Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 13 Chapter 7: Guardian Miss Keya

Because of Shanks’ relationship, Xie Chen and his party were immediately invited to the village of Lirenbu, and had a hearty lunch in a restaurant. A large piece of meat was stuffed by Luffy in a couple of mouthfuls. I didn't know if he tasted it or not, and he said it was delicious after eating.

Know that Lu Fei knows the deceitful dad.

Since there is a relationship, Nami also showed a confident smile on her face, "So, is there any way in this village to find a boatman who can build a boat? We need a boat." The topic easily turned to the island. The only rich man, and the daughter of that rich man is also the more famous gentle beauty in the original book.

"I don't know this. I have something else to leave first." The deceitful cloth eyeballs rolled, haha, and the topic was revealed, and I took the opportunity to slip away.

Probably the feeling of guarding that girl is too strong, so don't worry about anyone contacting it.

Xie Chen was able to understand the deceitful mood, and she was a little bit looking forward to the simple and lovely Miss Keya.

But I didn’t worry. When I was full and drowsy, someone would bring pillows up. Sure enough, when the plates were piled up cleanly, three little ghosts rushed in, dressed as pirates. They were taken aback by Sauron deliberately playing cool, but they screamed at Nami without a word, "Aunt Tiger!"

"Hi, what do you call me!" Nami was upset.

"Unexpected taste." Xie Chen gave Sauron a funny look. "Don't worry, we know Usopp, he is fine, but he disappeared after talking about the villa just now."

The three little ghosts said in unison: "Ah, that must be to see Miss Keya."

"Miss Keya, can you talk about it in detail?" After hearing the key points, Nami grinned at the three little ghosts who were scared of herself. The meaning of eating them seemed really scary.

The three little ghosts shuddered, and immediately told Keya about the matter.

Xie Chen motioned, "Let's go in and take a look."

Luffy wheeled his arms and was very happy to use his abilities to bounce everyone in, but Xie Chen was not interested in this kind of treatment. He wrapped Nami's waist with one hand and floated up in the air, "I will go in first with her. "

"Hey, there is no loyalty at all." This is not the first time that Sauron has been bounced like this, with his head drooping, and Lu Fei's rubber hands entangled him.

The group of them just fell from the sky, and frightened the deceitful Miss Buhe Keya who was talking and laughing.

But Ya is really beautiful, with pale blonde hair, and the delicate beauty of his eyes, and his pale face makes people feel pitiful. She can be called a very good beauty.

Xie Chen took a few more glances, but was spotted by Nami, her lips pursed slightly, and she stretched out her hand to pull at the corner of his clothes unhappily, as if it was not enough, her slender fingers followed the muscles behind her. For a moment.

"Ah, jealous?"

A smile was raised at the corner of Xie Chen's mouth, and he looked sideways at Nami.

Nami's face blushed, and she put her hands down and muttered in a low voice, "No." Although Keya is beautiful, she is not the type that Xie Chen likes.

While Luffy and Nami were discussing with Ms. Keya, a butler in a suit and leather shoes came over. The contempt of high-level contempt in a few words annoyed the deceitful cloth. No matter which world he is in, it would be extremely difficult for Diaosi to pursue Bai Fumei. During the process, the deceitful confessed to the other side's insult to his father, and had a fight with the housekeeper.

As a result of this, all of them were driven out, but as soon as they came out, Luffy's figure disappeared. It should have been a lie.

"It's really a troublesome guy. I don't know what a team is. It's not a nonsense thing now."

Nami was sitting on the wooden railing with her hands supporting her cheeks, while complaining, while shaking her legs, her legs were slender and straight, taking advantage of her delicate figure to be perfect.

Xie Chen leaned next to her, Chong Du smiled and looked at her.

Sauron looked at the two of them thoughtfully with the sword in his arms, and curled his lips. He was not interested in doing things like light bulbs. He was planning to leave, but one of the three little ghosts yelled.

"Ah, there is a weird man walking backwards!"

That very interesting hypnotist.

Xie Chen looked at the hypnotist with heart-shaped sunglasses with great interest and took out the props, but directly hypnotized himself and the three little ghosts to fall asleep.

Are people in this world generally low in IQ?

But the butler of Krabat tried to seize Miss Keya’s property with a trick. This kind of brain is not because of a problem. It is probably because things like luck are too unstable. Otherwise, how could Krabatel be so carelessly caught by Luffy. Liar Bu overheard his plan.

Xie Chen shrugged, awakened the three little ghosts, followed the black-faced Nami and Sauron, left here, and changed a place to wait for Luffy and Deception.

About half an hour later, the deceitful person ran over in a hurry, sweating profusely, and ran across them towards the village without squinting.

Nami jumped down from the wooden railing and looked at the direction that Liebo had left. "Are you still angry? Because his father was insulted?"

Xie Chen said lightly: "His expression is scared."

He put his fingers around Nami's hair and smoothed her rough head.

The three little ghosts were a little nervous. "There must be something serious. Usopp has never been like this at the seaside."

"Hey, how do I get to the beach?" Sauron asked.

Xie Chen and a group of people walked to the beach and woke up Luffy who had smashed his head into the surface of the stone. Because of his fruiting ability, this guy was really very resistant.

In a while, the plot should be about to fight again, the initial opponents are really weak and make people feel uncomfortable. ..


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