Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 241: Opponents

"Forget it, I thought you Xie Chen would have a different angle, but I didn't expect it to be a mundane person. In this case, there is nothing to say between us! Let's do it!" The soiled eyes turned cold, and it seemed that he didn't bother to waste it Talking and waving directly, everyone rushed up.

"Cut, I just borrowed you to boost morale. Since you want to taste the taste of failure earlier, I certainly don't mind."

Xie Chen waved his hand as well, this time the first to rush to block the Ninjas of Dark Shadows, they turned out to be the ninjas of the Land of the Earth and the Land of Thunder that were just collected!

This move absolutely exceeded Akatsuki's expectations.

Although they had already mentioned the news, in their expectations, they had never expected that Xie Chen could actually integrate them in such a short time. They can also be the first to fight as "cannon fodder"!

In this case, one's own goal cannot be achieved, and the other party still retains a lot of strength enough to resist one's own offensive.

Feeling that Tai Tu was looking at him, he smiled coldly. Although the elite ninja who reincarnated from the dirty soil had lost most of them, he seemed to have no idea about the power in his hands, and he still fully cooperated with Akatsuki’s actions. Send these ninjas to fight.

The golden horn and silver horn brothers and other top ninjas, plus a group of shadow masters from the past, all dispatched, and began to attack from different directions towards the direction of the ninja coalition army.

Xie Chen and the others also dispatched corresponding ninjas according to the previous arrangement.

Basically, the two sides have had a sober understanding of each other's strength after such a long time of competition. Unless some people have soared in strength for special reasons, they can send some ninjas to fight against some people. Evenly matched, everyone already knows.

"Xie Chen, since they are already on the line, don't let the two of us sit idle. Look at you who killed Onoki and Ai in World War I. Did your strength improve too much, or those two people are too wasteful! "

Xie Chen smiled slightly, knowing that this was a certain result, and shoved for a moment before flashing directly in front of the dirt. A Yanfeng slashed, but the body that had slashed the "transfer" part of the land and shot towards his back, those shadow ninjas were in bad luck, and Xie Chen was caught off guard without any preparation. .

"Dang!" Tai Tu did not give Xie Chen a chance to play, and at the same time posted him and started a close fight with him.

In the absence of a Golem, a long-range attack with soil cannot be compared with Xie Chen. On the contrary, his power is more deceptive than Xie Chen's instant shave. As long as Xie Chen cares slightly, he might be hit. Recruit, be injured by yourself.

Seeing Xie Chen being entangled, Dou and Payne no longer kept them, and rushed forward with all their strength. In their opinion, except for Xie Chen in the Ninja Army, even if they could stop them, they would not be able to kill them. Seeing that the situation was wrong, there was much room for escape.

Especially Dou, he is definitely not the type who is willing to sell his life for anyone.

"I'll stop them!" Naruto, who has recovered his full strength, has a higher fighting spirit than anyone else, and rushed to the pocket first, wanting to see if this man who almost made Sasuke suffered a big loss last time is already How strong has become.

What's more, he has a personal grievance with Dou. When he was in the middle of the Ninja test, this guy actually lurked inside Konoha, and they didn't even see through the Doudou. Now that he thinks about it, he will still hate him. .

"Hehe, the little devil head of the year has grown up now, do you want to deal with me? It depends on whether you have the same weight!" Dou sneered, and a giant snake suddenly jumped out from under the ground and opened. He burst into blood and rushed towards Naruto.

"This lunatic!"

Everyone couldn't help cursing in their hearts, including bringing them up!

It is actually at a disadvantage to confront Xie Chen with the strength of bringing the soil, but he still dare not directly summon the Golem of Jiudao, because once the thing is summoned, it is definitely a big killer, and it is the same for both sides, and Because of the location, coupled with the flexibility of personnel, it may be more powerful than the opponent.

But Dou actually didn't care about this aspect at all and summoned his giant snake directly. Is this planning to kill his own people together?

Sure enough, their worry is not superfluous.

Naruto quickly dodges the giant snake's attack, but the giant snake that missed a blow rushes towards him again. Of course, Naruto's strength would not be so easy to be pounced by it, but the ninjas behind Naruto are in bad luck, and facing this giant snake with their strength can only be crushed.

"Damn! Dou, hurry up and take care of this big snake! Don't let it run wild again!" The people of Xiao Organization have already begun to yell at them. If they are not facing the same enemy, they might have started to attack Dou. attack.

"Cut, I really don't know how to fight. How weak as you are, how can you deal with the Ninja Union Army. That kind of ninja, if you die, you will die!" Tou didn't take them seriously. Anyway, he was determined to take the soil and didn't dare to turn his face on him at this time.

"Forget it, everyone get out of the way first, don't have a conflict with him, go to the ninja coalition army farther away!"

Xiao Nan and the others were indeed scrupulous, hesitated for a while and finally waved their hands, directing the shadow ninjas to stay away from this battle area.

Of course, the Ninja Army would not stop it. Although Naruto deliberately guided the giant snake's direction, if he couldn't grasp it, he and others would definitely be unlucky.

At this moment, Sasuke and Itachi also rushed up.

No matter how disdain Sasuke's mouth was, he never wanted Naruto to have an accident. As soon as he rushed up, he entered the state of Susano, and both swords slashed towards the body of the pocket at the same time!

The last time they faced the pocket plus the power of the giant snake, they were indeed not their opponents. But this time they used two enemies to deal with pockets alone to see what other tricks he could play! ..


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