improper oneself is in the disadvantage of playing more! ..


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