Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 6: Cheating cloth

Sauron and Moqi fought together, but within a few minutes, Bucky's other good fighting force also came. Luffy twisted his arm, grinning and used his most famous move.

Nami helped the mayor to get along for a while, and then the mayor stood up without incident, took off her heavy armor, and lay on the roof and watched the central circle of the battle eagerly.

There is no difference from the original book, Sauron and Luffy successfully knocked the two people off, but the process was really mother-in-law, Xie Chen looked bored.

The crowd gathered together again without incident, discussing a plan for Bucky.

"The infamous pirate is naturally going to kill him!" Nami didn't hesitate, "They should have a lot of treasures. Let's find them quickly and leave here."

Sauron didn't care, lying on the ground tiredly, "This guy's bounty should be similar."

Luffy didn't understand, and scratched his hair, "But we are also pirates now."

"Leave it to the mayor to decide. Let's find the treasure that Nami said." Xie Chen knew Nami's paranoia about money, so he smiled slightly and looked at Luffy and Sauron, "You are with the mayor. Here, Nami and I are leaving first."

"Oh, thanks." Luffy replied subconsciously.

Finally, before leaving, Xie Chen looked back at Bucky hanging on the crossbar, and said casually: "Although it is easy to be controlled by me, this guy is one of the seven martial arts. He is not weak. I The light rope will disappear automatically after a while, so let’s figure out how to solve it as soon as possible."

Luffy nodded his head seemingly, Sauron was already asleep.

Looking at him like this, I know that the natural protagonist is unreliable, but it is also the protagonist. He must be able to beat Bucky when he broke out, and Xie Chen didn't care much.

"Treasure, treasure." Nami's eyes lit up. "Let's go quickly."

Nami had already found out where Bucky’s treasure was. The two of them went there easily. It was full of gold and jewels and jade. The treasures of this world were not mixed with moisture at all. Xie Chen fainted. The drunk guard, Nami wanted to pack the treasure with a large piece of cloth.

"Don't be so troublesome, it's very heavy to lift." Xie Chen raised his hand and planned to pack these treasures into the panel space.

"Hey, this is mine." Nami stood in front of the treasure nervously, "Let’s say there are ten million Baileys, and this nautical chart, even if you want it, you should divide me half. Right."

Xie Chen shook his head helplessly, "First of all, I am not interested in the treasures at all, it is all yours."

"Really, you are such a good person!" Nami's eyes sparkled immediately, and her beautiful face added a lot of charm. "Then let's go now. It's best to get out of here as soon as possible."

"There are still those two people." Xie Chen touched his chin.

"Don't worry about those two guys, everything is over, nothing will happen!"

"Ah, it's not so good." Without Nami, the navigator, can those two people successfully find a deceitful cloth? Sauron is a road idiot, and Luffy can't swim. Thinking about it, I feel vague.

"The two of them are pirates. Even if they have just fought side by side, they have only known each other for only two hours. Although they seem to be little ghosts, but..." Nami said, she couldn't convince herself. There was a hesitant look on his face, "There seems to be a lot of pirates in this city, but Bucky has been dealt with, and they should all run away too." Nami thought for a while and made up her mind, "I'm going to the Great Channel. It's a very dangerous place. It would be nice to have some good companions."

Hard-mouthed girl.

Xie Chen reached out and rubbed her hair, smiled slightly, "Let's go then."

They didn't see Luffy and Sauron in the town, but saw a large group of citizens gratefully thanking the sea. Xie Chen and Nami looked at each other and quickly came to the beach.

"Hey, you are too slow, navigator and tourist!"

Luffy's loud voice echoed on the sea.


Luffy nibbled at the apple and muttered: "It's really not the best way to eat fruit every day, as expected, you still need meat."

Sauron agreed, "I still have wine."

"At least something to keep out the wind and rain." Xie Chen looked up at the sun in distress. The weather on the sea changed too strangely. Just now, there will be heavy rain in a while.

"It's too dangerous for us to break into the Great Channel like this unpreparedly. Looking at our state and equipment, it is undoubtedly going to die." Nami seriously took out the nautical chart of the Great Channel and carefully identified it. Direction and wind direction.

Luffy turned and sat cross-legged, looking at Xie Chen expectantly, "As for the crew, I hope there will be cooks and musicians. By the way, can you cook or play a musical instrument?"

"No, I watch the scenery."

Nami continued, "...Going south, there is a small island. It's best to find a decent boat there."

Luffy dropped his shoulders in disappointment, "What is the scenery, can I eat it?"

Finally, Nami couldn't stand it and went crazy, "You... don't make trouble!"

Xie Chen showed a faint smile, beckoned Namela back to sit down beside him, put her right hand on her shoulder, and handed over a big bright red apple, "Take a good rest, Voyager, wait until we get to the island. Have a delicious meal and plan again. The boat will naturally be straight at the bridge head."

The city was built by the sea, and the long sea breeze was blowing gently. The four of them set foot on the shore with a sloppy mood, but they were surprised by the many projectiles shot from the trunk with a slingshot. At least Nami hid behind Xie Chen in shock after hearing the deceitful nonsense.

But Luffy held down his straw hat and curled his lips, "Since he drew his gun, he would kill himself."

The protagonist really has a very coaxing aura.

His expression caused Xie Chen to turn his head and look at it, raising his eyebrows slightly, but in front of him was Luffy's related acquaintance, the child of Luffy's most admired colleague Shanks.

Nami grabbed the corner of Xie Chen's clothes and curled her lips, "It's all a bunch of liars."..


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