Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 242: Fight again

Dodging their slashes, watching with cold eyes, realized that his giant snake might really not be able to take Naruto, and the two sides could not form a strong support, which would greatly reduce their strength.

But at this time, he would never be afraid of Sasuke and Itachi. When he landed on the ground, countless snake patterns leaked from below the surface and attached to his body.


Facing Sasuke's slashing again, without flashing his arms, he used his snake-like arms to directly block the blow!

"Strengthening the body?" Sasuke dodges his counterattack, while looking at his pocket in amazement. This kind of ability was something he didn't show last time.

How many post tricks did this guy hide!


Itachi also noticed something wrong with his pocket. It seemed that it was difficult to really hurt him with a physical attack, so he immediately launched his own Amaterasu, trying to kill him with this infinitely burning flame.

But Dou also knew very well about Itachi's power, and he had already guarded against his move. As soon as the black flame burned to his skin, he used a knife in his hand to directly cut off that piece of meat without giving Amaterasu a chance to spread to other parts of his body!

The firmness of the mind is so ruthless, even in the world of ninjas.

"Hehe, what other methods of attack do you have now? Use them all for me to see." Dou knows that it costs a lot of money to use such ninjutsu, so he is completely confident at this time.

"Don't get over there, I want to see if your body strengthening can reach the level of Xie Chen!" Sasuke gathered the chakra with thunder attributes and used the "Chidori" to cut towards the pocket.

Dou coldly snorted, but of course it is impossible to block the Chidori who can even cut through thunder and lightning, not to mention that this trick is now used by Sasuke through the power of Susao.

"I don't need a Chidori who can block you at all. In Susao's state, your chakra consumption would have been greater than usual. As long as I dodge twice, you will not be able to attack again. If I If it were you, you would never use this desperate approach. When your chakras are exhausted, I see if you can reach the sky!"

Facing this kind of boring tactics, Sasuke and Itachi really had nothing to do. Their speed and offensive abilities were already very powerful, but they were not inferior to them in these aspects. Therefore, on the one hand, they have to worry about the other side's weird means to make them talk silently, and on the other hand, they are very angry at Dou's arrogant appearance, and want to find a chance to attack and let Dou close forever Other people's mouths!

Tou saw their reaction but the corner of his mouth provoked a sneer.

That Itachi had nothing more to do, he had already had countless life and death experiences, and he was determined to kill his family with humiliation, so even if he used some tricks, he couldn't shake his heart. But Sasuke is different. As long as he provocates with his current attitude, it will be difficult for him to calm down and fight with himself.

Otherwise, whether their chakras are exhausted first or their flaws are exposed first. It's really hard to say clearly.

"Chidori Chibon!" Sure enough, Sasuke pursued several times but did not touch Dou's body. Anxious and angry, he used ninjutsu that consumes more Chakra.

With Sasuke as the center, countless thousand shots were shot, but those attacks were no longer effective in causing much damage to the distant pockets. "The psychedelic snake!"

"Hmph, don't you know that all illusions are useless for our writing wheel eyes?" Sasuke rushed towards the pocket without any fear!

"Haha, isn't it?" Seeing Sasuke's reaction, a treacherous smile appeared on the corner of Dou's mouth.

Countless little snakes rushed towards Sasuke, seemingly or not. However, with his pupil power, he couldn't see through the true colors of these little snakes.

"No!" Sasuke reacted suddenly.

These little snakes were physical attacks at all, and they almost fell in love with them!

It was too late to flash them all over, but Sasuke still didn't look panicked. The right hand turned into a chakra blade, flying like the wind, and completely killed those little snakes!


However, Dou also took advantage of this moment when he suddenly deceived him in front of him and blasted out a punch, so powerful that even Sasuke had the protection of Suzano's power and was blown away.


At this time, Naruto finally caught the opportunity and activated the fairy mode. The psychic produced a huge toad and barely blocked the giant snake. At the same time, he flew and attacked and kicked it aside. Seeing that Sasuke was almost at a loss again, he shouted and rushed up immediately. .

"Take care of your enemies!"

On such a chaotic battlefield, Sasuke also heard Naruto's call and sternly stopped his support.

"The two of us can deal with it naturally, you only need to get rid of that big snake!"

"Sasuke!" Naruto looked at Sasuke in shock, only feeling that his fighting spirit had reached a level that even he was a little afraid of.

"Naruto, let Sasuke be yours. And I'm by his side." Itachi said calmly.

Naruto looked at the two of them and nodded heavily. Knowing that if he was willing to support him anymore, even if he finally defeated his pocket, it would be tantamount to a great distrust of Sasuke and Itachi.

Now that Sasuke has made up his mind, he must believe in him. Only by entrusting his back to them is his greatest support!

"Pocket, I didn't expect that in the situation like that last time, you still have some reservations. The strength you show now is indeed beyond my expectation. However, today we still have to defeat you here! Get enlightened! "

"The last sentence, I can also send it back to you. Now, I will let you brothers see my true power! And as long as you kill you and absorb your power, then I will have someone like Xie Chen The strength of the frontal challenge!"..


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